11098nam 2200481 450 991063393600332120230417005609.09783031160493(electronic bk.)9783031160486(MiAaPQ)EBC7150645(Au-PeEL)EBL7150645(CKB)25510411400041(OCoLC)1352975614(PPN)266356168(EXLCZ)992551041140004120230417d2023 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierOrganizational structuralism a comprehensive multidisciplinary hypothesis for the interpretation of organizational phenomena /Kostas LangasCham, Switzerland :Palgrave Macmillan,[2023]©20231 online resource (729 pages)Print version: Langas, Kostas Organizational Structuralism Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,c2023 9783031160486 Includes bibliographical references and index.Intro -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- List of Figures -- 1 An Attempt to Introduction -- 1.1 The One Who Knows Only One Discipline Knows Nothing About That Discipline -- 1.2 From the Phoenician Alphabet to the Structure of "O" According to Sofia -- Reference -- 2 Organizational Fields and Organizational Processes -- 2.1 A General Outline -- 2.2 The Total Quality Management Systems -- 2.3 The Hunt of Competencies -- 2.4 The Hunt of Performances -- 2.5 The Recent Years and the Actual Situations -- 2.6 Why This Book -- References -- 3 Introduction to Organization Structuralism -- 3.1 Functional (Systemic) and Structural (Analytic) Study of Structures -- 3.2 Organizational Epiphenomena -- 3.3 Epiphenomena and Superstructures -- 3.4 Superstructures and Structural Development of Organizations -- 3.5 Change Matters Relatively -- 3.6 Organizational Dystopias -- 3.7 Processive Structures and Leadership -- 3.8 Leadership and Epiphenomena -- 3.9 From First Principles to Long-Term Competitive Advantages -- 3.10 "The 13 Principles of Organizational Structuralism" -- References -- 4 Fundamental Properties of Organizational Structuralism: From Homogeneity to Autonomy -- 4.1 What Is a Structure? -- 4.2 Some Fundamental Considerations -- 4.3 Some Fundamental Properties and Definitions -- 4.4 A Fundamental Property: The Homogeneity -- 4.5 Homogeneous and Homogeneity in Linguistic Systems (Some Examples) -- 4.6 Homogeneous Systems and Variances -- 4.7 Heterogeneity, Homogenetic, Phylogenetic and Heterogenetic Properties -- 4.8 Autonomy and Heteronomy -- 4.9 Teleonomy and Invariance -- 4.10 Anelyxis, Katelyxis Endogenous and Exogenous Phenomena -- References -- 5 Methodological Foundations of Organizational Structuralism -- 5.1 The Necessity of a Deductive Approach Based on Observation.5.2 Towards an Organizational Theory Based on Physics or Natural Sciences -- 5.3 The Law of Noncontradiction as a Key Concept in Organizational Structuralism -- 5.4 The Principle of Uncertainty in Organizational Theory and Design -- 5.5 The Exclusion Principle in Organizational Theory and Design -- 5.6 The Principle of Invariance: The First Fundamental Pillar in Organizational Theory and Design -- 5.7 The Principle of Teleonomy as the Main Driver for the Creation of Symbolic Structures -- 5.8 Some Conceptual Deepening of the Homogenetic Principle -- 5.9 The Phylogenetic Principle as a Fundamental Property in Organizational Theory -- 5.10 The Principle of Organizational Autonomy -- 5.11 The Principle of Incompleteness in Organizational Theory -- 5.12 The Principle of Successive Approximations Applied in Organizational Theory -- 5.13 The Principle of Observer Interference -- References -- 6 Organizational First Principles and Introduction to the Organizational Field Theory -- 6.1 Some Fundamental Considerations or "Starting from First Principles" -- 6.2 Towards a New Paradigm for Organizational Development: The Organizational Fields -- 6.3 Canonical Symbolic and Material Structures -- 6.4 The Structural Field Theory of Organizations -- 6.5 The Property of Conservative and of Non-conservative Organizational Fields -- 6.6 The Organizational Fields as Non-conservative Fields -- 6.7 The Property of Homogeneity in Organizational Field Theory -- 6.8 The Property of Isotropy in Organizational Fields -- 6.8.1 Geometric Properties and Symmetries -- 6.9 The Homeostatic (and Heterostatic) Property -- 6.10 The Property of Cause-Effect Correlation -- 6.10.1 The Criticism on the Ishikawa Diagram -- 6.11 The Property of Metrification -- 6.12 The Property of Anelyxis -- 6.13 Organizations as Systems of Canonical Structures Submerged in Organizational Fields.6.14 The Principles of Organizational Structuralism as a Field Theory Derivatives -- 6.15 Towards a New Paradigm of Managerial Ability -- References -- 7 The Structural Evolution of an Organization (a Geometric Approach) -- 7.1 Prolegomena to This Chapter -- 7.2 The Beginning of the Development of an Organization (or Phase 1) -- 7.3 The Formation of the First Core Processes in an Organization (Phase 2)-Inbound Supply Chain and Purchasing -- 7.4 The Development of the Activities Related to Operational Marketing (Phase 3) -- 7.5 The Initiation of an Organizational Formation (Phase 4) -- 7.6 Research and Development and Product/Service &amp -- Process Development (Phase 5) -- 7.7 The Development of