01049nam0 2200313 450 00000315620120917164302.088-13-20763-820011016d1997----km-y0itay50------baitaITReti, finanza, progettiGaetano Golinelli, Luca DeziEd. parziale e provvisoriaPadovaCEDAM1997VI, 127 p.tab.24 cmCollana di studi di tecnica aziendale362001Collana di studi di tecnica aziendaleReti, finanza, progetti52500Aziende industrialiOrganizzazioneImpreseCooperazione658.421Gestione in generale. Quadri dirigenti e intermediGolinelli,Gaetano M.3341Dezi,Luca115525ITUNIPARTHENOPERICAUNIMARC000003156P1 658-R/244025PIST2012NAVA1658-R/133478720011016Reti, finanza, progetti52500UNIPARTHENOPE05674nam 22008415 450 991045160620332120210301165150.01-280-49195-797866135871830-520-94632-410.1525/9780520946323(CKB)2550000000101643(EBL)919523(OCoLC)794328502(SSID)ssj0000660775(PQKBManifestationID)11459174(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000660775(PQKBWorkID)10703669(PQKB)10860878(DE-B1597)519521(OCoLC)1110713581(DE-B1597)9780520946323(EXLCZ)99255000000010164320200424h20102010 fg engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 135th Anniversary Edition /Mark Twain; Paul Baender3rd ed.Berkeley, CA :University of California Press,[2010]©20101 online resource (306 p.)Mark Twain LibraryDescription based upon print version of record.0-520-26611-0 Frontmatter --CONTENTS --ILLUSTRATIONS --FOREWORD --THE WRITING OF TOM SAWER --PREFACE --1. Y-o-u-u Tom-Aunt Polly Decides Upon her Duty- Tom Practices Music-The Challenge-A Private Entrance --2. Strong Temptations-Strategic Movements-The Innocents Beguiled --3. Tom as a General-Triumph and Reward-Dismal Felicity-Commission and Omission --4. Mental Acrobatics-Attending Sunday-School-The Superintendent-"Showing off-Tom Lionized --5. A Useful Minister-In Church-The Climax --6. Self-Examination-Dentistry-The Midnight Charm- Witches and Devils-Cautious Approaches-Happy Hours --7. A Treaty Entered Into-Early Lessons-A Mistake Made --8. Tom Decides on his Course-Old Scenes Re-enacted --9. A Solemn Situation-Grave Subjects Introduced- Injun Joe Explains --10. The Solemn Oath-Terror Brings Repentance- Mental Punishment --1 1. Muff Potter Comes Himself-Tom's Conscience at Work --12. Tom Shows his Generosity-Aunt Polly Weakens --13. The Young Pirates-Going to the Rendezvous-The Camp-Fire Talk --14. Camp-Life-A Sensation-Tom Steals Away from Camp --15. Tom Reconnoiters-Learns the Situation-Reports at Camp --16. A Day's Amusements-Tom Reveals a Secret-The Pirates take a Lesson-A Night Surprise-An Indian War --17. Memories of the Lost Heroes-The Point in Tom's Secret --18. Tom's Feelings Investigated-Wonderful Dream- Becky Thatcher Overshadowed-Tom Becomes Jealous-Black Revenge --19. Tom Tells the Truth --20. Becky in a Dilemma-Tom's Nobility Asserts Itself --21. Youthful Eloquence-Compositions by the Young Ladies-A Lengthy Vision-The Boys' Vengeance Satisfied --22. Tom's Confidence Betrayed-Expects Signal Punishment --23. Old Muff's Friends-Muff Potter in Court-Muff Potter Saved --24. Tom as the Village Hero-Days of Splendor and Nights of Horror-Pursuit of Injun Joe --25. About Kings and Diamonds-Search for the Treasure -Dead People and Ghosts --26. The Haunted House-Sleepy Ghosts-A Box of Gold -Bitter Luck --27. Doubts to be Settled-The Young Detectives --28. An Attempt at No. Two-Huck Mounts Guard --29. The Pic-nic-Huck on Injun Joe's Track-The "Revenge" Job--Aid for the Widow --30. The Welchman Reports-Huck Under Fire-The Story Circulated-A New Sensation-Hope Giving Way to Despair --31. An Exploring Expedition-Trouble Commences-Lost in the Cave-Total Darkness-Found but not Saved --32. Tom tells the Story of their Escape-Tom's Enemy in Safe Quarters --33. The Fate of Injun Joe-Huck and Tom Compare Notes-An Expedition to the Cave-Protection Against Ghosts-"An Awful Snug Placen-A Reception at the Widow Douglas's --34. Springing a Secret-Mr. Jones' Surprise a Failure --35. A New Order of Things-Poor Huck-New Adventures Planned --CONCLUSION --EXPLANATORY NOTES --SOURCES FOR CHARACTERS --NOTE ON THE TEXTThis landmark anniversary edition contains a selection of Twain's hard-to-find letters and notes expressing his always-engaging opinions on the publication of Tom Sawyer.Mark Twain LibraryBoys -- FictionChild witnesses -- FictionMississippi River Valley -- FictionMissouri -- FictionRunaway children -- FictionSawyer, Tom (Fictitious character) -- FictionRunaway childrenFictionFugitive slavesFictionEnglishHILCCLanguages & LiteraturesHILCCAmerican LiteratureHILCCElectronic books.Boys -- Fiction.Child witnesses -- Fiction.Mississippi River Valley -- Fiction.Missouri -- Fiction.Runaway