05309nam 2201381z- 450 991063779430332120231214132948.03-0365-5466-1(CKB)5470000001631593(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/94484(EXLCZ)99547000000163159320202212d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrier2021 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New ZealandTūhono - ReconnectingBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (128 p.)3-0365-5465-3 The annual scientific conference of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand was held virtually on the 2nd and 3rd December 2021. The aim of the annual conference is to foster discussion and disseminate the results of nutrition-related research. The conference also provides an opportunity for those working in practice to share their experiences and keep up to date with scientific advancements. The theme of the conference was ‘Reconnecting – Tūhono’. One hundred and sixty-nine delegates attended over the two days. The programme comprised five plenary sessions, five concurrent oral sessions, and twenty-three short, prerecorded videos, with the latter serving as a replacement for the traditional poster format. Highlights of the five plenary sessions included presentations on food sovereignty by Dr Bevan Eruti and Christina McKerchar; women’s health by Dr Megan Ogilvie and Dane Baker; sustainable diets by Dr Brent Clothier, Dr Nick Smith, and Dr Cristina Cleghorn; healthy environments for children by Jasmin Jackson; and the gut–brain axis and future foods by Dr Pramod Gopal, Tracey Bear, and Dr Jocelyn Eason. The Muriel Bell Lecture entitled ‘Lick the plate clean: the intersection of food, nutrition, and waste’ was presented by Professor Sheila Skeaff of the Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago.2021 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New ZealandHumanitiesbicsscSocial interactionbicsscsustainabilityfood companiesindicatorsKaupapa M¯aoridietary recall assessmentfood frequency questionnairesodiumsaltfood sourcesdietblood pressureNew Zealandagingolder adultsmalnutritionbiochemical indiceshaematological indicesoralnutritional supplementbeta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB)depressionanxietymoodmental healthfoodinflammationmicrobiome-gutbrainaxisHauorachildhood well-beingnutritionfood securityobesitydietary guidelinesfood choicegreenhouse gas emissionsfood systemsfood wasteeducation resourcesknowledge translationearly-lifepregnancyinfancyqualitative researchnetnographyinfant food pouchescomplementary feedinginfantsmelatonintryptophanHPLC method developmentM¯aori mothersfood accessvitamin Dsun exposureknowledgeattitudesbehavioursparentschildrenevidence based practicegestational diabetes mellitusresearch gapsclinical practiceguidelinessystematic reviewvegetarianfemale adolescentsmicronutrient statusiron statusiron deficiencyvegetarianismRelative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) knowledgeeducationhealthcare professionalsactive individualsnutrition carenursesNUTCOMPirritable bowel syndromeWomen’sWellnesslifestyle programHumanitiesSocial interactionBrown Racheledt1116822Mackay SallyedtEyles HelenedtJalili-Moghaddam ShabnamedtBrown RachelothMackay SallyothEyles HelenothJalili-Moghaddam ShabnamothBOOK99106377943033212021 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand3033935UNINA