01371nam 2200445 450 991067109880332120210104171624.084-1324-059-X(CKB)4100000007880172(MiAaPQ)EBC5809081(OCoLC)1139476467(FINmELB)ELB113324(EXLCZ)99410000000788017220200110d2019 uy 0spaurcnu||||||||txtrdamedia/spacrdamedia/spardacarrier/spaLa apelación "reconvencional" civil /Álvaro Vidal Herrero ; prólogo de José Manuel Chozas AlonsoMadrid :Dykinson,2019.1 recurso en línea (148 páginas)Biblioteca práctica procesal84-1324-016-6 Contiene bibliografía.Biblioteca práctica procesal.Appellate procedureSpainApelaciónEspañaLibros electronicos.Appellate procedureApelación347.4608Vidal Herrero Álvaro1335805Chozas Alonso Jose ManuelFINmELBFINmELBBOOK9910671098803321La apelación "reconvencional" civil3050801UNINA01435aam 2200385I 450 991071001420332120151118015329.0GOVPUB-C13-4acfbaeb37921cda7c86c1a919eeebae(CKB)5470000002476138(OCoLC)929883067(EXLCZ)99547000000247613820151118d1977 ua 0engrdacontentrdamediardacarrierMetallurgical evaluation and fracture analysis of a pneumatically-burst seamless steel compressed gas cylinder /Bruce W. Christ; John H. SmithGaithersburg, MD :U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology,1977.1 online resourceNBSIR ;76-11811977.Contributed record: Metadata reviewed, not verified. Some fields updated by batch processes.Title from PDF title page.Includes bibliographical references.Christ Bruce W1388316Christ Bruce W1388316Smith John H103133United States.National Bureau of Standards.NBSNBSGPOBOOK9910710014203321Metallurgical evaluation and fracture analysis of a pneumatically-burst seamless steel compressed gas cylinder3457929UNINA02323nlm0 2200337 450 00003595720231121155728.0978-88-921-8259-2eBook-PDF20231030d2021----km-y0itay50------baitaIT--------001cysdoug----uuuuu<<Il >>corpo delle donnerisorsa elettronicala condizione giuridica femminile (1946-2021)a cura di Paola Torretta e Veronica ValentiTorinoGiappichelli20211 testo elettronico (XLV, 429 p.)Testo elettronicoIndice del libro free access:http://digital.casalini.it/9788892182592È sul corpo delle donne che si decide. Sulla loro capacità di autodeterminazione. A decidere sempre altri, molto spesso uomini. Da questo dato di fatto, così marcatamente predefinito, prende le mosse il cammino verso la libertà delle donne italiane. E il suffragio universale è uno dei capisaldi di questo cammino, una pietra miliare voluta e conquistata dalle donne: un punto di partenza che ha significato un percorso, certamente irto di ostacoli, proiettato verso la libertà, l'autodeterminazione, l'indipendenza. Si potrebbero fare molti esempi, ma questo racconta di un'esistenza al femminile nella prima parte del Novecento. È il 1926 quando a Grazia Deledda viene assegnato il premio Nobel per la letteratura: questa la motivazione "Per la sua potenza di scrittrice, sostenuta da un alto ideale, che ritrae in forme plastiche la vita quale è nella sua appartata isola natale e che, con profondità e con calore, tratta problemi di generale interesse umano". Grazia Deledda morì il 15 agosto 1936: quindi non esercitò il diritto di voto.<<Il >>corpo delle donne2898729DonneItaliaDiritto342.45087823Giurisdizione sulle donne. ItaliaTorretta,Paola340Valenti,Veronica340ITUNIPARTHENOPE20231121REICATUNIMARCData ultima consultazione: 21-11-2023http://digital.casalini.it/9788892182592Accesso limitato alla rete di Ateneo Università di Napoli "Parthenope"000035957EBOOK49710NAVA12023Corpo delle donne2898729UNIPARTHENOPE06393nam 22006375 450 991034932980332120230810163749.03-030-05584-110.1007/978-3-030-05584-4(CKB)4100000009522901(MiAaPQ)EBC5940487(DE-He213)978-3-030-05584-4(EXLCZ)99410000000952290120191011d2019 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierHandbook of Diagnostic Classification Models Models and Model Extensions, Applications, Software Packages /edited by Matthias von Davier, Young-Sun Lee1st ed. 2019.Cham :Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer,2019.1 online resource (646 pages)Methodology of Educational Measurement and Assessment,2367-17183-030-05583-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.1. Introduction: From Latent Class Analysis to DINA and Beyond -- PART 1: Approaches to Cognitive Diagnosis -- 2. Nonparametric Item Response Theory and Mokken Scale Analysis, with Relations to Latent Class Models and Cognitive Diagnostic Models -- 3. The Reparameterized Unified Model System: A Diagnostic Assessment Modeling Approach -- 4.Bayesian Networks -- 5. Nonparametric Classification Models -- 6. General