05163nam 2201261z- 450 991063999170332120231214133055.03-0365-5896-9(CKB)5470000001633436(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/95842(EXLCZ)99547000000163343620202301d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEnvironmental Impact Assessment by Green ProcessesBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (296 p.)3-0365-5895-0 Primary energy consumption around the world has been increasing steadily since the Industrial Revolution and shows no signals of slowing down in the coming years. This trend is accompanied by the increasing pollutant concentration on the Earth’s biosystems and the general concerns over the health and environmental impacts that will ensue. Air quality, water purity, atmospheric CO2 concentration, etc., are some examples of environmental parameters that are degrading due to human activities. These ecosystems can be safeguarded without renouncing industrial development, urban and economic development through the use of low environmental impact technologies instead of equivalent pollutant ones or through the use of technologies to mitigate the negative impact of high emissions technologies. Pollutant abatement systems, carbon capture technologies, biobased products, etc. need to be established in order to make environmental parameters more and more similar to the pre-industrialization values of the planet Earth. In 15 papers international scientists addressed such topics, especially combining a high academic standard coupled with a practical focus on green processes and a quantitative approach to environmental impacts.Technology: general issuesbicsscHistory of engineering & technologybicsscenvironmental complianceenterprise innovationChinese manufacturing enterprisesU-shaped relationshipanaerobic digestiondigestateliquid-solid separationmembrane separationnutrient recoverymembrane foulingbiomasssyngas scrubber wastewaterenvironmental pollutionpollutant abatement technologiesbiocharadsorptionair qualitySaharan dustmineral dusttoxicity assessmentluminescent bacteriaacute and chronic toxicityenvironmental stringency policieshuman developmentCO2 emissionspanel cointegration and causality analyseshydroelectricity consumptioneconomic growthurbanizationChinacrop productionagricultural carbon emissionsEKCdecouplingLMDIinnovative human capitalCO2 emissionChinese provincesemissions trading systemgreen total factor productivityspatial difference-in-differenceenergy efficiencygreen innovationindustry structurespatial heterogeneitycarbon taxlow-carbon economydouble dividendCGE modeltax neutralitycarbon tax recycling systemhuman resource management (HRM)green psychological climate (GPC)green organizational culture (GOC)environmental concernseconomic performanceCEO tournament incentivetournament theorystate-owned enterprisescarbon tax recycling policygreen economytechnological progresstriple dividendcarbon emissionschanneled emissionemission factorparticulate matterabatement technologyceramic industryPM10, PM2.5, and PM1Technology: general issuesHistory of engineering & technologyAvino Pasqualeedt1302847Errico MassimilianoedtGiuliano AristideedtSalehi HamidedtAvino PasqualeothErrico MassimilianoothGiuliano AristideothSalehi HamidothBOOK9910639991703321Environmental Impact Assessment by Green Processes3026687UNINA