01330nam0-2200301---450 991063179590332120221215161117.020221215d1882----km-y0itay50------baengGBy-------001yy<<A >>bibliography of the microscope and micrographic studies, being a catalogue of books and papers in the library of Julien Debycompiled with the cooperation of Frederic KittonLondonBogue1882v.26 cm3.: 67 p.Dedica dell'autore ms a inchiostro: "Monsieur G. B. de Toni souvenir affectuose de l'auteur Julien Deby" sulla carta di guardia anterioreIT-NA-0338: M II 113.: DiatomaceaeKitton,FredericDeby,JulienDe Toni,Giovanni Battista<1864-1924>390Precedente proprietarioIT-NA0338: M II 11ITUNINAREICATUNIMARCVisualizza la versione elettronica in EROMMhttps://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31822010319358&view=1up&seq=1920221215BK9910631795903321M II 11DBVDBVBibliography of the microscope and micrographic studies, being a catalogue of books and papers in the library of Julien Deby2982417UNINA