03111nam 2200517 450 991063779690332120220123102152.01-350-26241-210.5040/9781350262416(CKB)4950000000737999(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/94615(OCoLC)1293234253(CaBNVSL)9781350262416(EXLCZ)99495000000073799920220105d2022 uy 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAnthropocene childhoods speculative fiction, racialization, and climate crisis /Emily AshtonFirst edition.London [England] :Bloomsbury Academic,2022.[London, England] :Bloomsbury Publishing,20221 electronic resource (208 p.)Feminist Thought in Childhood Research1-350-26242-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction -- 1. Anthropocene Childhoods: Situating Speculative Child-Figures -- 2. Climate Apocalypse: Figurations of the End of the World -- 3. Beyond Survival: Contested Futurities for Anthropocene Child -- 4. Infecting Whiteness: Child-Monsters and the End of the (White) World -- 5. Becoming-Geos: The Stratification of Childhood -- 6. Speculative Care: Monstrous Love for Regenerative Cyborgs -- 7. Geos-Imaginaries of Child-Climate Futures -- Conclusion -- References -- Index."This book brings together the disciplines of childhood studies, literary studies, and the environmental humanities to focus on the figure of the child as it appears in popular culture and theory. Drawing on theoretical works by Clare Colebrook, Naomi Klein, Donna Haraway and Bruno Latour the book offers creative readings of sci-fi novels, short stories and films including Frankenstein, The Road, Handmaid's Tale, The Girl with All the Gifts and Beasts of the Southern Wild. Emily Ashton raises important questions about and the theorization of child development, the ontology of children, racialization, parenting and care, and how those intersect with questions of colonialism, climate, and indigeneity. The book contributes to the growing scholarship within childhood studies that is reconceptualizing the child within the Anthropocene era and argues for child-climate futures that renounce white supremacy and support Black and Indigenous futurities."--Provided by publisher.Feminist Thought in Childhood Research.Early childhood educationPhilosophyPopular cultureChild developmentEarly childhood educationPhilosophy.Popular culture.Child development.372.21Ashton Emily1263114CaBNVSLCaBNVSLCaBNVSLBOOK9910637796903321Anthropocene childhoods2959312UNINA