03973nam 2200565 450 991062729770332120230807212153.01-78924-403-X1-78064-222-9(CKB)3710000000308321(EBL)1920580(SSID)ssj0001402042(PQKBManifestationID)12618549(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001402042(PQKBWorkID)11357717(PQKB)11748797(MiAaPQ)EBC1920580(EXLCZ)99371000000030832120140321h20152015 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe genetics of cattle /edited by Dorian J. Garrick, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA, and Anatoly Ruvinsky, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia2nd ed.Wallingford, Oxfordshire :CAB International,[2015]©20151 online resource (641 p.)Preceded by: Genetics of cattle / edited by R. Fries and A. Ruvinsky. c1999.1-322-88342-4 1-78064-221-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Systematics and phylogeny of cattle / A. Hassanin -- Genetic aspects of domestication / J.A Lenstra and M. Felius -- Breeds of cattle / D. Buchanan and J.A Lenstra -- Molecular genetics of colour variation / A. Ruvinsky -- Genetics of morphological traits and inherited disorders / F.W. Nicholas -- Cytogenetics and chromosome maps / D.M. Larkin and M. Farre -- Bovine genomics / D. Adelson Z. Qu, J. M. Raison and S.L. Lim -- Bovine immunogenetics / Y. Aida, S-n. Takeshima, C.L. Baldwin, A.K. Kaushik -- Genetics of disease resistance / A. Ruvinsky and A. Teale -- Molecular biology and genetics of bovine spongiform encephalopathy / N. Hunter -- Genetics of behaviour in cattle / P. Wiener -- Genetics of reproduction in cattle / B. W. Kirkpatrick -- Modern reproductive technologies and breed improvement / H.A. Shojaei Saadi, C. Robert -- Developmental genetics / A. Ruvinsky -- Genetic improvement of dairy cattle / V. Ducrocq and G. Wiggans -- Molecular genetics of milk protein production / J.A. Sharp, K. Nicholas -- Genetics fatty acids composition in bovine milk and beef / R.A. Nafikov, H. Soyeurt and D.C. Beitz -- Genetic improvement in beef cattle / B. P. Kinghorn, R. Banks, G. Simm -- Genomic prediction and genome-wide association studies in beef and dairy cattle / D.J. Garrick and R. Fernando -- Genetics of feed intake and efficiency / D. Berry, E. Kennedy and J.J. Crowley -- Genetics of growth and body composition / M. Thonney -- Genetics of meat quality / R. Mateescu -- Genetic aspects of cattle adaptation in the tropics / H. Burrow -- Standard genetic nomenclature / Z-L. Hu, J. Reecy, F. McCarthy and C. A. Park.Since the time of domestication more than 10,000 years ago, cattle have played an increasingly crucial role in the development of human civilizations. Progress has been quite remarkable since the turn of the century; the sequencing of the bovine genome in 2009 launched new avenues for furthering our understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of cattle genetics. Covering a vast array of questions, this book reviews major topics from molecular and developmental genetics, disease resistance and immunogenetics to genetic improvement of dairy and beef breeds, addressing all current problemsCattleGeneticsCattleBreedingCattleGenetics.CattleBreeding.636.20821Garrick Dorian J(Dorian John),1960-Ruvinsky AnatolyC.A.B. International,MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910627297703321The genetics of cattle2977107UNINA