03777nam 2200625Ia 450 991067701850332120170816124849.01-78268-339-91-282-49128-897866124912831-4051-9725-01-4443-1893-41-4443-1894-2(CKB)1000000000771773(EBL)480455(OCoLC)646425263(SSID)ssj0000353909(PQKBManifestationID)11260959(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000353909(PQKBWorkID)10302046(PQKB)10689145(MiAaPQ)EBC480455(PPN)232429731(EXLCZ)99100000000077177320090811d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe Blackwell companion to the New Testament[electronic resource] /edited by David E. AuneMalden, MA Wiley-Blackwell20101 online resource (714 p.)The Blackwell companions to religionDescription based upon print version of record.1-4051-8481-7 1-4051-0825-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.The Blackwell Companion to the New Testament; Contents; Contributors; Introduction; CHAPTER 1: The World of Roman Hellenism; CHAPTER 2: The World of Early Judaism; CHAPTER 3: The Archaeological Setting; CHAPTER 4: New Testament Greek; CHAPTER 5: Reconstructing the Text of the New Testament; CHAPTER 6: The Canons of the New Testament; CHAPTER 7: Historical Criticism; CHAPTER 8: Literary Criticism; CHAPTER 9: Form Criticism; CHAPTER 10: Feminist Criticism; CHAPTER 11: Rhetorical Criticism; CHAPTER 12: Social-Scientific Criticism; CHAPTER 13: Socio-Rhetorical InterpretationCHAPTER 14: The Problem of the Historical JesusCHAPTER 15: The Synoptic Problem; CHAPTER 16: Q : The Sayings Source; CHAPTER 17: The Gospel of Mark; CHAPTER 18: The Gospel of Matthew; CHAPTER 19: Luke-Acts: The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles; CHAPTER 20: Johannine Literature: The Gospel and Letters of John; CHAPTER 21: Paul and his Letters; CHAPTER 22: Paul's Letter to the Romans; CHAPTER 23: 1 Corinthians; CHAPTER 24: 2 Corinthians; CHAPTER 25: Galatians; CHAPTER 26: Philippians; CHAPTER 27: Colossians; CHAPTER 28: 1 Thessalonians; CHAPTER 29: 2 ThessaloniansCHAPTER 30: Paul's Letter to PhilemonCHAPTER 31: Ephesians; CHAPTER 32: The Pastoral Letters: 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus; CHAPTER 33: The Letter of James; CHAPTER 34: 1 Peter; CHAPTER 35: 2 Peter and Jude; CHAPTER 36: Hebrews; CHAPTER 37: The Apocalypse of John; CHAPTER 38: New Testament Apocrypha; IndexThe Blackwell Companion to the New Testament is a detailed introduction to the New Testament, written by more than 40 scholars from a variety of Christian denominations. Treats the 27 books and letters of the New Testament systematically, beginning with a review of current issues and concluding with an annotated bibliographyConsiders the historical, social and cultural contexts in which the New Testament was produced, exploring relevant linguistic and textual issuesAn international contributor list of over 40 scholars represent wide field expertise and a variety of ChrisBlackwell companions to religion.TheologyTheology.225225.6Aune David Edward181405MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910677018503321The Blackwell companion to the New Testament3065218UNINA