05113nam 2200613Ia 450 991062729980332120230801221348.01-283-42582-397866134258291-84593-901-8(CKB)2670000000131543(EBL)837628(OCoLC)773565129(SSID)ssj0000588671(PQKBManifestationID)12264197(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000588671(PQKBWorkID)10663651(PQKB)10847206(MiAaPQ)EBC837628(EXLCZ)99267000000013154320110411d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAmino acids in human nutrition and health[electronic resource] /edited by J.P.F. D'MelloWallingford, Oxfordshire ;Cambridge, MA CABIc20121 online resource (578 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-84593-798-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents; Contributors; Preface; Glossary; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; R; S; T; U; V; W; PART I: ENZYMES AND METABOLISM; 1 Glutamate Dehydrogenase; 1.1 Abstract; 1.2 Introduction; 1.3 GDH in Animals; 1.4 Active Site; 1.5 Role of GDH in Insulin Homeostasis; 1.6 Evolution of GDH Allostery; 1.7 Conclusions; 1.8 Acknowledgements; 2 Aminotransferases; 2.1 Abstract; 2.2 Introduction; 2.3 The Role of Aminotransferases in Brain Metabolism; 2.4 Alanine Aminotransferases and Glutamate2.5 Aspartate Aminotransferases and their Role in the Malate-Aspartate Shuttle and Glutamate Metabolism2.6 Pathological Conditions Resulting from Impaired Aminotransferase Metabolism; 2.7 Aminotransferase Proteins as Biomarkers of Disease; 2.8 Conclusions and Future Directions; 3 Arginase; 3.1 Abstract; 3.2 Introduction; 3.3 Isoforms and Distribution; 3.4 Structure and Location of Arginase; 3.5 Involvement of Arginase in Health and Disease; 3.6 Regulation of Activity; 3.7 Arginase Inhibitors; 3.8 Conclusions4 Bypassing the Endothelial L-Arginine-Nitric Oxide Pathway: Effects of Dietary Nitrite and Nitrate on Cardiovascular Function4.1 Abstract; 4.2 Introduction; 4.3 L-Arginine: A Semi-Essential Amino Acid in Human Physiology; 4.4 L-Arginine is the Substrate of the Nitric Oxide Synthases: The L-Arginine-Nitric Oxide Pathway; 4.5 L-Arginine in Cardiovascular Disease: Perspectives and Limitations; 4.6 Nitric Oxide Generation without NO-Synthase? Bypassing the L-Arginine Pathway; 4.7 The Nitrate-Nitrite-Nitric Oxide Pathway; 4.8 Effects of Nitrite and Nitrate in Human Physiology4.9 Dietary Nitrate and Nitrite4.10 Conclusions; 4.11 Acknowledgements; 5 Histidine Decarboxylase; 5.1 Abstract; 5.2 Introduction; 5.3 Histidine Decarboxylase Enzyme; 5.4 Histidine Decarboxylase Gene; 5.5 Pharmacological Inhibition; 5.6 mRNA Antisense and Gene Knockout; 5.7 Neurophysiology and Behaviour; 5.8 Summary and Conclusions; 5.9 Acknowledgements; 6 Glutamate Decarboxylase; 6.1 Abstract; 6.2 Introduction; 6.3 Distribution of GABA; 6.4 GAD 65 in Blood Leucocytes; 6.5 Taste Signalling; 6.6 Suggestions for Future Research; 6.7 Conclusions; 6.8 Acknowledgements; 7 Glutaminase; 7.1 Abstract7.2 Introduction7.3 Mammalian Glutaminase Genes and Transcripts; 7.4 Mammalian Glutaminase Enzymes; 7.5 Glutaminase Expression in Mammalian Brain; 7.6 State of Art and Perspectives; 7.7 Conclusions; 7.8 Acknowledgements; 8 D-Serine and Serine Racemase in the Retina; 8.1 Abstract; 8.2 Introduction; 8.3 NMDA Receptor and D-serine as a Co-agonist; 8.4 D-Serine in the Retina; 8.5 Mechanisms of D-Serine Uptake in the Retina; 8.6 D-Serine and Serine Racemase in Retinal Neurons; 8.7 Role of D-Serine in the Retina; 8.8 Role of D-Serine and Serine Racemase in Neuronal Cell Death; 8.9 Conclusions8.10 AcknowledgementsHuman health issues relating to amino acids are extremely broad and include metabolic disorders of amino acid metabolism as well as their presence in food and use as supplements. This book covers the biochemistry of amino acid metabolism in the context of health and disease. It discusses their use as food supplements, in clinical therapy and nutritional support and focuses on major recent developments, highlighting new areas of research that will be needed to sustain further interest in the field. It is suitable researchers and students in human nutrition and food science.Amino acids in human nutritionAmino acidsMetabolismAmino acids in human nutrition.Amino acidsMetabolism.612.015756612/.015756D'Mello J. P. Felix1142273C.A.B. International.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910627299803321Amino acids in human nutrition and health2977124UNINA