03484nam 2201045z- 450 991063778360332120231214133429.03-0365-5781-4(CKB)5470000001631701(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/94572(EXLCZ)99547000000163170120202212d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierOpen Innovation in Micro, Small and Medium-Sized EnterprisesBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (258 p.)3-0365-5782-2 This book unveils the importance of micro, small, medium, and large firms for fostering open innovation, using methodological designs based on both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Several dimensions of the inbound and outbound open innovation strategies and practices are explored, in the scope of University–University, University–Industry, and University–Society relations.Film, TV & radiobicsscinnovationcreative designcreativity educationknowledge acquisitionteamworkbusiness cycle surveyseconomic cycleSMEsopen innovationabsorptive capacitycollaborationjoint research unitexploitationtechnological innovationproactive innovationreactive innovationfirm performancemanufacturing industrycontract lengthfirm innovationagency cost theorymanufacturing firmsregional clustersopen innovation intermediaryinnovation ecosystem4th industrial revolutioninnovation policybiotechnologyagri-food sectorR&ampD collaborationbioeconomyeco-innovationinboundoutboundcustomer relationship management (CRM)relational capital (RC)Yemeni SMEsperformancemarket knowledgemulti-actor engagementdynamic marketing engagementbusiness performanceuse of e-commercemanufacturing SMEsorganizationalenvironmentalindustry 4.0DWT-digital work transformationservitizationnetworked innovationSME innovationpush-pull strategiesfamily businessfood industrysystematic literature reviewstructured surveyperspectives and trendsFilm, TV & radioLeitão Joãoedt785680Dana Léo-PauledtLeitão JoãoothDana Léo-PaulothBOOK9910637783603321Open Innovation in Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises3040583UNINA03691nam 2200553 450 991079333840332120230126220749.01-78920-017-210.1515/9781789200171(CKB)4100000007432414(MiAaPQ)EBC5520155(DE-B1597)635836(DE-B1597)9781789200171(EXLCZ)99410000000743241420190126d2019 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierPolitics of scale new directions in critical heritage studies /edited by Tuuli Lahdesmaki, Suzie Thomas and Yujie ZhuNew York ;Oxford :Berghahn,2019.1 online resource (189 pages)Explorations in heritage studies ;11789200164 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction : heritage and scale / Tuuli Lahdesmaki, Yujie Zhu and Suzie Thomas -- Politics of scale : cultural heritage in China / Yujie Zhu -- The 'European significance' of heritage : politics of scale in EU heritage policy discourse / Tuuli Lahdesmaki and Katja Makinen -- The dynamics of scale in digital heritage cultures / Rhiannon Bettivia and Elizabeth Stainforth -- Managed landscapes : the social construction of scale at Angkor / Rowena Butland -- The politics of border heritage : EU's cross-border cooperation as scalar politics in the Spanish-Portuguese border / Maria Lois -- Broadening the scope of heritage : the concept of cultural environment and scalar relations in Finnish cultural environment policy / Satu Kahkonen and Tuuli Lahdesmaki -- Locals, incomers, tourists and gold diggers : space, politics, and the 'dark heritage' legacy of the Second World War in Finnish Lapland / Suzie Thomas -- Becoming Mediterranean : the intangible cultural heritage of Klapa singing in identity building and nation branding discourses / Eni Buljubasic and Tuuli Lahdesmaki -- Tuning in to radio heritage in Newfoundland / Michael Windover and Hilary Grant -- Conclusion : the politics of scale for intangible cultural heritage : identification, ownership and representation / Kristin Kuutma.Critical Heritage Studies is a new and fast-growing interdisciplinary field of study seeking to explore power relations involved in the production and meaning-making of cultural heritage. Politics of Scale offers a global, multi- and interdisciplinary point of view to the scaled nature of heritage, and provides a theoretical discussion on scale as a social construct and a method in Critical Heritage Studies. The international contributors provide examples and debates from a range of diverse countries, discuss how heritage and scale interact in current processes of heritage meaning-making, and explore heritage-scale relationship as a domain of politics.Cultural policyCase studiesCultural propertyCase studiesGroup identityCase studiesScaling (Social sciences)Case studiesHeritage, Geography, Ethnography.Museology, Meaning-Making, Identity Politics, Politics of Scale.Cultural policyCultural propertyGroup identityScaling (Social sciences)306Lähdesmäki TuuliThomas Suzie1979-Zhu YujieMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910793338403321Politics of scale3848670UNINA