03079 am 2200673 n 450 9910214927403321201706212-8218-8567-910.4000/books.pup.7228(CKB)3710000001633432(FrMaCLE)OB-pup-7228(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/54307(PPN)203889886(EXLCZ)99371000000163343220170807j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLes narrations de la mort /Régis Bertrand, Anne Carol, Jean-Noël PelenAix-en-Provence Presses universitaires de Provence20171 online resource (298 p.) 2-85399-613-1 Dans le contexte du « retour des morts » observable dans les sciences humaine en ce début de troisième millénaire, cet ouvrage, issu d'un colloque tenu à Aix-en-Provence en 2003, croise les disciplines autour de plusieurs formes caractérisées de narrations de la mort et restitue une épaisseur historique à un phénomène souvent réduit à ses évolutions récentes. Les auteurs se sont attachés à offrir à la comparaison des tentatives discursives d'origine très diverses, issues de niveaux de culture et d'horizons différents, qui visent à donner sens à la mort ou à l'instrumentaliser dans un projet normatif ou édifiant ; ils explorent aussi certaines des multiples formes de mises en scène et de mises en images d'une mort qui s'avère rester intimement mêlée au quotidien des vivants.Death in literatureCongressesLiterature of the deathCritical studiesDeath in literatureAraùjo Ana Cristina716022Attard-Maraninchi Marie-Françoise1309969Barras Vincent1233209Bernos Marcel1238345Bertherat Bruno1292148Bertrand Régis663463Bouvier Jean-Claude76835Carol Anne1284996Coulet Noël252070Cousin Bernard154222Croix Alain212572Guilhaumou Jacques310272la Genardière Claude de1317236Lapied Martine299415Laurence Pierre1317237Lebrun François384987Mazel Claire1317238Nonnis Vigilante Serenella1317239Pelen Jean-Noël1305385Renaudet Isabelle1292153Sborgi Franco303614Villain-Gandossi Christiane484806Vovelle Michel139780Bertrand Régis663463Carol Anne1284996Pelen Jean-Noël1305385FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910214927403321Les narrations de la mort3032914UNINA04028nam 2200949z- 450 991061947000332120231214132925.03-0365-5276-6(CKB)5670000000391574(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/93223(EXLCZ)99567000000039157420202210d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDissipative, Entropy-Production Systems across Condensed Matter and Interdisciplinary Classical VS. Quantum PhysicsMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (176 p.)3-0365-5275-8 The thematic range of this book is wide and can loosely be described as polydispersive. Figuratively, it resembles a polynuclear path of yielding (poly)crystals. Such path can be taken when looking at it from the first side. However, a closer inspection of the book’s contents gives rise to a much more monodispersive/single-crystal and compacted (than crudely expected) picture of the book’s contents presented to a potential reader. Namely, all contributions collected can be united under the common denominator of maximum-entropy and entropy production principles experienced by both classical and quantum systems in (non)equilibrium conditions. The proposed order of presenting the material commences with properly subordinated classical systems (seven contributions) and ends up with three remaining quantum systems, presented by the chapters’ authors. The overarching editorial makes the presentation of the wide-range material self-contained and compact, irrespective of whether comprehending it from classical or quantum physical viewpoints.Research & information: generalbicsscPhysicsbicsscmultistabilityergodicityBrownian motiontilted periodic potentialLévy noisenonequilibrium thermodynamicsactive particlesentropy productiondissipative structuresquantum entanglementlinear entropycoherencepurity of statesconcurrencethree-qubit systemsquantum graphsmicrowave networksEuler characteristicNeumann and Dirichlet boundary conditionsII law of thermodynamicsCarnot principleKelvin principleOstwald principleperpetuum mobile type IIIClausius I and II principlesformal implicationmodel theoryspherulites(poly)crystal formationcomplex growing phenomenonsoft condensed matterphysical kineticsanticoherenceentanglementnonlinear systemshuman serum albuminhyaluronanconformational entropydihedral anglesfrequency distributionepidemycompartmental modelscomputer simulationSARS-CoV-2-like disease spreadingchemical computingnetworkoscillatorstop-down designOregonator modelJapanese flag problemResearch & information: generalPhysicsGadomski Adamedt314513Gadomski AdamothBOOK9910619470003321Dissipative, Entropy-Production Systems across Condensed Matter and Interdisciplinary Classical VS. Quantum Physics3039282UNINA