01067nam0 2200313 450 00002022020090313140853.0058232015120081203d1998----km-y0itay50------baengGBUSy-------001yyEuropean monetary integrationDaniel Gros and Niels Thygesen2nd ed.Harlow (UK)New YorkLongman1998XIV, 574 p.25 cmIn cop.: From the European monetary system to Economic and monetary union.European monetary integration33392MonetaUnificazionePaesi della Comunità economica europeaSistema monetario europeo332.4509420Moneta. Cambio estero. EuropaGros,Daniel125725Thygesen,Niels070ITUNIPARTHENOPE20081203RICAUNIMARC000020220424/1168996NAVA2424/938457NAVA22009European monetary integration33392UNIPARTHENOPE01592nam0 2200337 i 450 SUN012413120191010113036.3290.00N978-981-10-6409-820191008d2017 |0engc50 baengSG|||| |||||*Advances in Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical SystemsICDEA, Osaka, Japan, July 2016Saber Elaydi ... [et al.] editorsSingapore : Springer, 2017x282 p.ill. ; 24 cmPubblicazione in formato elettronico001SUN01025742001 *Springer proceedings in mathematics & statistics212210 BerlinSpringer2012-.37-XXDynamical systems and ergodic theory [MSC 2020]MFSUNC02036392-XXBiology and other natural sciences [MSC 2020]MFSUNC02083939-XXDifference and functional equations [MSC 2020]MFSUNC029242SGSingaporeSUNL000061Elaydi, Saber N.SUNV035885International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications22.2016Osaka, JapanSUNV095597SpringerSUNV000178650ITSOL20210503RICAhttp://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-6409-8SUN0124131UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICA08CONS e-book 0526 08eMF526 20191008 Advances in Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems1562533UNICAMPANIA05996nam 2200577 450 991065949050332120231211151919.03-031-24078-210.1007/978-3-031-24078-2(MiAaPQ)EBC7203934(Au-PeEL)EBL7203934(CKB)26162126400041(DE-He213)978-3-031-24078-2(EXLCZ)992616212640004120230518d2023 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCrossing boundaries in researching, understanding, and improving language education essays in honor of G. Richard Tucker /edited by Dongbo Zhang, Ryan T. Miller1st ed. 2023.Cham, Switzerland :Springer,[2023]©20231 online resource (369 pages)Educational Linguistics,2215-1656 ;58Print version: Zhang, Dongbo Crossing Boundaries in Researching, Understanding, and Improving Language Education Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,c2023 9783031240775 Includes bibliographical references.Foreword (R. Donato) -- Foreword (S. Polansky) -- Chapter 1. Boundary crossing in researching, understanding, and improving language education: An introduction and the “Tuckerian Impact” (D. Zhang, R. T. Miller) -- Part I. Language Learning and Development -- Chapter 2. “I Want the Next Experience”: Israeli Adult Native Bilinguals Tell the Story of Their Childhood Bilinguality (D. Dubiner) -- Chapter 3. Boundary crossing from the start: 55 years of second language grammatical gender research in review (D. Walter) -- Chapter 4. Non-expert native speakers’ criteria for evaluating pragmatic productions: Implications for pragmatics learning in L2 Chinese (S. Li, X. Li, Y. Feng and T. Wen) -- Chapter 5. Early home and weekend school support in later Chinese Heritage Language literacy development (H. Zhang, X. Cheng and J. Lin) -- Part II. Teachers and Instructional Processes -- Chapter 6. Crossing the disciplines: State of TESOL teacher education programs in US Universities (M. Hamada and R. T. Miller) -- Chapter 7. Computerized mediation in the instruction and development of L2 pragmatic competence: A dynamic assessment perspective (T. Qin) -- Chapter 8. Writing Development of the Case Analysis Genre: The Importance of Feedback and Negotiated Construction in the Teaching Learning Cycle (M. P. Gomez-Laich, S. Pessoa and A Mahboob) -- Chapter 9. Boundary Crossing: Integrating Visual Arts into Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (Y. Liu) -- Part III. Program Innovation, Implementation, and Evaluation -- Chapter 10. Student-Level Variables and Academic Achievement in a Mandarin Dual Language Immersion Program (C. Lü, A. Pace and L. Liu) -- Chapter 11. Evaluating the Chinese Modular Curriculum in Singapore primary schools: Insights from teachers and students (D. Zhang, S. Zhao and X. Sun) -- Chapter 12. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on American students’ willingness to study abroad (F. Xiao and K. Nie) -- Chapter 13. Writing as a design art: Crossing boundaries between disciplinarity and rhetoricity in university business programs (R. T. Miller, S. Pessoa and D. Kaufer) -- Part IV. Language-in-Education Planning and Policy -- Chapter 14. EFL Literacy Development in Ethnic and Language Minority Learners: Implications from Tertiary-Level EFL Teaching and Learning in Ethnic Minorities in China (S. (Echo) Ke -- Chapter 15. “In a Foreign Bubble” while in China: Language use among international students during China’s Belt and Road (Y. Wang and W. Diao) -- Chapter 16. When transfer transfers: Applying cross-linguistic reading transfer theory to language of instruction policies in multilingual contexts in low- and middle-income countries (P. R. Nakamura).This volume brings together original papers from language education scholars from around the world to explore, exemplify, and discuss the multiplicity of boundary crossing in language education. It emphasizes the potential of boundary crossing for expansive learning, and aims to generate new insights, through boundary crossing, into the complexity of language education and approaches to innovative practices. This volume also underscores the important role of expert boundary crossers. In particular, it aims to honor G. Richard Tucker, Paul Mellon University Professor Emeritus of Applied Linguistics at Carnegie Mellon University, celebrating his distinguished scholarship on language education and paying tribute to the inspiration and mentorship he has given to the contributors of this volume to cross boundaries academically and professionally. This volume is organized into four sections, namely, language learning and development; teachers and instructional processes; program innovation, implementation, and evaluation; and language-in-education policy and planning. These sections or themes, which are necessarily cross-cutting, also represent the major areas of scholarship where Prof. Tucker has made distinguished contributions for over half a century.Educational Linguistics,2215-1656 ;58Applied linguisticsLlenguatge i llengüesthubEnsenyament de la llenguathubLingüística aplicadathubHomenatgesthubLlibres electrònicsthubApplied linguistics.Llenguatge i llengüesEnsenyament de la llenguaLingüística aplicada060Zhang DongboMiller Ryan T.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910659490503321Crossing Boundaries in Researching, Understanding, and Improving Language Education3030775UNINA