03685nam 2200865Ia 450 991066234910332120200520144314.0978661100126197811181552021118155203978128100126912810012609781118154441111815444497819329731811932973184(CKB)111086906336486(EBL)818836(OCoLC)794327466(SSID)ssj0000079626(PQKBManifestationID)12015679(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000079626(PQKBWorkID)10075507(PQKB)10829776(OCoLC)290567061(Au-PeEL)EBL818836(CaSebORM)1882197739(MiAaPQ)EBC3007584(MiAaPQ)EBC818836(EXLCZ)9911108690633648620021108d2002 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrManaging conflict with direct reports /lead contributors Barbara Popejoy, Brenda J. McManigle ; contributors Talula Cartwright ... [et al.]1st editionGreensboro, N.C. Center for Creative Leadershipc20021 online resource (32 p.)Ideas into action guidebooksCCL ;no. 418Description based upon print version of record.9781882197736 1882197739 Includes bibliographical references.Title Page; Table of Contents; Conflict and Resolution; Conflict with Direct Reports Is a Special Case; Managing the Relationship; Managing the Work; A Process for Managing Conflict; Recognising Both Sides of the Conflict; Preparing for a Conflict Resolution Session; During the Conflict Resolution Session; After the Conflict Resolution Session; Managing Conflict for Success and Development; Suggested Readings; Background; Key Point Summary; Lead ContributorsConflict is inevitable when people work together, and it's one of the most difficult challenges facing managers. But it's a challenge that successful leaders learn to address. Managers who develop an understanding of difference without judgment and are willing to see more than one perspective or solution are in a good position to manage conflict with their direct reports. Conflict between managers and direct reports highlights a power relationship and affects the work itself-the tasks for which managers and direct reports share responsibility. Managers who look to see both sides of conflict caReport (Center for Creative Leadership) ;no. 418.Ideas into action guidebooks.Conflict managementCommunication in managementLeadershipOrganizational effectivenessOrganizational behaviorElectronic books. localConflict management.Communication in management.Leadership.Organizational effectiveness.Organizational behavior.658.3145658.4053Popejoy BarbaraPopejoy Barbara.aut1057177McManigle Brenda J.aut1057178Cartwright Talula.aut1057179Center for Creative Leadership.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910662349103321Managing conflict with direct reports4197622UNINA