the Strategic Marketing Process (Phase 6) -- 7.8 The Initialization of the Ellipsoidal Configurations (Phase 7) -- 7.9 The Development of the Manufacturing (or Operations) Process (Phase 8) -- 7.10 The Development of Sales or Customer Acquisition Processes (Phase 9) -- 7.11 The Development of After Sales or Customer Care Management (Phase 10) -- 7.11.1 The Shared Services -- 7.12 The Structural Development and Growth Phases of an Organization (Phase 11) -- 7.13 The Ultimate Evolutionary Stage of an Organization (Phase 12) -- 7.14 The Beginning of the Decline of an Organization -- 7.14.1 Converging and Diverging Forces in Organizational Theory and Design -- 7.14.2 Converging and Diverging Forces During the Stabilization Phase of the Organization -- 7.14.3 The Beginning of the Decline of an Organization Continued -- 7.14.4 Quality and Quantity Trapping -- 7.14.5 The Geometrical Configurations of a Declining Organization -- 7.14.6 The Asymmetric Configurations of the Decline of an Organization (Case 1: Privileging the Commercial Field Section and of the Related Processes).7.14.7 The Asymmetric Configurations of the Decline of an Organization (Case 2: Privileging the Operations or Manufacturing Field Section and of the Related Processes) -- 7.14.8 Some Basic Considerations Regarding the Asymmetric Decline of Organizations -- 7.15 The Final Stages in the Life of an Organization -- 7.16 The Death of an Organization -- 7.17 General Chapter Conclusions -- Reference -- 8 Graphical Representations of Some Fundamental Properties of Organizational Structuralism -- 8.1 Conditions for the Continuous Development of a Structural Development of an Organization -- 8.2 The Converging Forces During the Formation of an Organization -- 8.3 The Diverging Forces During the Formation of an Organization -- 8.4 The Growth of Invariance in Time -- 8.5 The Growth of Teleonomy in Time -- 8.6 The Mathematical Formulae of the Evolution (Growth) of Invariance and Teleonomy in Time -- 8.7 Invariance and Teleonomy in Relation to Single Anelyxis Projects and Their Evolution in Time -- 8.8 The (Simple) Relationship Between Invariance and Teleonomy -- 8.9 Life Expectancy of an Organization and Structuralism -- 8.10 The Main Factors and Processes for the Structural Evolution of Organizations -- 8.11 The Development of Invariance and Teleonomy in Relation to First Principles and to the Configuration of Quantum Pairing and of Their Sequential Matrices -- 8.12 The Structural Approach to the Development of an Organization: From Basic Teleonomic Principles to the Autonomy and to "Canonicism" -- 8.13 The Gap Between Signifier and Significant Stands as the Gap Between Material and Symbolic Structures -- References -- 9 Organizational Structuralism and Mathematical Symbolism -- 9.1 A Mathematical Analysis of Organizational Structures Based on Geometrical Analysis and Hydrodynamics Theory -- 9.2 Analysis of a Single Process.9.2.1 Analysis of the Organization as a Whole -- 9.3 Analysis of Ideal Case and Worst-Case Scenario -- 9.4 A Further Integration (and an Alternative Treatment) to the Mathematical Model of Organizational Structures (a Hydrodynamic Analogy) -- 9.4.1 A Possible Correlation in Nature -- 9.5 A Mathematical Expression for the Correlation of Material and Symbolic Structures at Three Distinct Levels (Organizational Quanta, Masys and Processes) -- 9.6 Some Questions for Readers Who Understand and Manage Mathematics Far Better Than the Author -- 10 The Microstructure of Structural Organizations -- 10.1 Organization of Material and Symbolic Quanta -- 10.2 Agents Do not Make the Difference but Structures Do in Organizational Development -- 10.3 Increasing the Complexity (but also the Completion) by Increasing the Symmetric Capabilities of the Microstructural Configurations -- 10.4 The Systemic Delegating Business Management (Based on Basic Business Knowledge) Model -- 10.5 The Interdisciplinary (not to Be Confused with the Multidisciplinary) Approach for the Development of Long-Term Competitive Advantages -- 10.6 The Multidisciplinary Approach for the Design of Organizational Microstructures -- 10.7 The Multidisciplinarity as a Long-Term Key Competitive Advantage on Global Level -- 10.8 The Development and Structuring on Operational Level of the Quantum Pairs -- 10.9 Partial Integration of Material and Symbolic Structures and Related Competencies for the Development of Quantum Pairing Conditions -- 10.10 The Quantitative and Qualitative Factors in Quantum Pairing and the Factors that may Inhibit and Distort the Complete Overlapping Between Material QM and Symbolic QS Quanta -- 10.11 The Organizational Quanta and Their Impact on the Transformation of Quantitative into Qualitative Changes.10.12 The Inhibiting Elements for the Development of the Microstructure of an Organization Based on Organizational Quantum Pairs.Organizational changeManagementOrganizational changeManagement.658.406Langas Kostas1271476MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQ9910633936003321Organizational Structuralism2995236UNINA