01321oam 2200421 a 450 991069774910332120090413084928.0(CKB)5470000002391482(OCoLC)269001532(EXLCZ)99547000000239148220081105d2008 ua 0engurbn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierIraq[electronic resource] the Crocker-Petraeus report : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, September 11, 2007Washington :U.S. G.P.O.,2008.iii, 130 pages digital, PDF fileS. hrg. ;110-490Title from title screen (viewed on Nov. 5, 2008).Iraq Iraq War, 2003-2011InsurgencyIraqCounterinsurgencyIraqInternal securityIraqUnited StatesArmed ForcesIraqIraq War, 2003-2011.InsurgencyCounterinsurgencyInternal securityGPOGPOGPOBOOK9910697749103321Iraq512938UNINA03891nam 2200829z- 450 991061947130332120231214133045.03-0365-5278-2(CKB)5670000000391561(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/93229(EXLCZ)99567000000039156120202210d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierPower Electronics and Energy Management for Battery Storage SystemsMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (174 p.)3-0365-5277-4 The deployment of distributed renewable generation and e-mobility systems is creating a demand for improved dynamic performance, flexibility, and resilience in electrical grids. Various energy storages, such as stationary and electric vehicle batteries, together with power electronic interfaces, will play a key role in addressing these requests thanks to their enhanced functionality, fast response times, and configuration flexibility. For the large-scale implementation of this technology, the associated enabling developments are becoming of paramount importance. These include energy management algorithms; optimal sizing and coordinated control strategies of different storage technologies, including e-mobility storage; power electronic converters for interfacing renewables and battery systems, which allow for advanced interactions with the grid; and increase in round-trip efficiencies by means of advanced materials, components, and algorithms. This Special Issue contains the developments that have been published b researchers in the areas of power electronics, energy management and battery storage. A range of potential solutions to the existing barriers is presented, aiming to make the most out of these emerging technologies.Technology: general issuesbicsscChemical engineeringbicsschigh-gain non-inverting buck-boost convertercontinuous conduction mode (CCM)discontinuous conduction modeelectric vehiclesstationary battery energy storage systembattery automated systemonline state estimationthermal modelingfirst-order modelsecond-order modelKalman filteringimpedance networkZ-sourcequasi-Z-sourcevoltage source invertervoltage distortionsmachine learningKalman filterthermal modellingonline predictionelectromagnetic impedance spectroscopycomputational costANPC converterEV chargingmultilevel converterPWM methodsSiC MOSFETsresidential energy storagebattery energy storage systemsstandardsgrid interfaceconvertersintellectual propertybidirectional convertersAC-DC power convertersDC-DC powerconvertersmultilevel converterspartial power converters Technology: general issuesChemical engineeringBlinov Andreiedt1291909Williamson SheldonedtBlinov AndreiothWilliamson SheldonothBOOK9910619471303321Power Electronics and Energy Management for Battery Storage Systems3022067UNINA