Diagnostic Model (GDM) -- 7. Generalized Deterministic Inputs, Noisy “and” Gate Model (G-DINA) -- 8. Loglinear Cognitive Diagnostic Model (LCDM) -- 9. Diagnostic Modeling of Skill Hierarchies and Cognitive Process with MLTM-D -- 10. Explanatory Diagnostic Models -- 11. Insights from Reparametrized DINA and Beyond -- PART 2: Special Topics -- 12. Q Matrix Learning via Latent Variable Selection and Identifiability -- 13. Global Model and Item-level Fit Indices -- 14.Exploratory Data Analysis and Cognitive Diagnostic Model -- 15. CDM-CAT -- 16. Identifiability and Cognitive Diagnostic Model -- 17. Classification Consistency and Reliability -- 18.Differential Item Functioning in CDM -- 19. Parameter Invariance and Skill Attribute Continuity in DCMs: Bifactor MIRT as an Appealing and Related Alternative -- PART 3: Applications -- 20.Application of CDMs to Process Data Analysis -- 21. Application of CDMs to Learning Systems -- 22. CDMs in Vocational Education -- 23. Analyzing Large Scale Assessment Data with Diagnostic Models -- 24. Reduced Reparameterized Unified Model Applied to Learning Spatial Reasoning Skills -- 25. How to Conduct a Study with Diagnostic Models -- PART 4: Software, Data, and Tools -- 26. The R package CDM for Diagnostic Modeling -- 27. Diagnostic Classification Modeling with flexMIRT -- 28. Using Mplus to Estimate the Log-Linear Cognitive Diagnosis Model -- 29. The GDINA R-package -- 30. GDM software mdltm including Parallel EM algorithm.-31. Estimating CDMs using MCMC.This handbook provides an overview of major developments around diagnostic classification models (DCMs) with regard to modeling, estimation, model checking, scoring, and applications. It brings together not only the current state of the art, but also the theoretical background and models developed for diagnostic classification. The handbook also offers applications and special topics and practical guidelines how to plan and conduct research studies with the help of DCMs. Commonly used models in educational measurement and psychometrics typically assume a single latent trait or at best a small number of latent variables that are aimed at describing individual differences in observed behavior. While this allows simple rankings of test takers along one or a few dimensions, it does not provide a detailed picture of strengths and weaknesses when assessing complex cognitive skills. DCMs, on the other hand, allow the evaluation of test taker performance relative to a potentially large number of skill domains. Most diagnostic models provide a binary mastery/non-mastery classification for each of the assumed test taker attributes representing these skill domains. Attribute profiles can be used for formative decisions as well as for summative purposes, for example in a multiple cut-off procedure that requires mastery on at least a certain subset of skills. The number of DCMs discussed in the literature and applied to a variety of assessment data has been increasing over the past decades, and their appeal to researchers and practitioners alike continues to grow. These models have been used in English language assessment, international large scale assessments, and for feedback for practice exams in preparation of college admission testing, just to name a few. Nowadays, technology-based assessments provide increasingly rich data on a multitude of skills and allow collection of data with respect to multiple types of behaviors. Diagnostic models can be understood as an ideal match for these types of data collections to provide more in-depth information about test taker skills and behavioral tendencies.Methodology of Educational Measurement and Assessment,2367-1718Educational tests and measurementsPsychometricsSocial sciencesStatistical methodsCognitive psychologyAssessment and TestingPsychometricsStatistics in Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, Education, Behavorial Sciences, Public PolicyCognitive PsychologyEducational tests and measurements.Psychometrics.Social sciencesStatistical methods.Cognitive psychology.Assessment and Testing.Psychometrics.Statistics in Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, Education, Behavorial Sciences, Public Policy.Cognitive Psychology.371.26371.26von Davier Matthiasedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtLee Young-Sunedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910349329803321Handbook of diagnostic classification models1771740UNINA