children -- Fiction.Sawyer, Tom (Fictitious character) -- Fiction.Runaway childrenFugitive slavesEnglishLanguages & LiteraturesAmerican Literature813.4Twain Mark1835-1910,authttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut27404Baender Pauledthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtBancroft Library Mark Twain Project.DE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910451606203321The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 135th Anniversary Edition2444181UNINA02898 am 2200637 n 450 9910353340003321201911282-271-12995-810.4000/books.editionscnrs.30111(CKB)4100000009914002(FrMaCLE)OB-editionscnrs-30111(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/52875(PPN)241657784(EXLCZ)99410000000991400220191128j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDes mathématiciens et des guerres Histoires de confrontations (XIXe-XXe siècle) /Antonin Durand, Laurent Mazliak, Rossana TazzioliParis CNRS Éditions20191 online resource (126 p.) 2-271-07668-4 Comment les mathématiciens ont-ils mis leurs compétences, leurs connaissances et leur renommée au service de l’action militaire lors de différents conflits des XIXe et XXe siècles ? Leur intervention a pu être déclinée de bien des façons et se faire de manière plus ou moins volontaire, et avec des convictions variables, allant de l’engagement total jusqu’au refus de toute compromission. Le présent livre, issu d’un colloque tenu à Paris en février 2012 à l’Institut des sciences de la communication du CNRS (ISCC), se concentre sur différents modes d’implication des mathématiciens dans les guerres des deux derniers siècles.War and mathematicsCongressesMathematiciansAttitudesCongressesMathematiciansPolitical activityCongressesMathematicsHistory19th centuryCongressesMathematicsHistory20th centuryCongressesmathématiquescommunicationguerrehistoire militaireWar and mathematicsMathematiciansAttitudesMathematiciansPolitical activityMathematicsHistoryMathematicsHistoryAnizan Anne-Laure1291117Durand Antonin1317488Journoud Pierre1288110Malet Antoni1317489Paumier Anne-Sandrine1317490Prevost Jean-Guy1317491Tazzioli Rossana532674Thomas William682634Durand Antonin1317488Mazliak Laurent62216Tazzioli Rossana532674Institut des sciences de la communication (Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France)),FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910353340003321Des mathématiciens et des guerres3032984UNINA03764nam 2201105z- 450 991063999690332120231214132833.03-0365-6042-4(CKB)5470000001633384(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/95856(EXLCZ)99547000000163338420202301d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEcology and Diversity of Marine DecapodsBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (314 p.)3-0365-6041-6 This reprint is a collection of papers on different aspects of the diversity and ecology of marine decapod crustaceans, including integrative taxonomy and genetic diversity, DNA barcoding to match larvae to adults, predator–prey interaction, coral–crab symbiosis, Sargassum–shrimp symbiosis, population dynamics of pelagic shrimps, diversity and distribution of oceanic larvae, spatial distribution of crabs, biodiversity of lobsters, and ecology of cave decapods. These contributions illustrate the variety of life forms, habitat use, and interspecific relationships exhibited by decapod crustaceans, one of the most diverse and abundant marine taxa.Research & information: generalbicsscBiology, life sciencesbicssccytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)larval dispersalmitochondrial genesmolecular data16S rRNAredescriptionBelzebubLucifersex ratiosize structuresize at first maturitypopulation ecologysymbiosisSargassum shrimpschemical cuessponge shrimpcoral cleaner shrimptaxonomycytochrome oxidase 116S ribosomal RNAassociationsouthwest Pacific OceanecologycrustaceancrabcoralDNA barcodingGulf of MexicoCarideaDendrobranchiataDecapodalarval-adult matchinglife historydecapodsspiny lobstersslipper lobstersphyllosomaCaribbean SeaYucatan Currentlobsterlife cyclepredator-preyfood chainBrazilhermit crabPaguridaediversitymolecular phylogenyspecies inventoryzoogeographyspecies richnessdepth preferencecave zonationsecondary stygobiosistrophic depletionprotected speciesCyclograpsus cinereusspatial distributionintertidalrocky shorenegative binomial distributionResearch & information: generalBiology, life sciencesBriones-Fourzán Patriciaedt1280018Hendrickx Michel EedtBriones-Fourzán PatriciaothHendrickx Michel EothBOOK9910639996903321Ecology and Diversity of Marine Decapods3016354UNINA