05485nam 2201381z- 450 991061946800332120231214132919.03-0365-4840-8(CKB)5670000000391594(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/93185(EXLCZ)99567000000039159420202210d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierClinical Nutrition: Recent Advances and Remaining ChallengesMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (298 p.)3-0365-4839-4 Nutrition, often along with physical activity, is by now acknowledged as a cornerstone in the prevention and even more so the treatment of many diseases. Indeed, food and nutritional intake nowadays are often thought to be the main source of wellbeing sometimes over- but also underestimating the impact of nutritional intake, dietary pattern and food-derived natural compounds in their impact on human health. In this Special Issue entitled `Clinical Nutrition: Recent Advances and Remaining Challenges´ a broad overview and summary on recent findings in various fields of clinical nutrition with special focus on chronic and degenerative diseases like metabolic diseases, cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases, sarcopenia but also malnutrition in elderly, infants and children is provided. Nutrition, often along with physical activity, is by now acknowledged as a cornerstone in the prevention and even more so the treatment of many diseases. Indeed, food and nutritional intake nowadays are often thought to be the main source of wellbeing sometimes over- but also underestimating the impact of nutritional intake, dietary pattern and food-derived natural compounds in their impact on human health. In this Special Issue entitled `Clinical Nutrition: Recent Advances and Remaining Challenges´ a broad overview and summary on recent findings in various fields of clinical nutrition with special focus on chronic and degenerative diseases like metabolic diseases, cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases, sarcopenia but also malnutrition in elderly, infants and children is provided.Clinical NutritionResearch & information: generalbicsscBiology, life sciencesbicsscFood & societybicsscmalnutritioncirrhosisnutritional screeningnutritional assessmentgut–liver axismacronutrientsmicronutrientsdysbiosisdietenteral nutritioninflammatory bowel diseasenutritionnutritional therapypreventionartificial nutritionnasogastric feedingnasogastric tubepalliative carecalcium oxalate stone formationdietary assessmentfatty acidsfluidoxalateproteinsodiumuric acidwaterinsulinlifestylenon-alcoholicsteatohepatitisfibrosismetabolic syndromeweight losstime-restricted feedingintermittent fastinglow-carb dietliver diseaseBrugada syndromelong QT syndromeingredientsglucoseketone bodiesROSsudden cardiac deathbariatric surgerycardiovascular diseaseendovascular bariatric surgeryobesityoral nutritional supplementsperioperative nutritionsarcopeniagastrointestinal surgerybehaviournutrition supplementstype 2 diabetesageinginflammaginganorexia of agingDoMAPGLIM criteriacholestasischronic liver diseasesnutritional needspediatricsmedical nutrition therapycritical careparenteral nutritionenergyreviewCrohn’s diseasegut microenvironmentceliac diseaseglutengluten-free dietprostatemetabolismbenign prostatic hyperplasiaerectile dysfunctiondietary recommendationoverweightcarbohydratefatResearch & information: generalBiology, life sciencesFood & societyBergheim Inaedt1314139Bergheim InaothBOOK9910619468003321Clinical Nutrition: Recent Advances and Remaining Challenges3031755UNINA03065nam 2200577 450 991080927590332120230721044901.03-03813-250-0(CKB)2670000000345756(EBL)1869249(SSID)ssj0000760362(PQKBManifestationID)11479341(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000760362(PQKBWorkID)10810694(PQKB)10146779(MiAaPQ)EBC1869249(Au-PeEL)EBL1869249(CaPaEBR)ebr10814299(OCoLC)865824622(EXLCZ)99267000000034575620100217h20092009 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrDeformation processes of rigid plastic materials special topic volume, invited papers only /edited by Sergei AlexandrovSwitzerland ;Enfield, New Hampshire :Trans Tech,[2009]©20091 online resource (121 p.)Materials science forum,0255-5476 ;volume 623Description based upon print version of record.0-87849-320-4 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Deformation Processes of Rigid Plastic Materials; Editor Note; Table of Contents; The Strain Rate Intensity Factor and its Applications: A Review; Preliminary Design of a Composite Material Flywheel; Experimental Investigations and Numerical Analysis for Improving Knowledge of Incremental Sheet Forming Process for Sheet Metal Parts; Modelling Dense Granular Flows; Simulation of Aluminium Alloy 5A06 Warm/Hot Hydromechanical Sheet Deep Drawing; An Upper Bound Solution for Upsetting of Anisotropic Hollow CylindersFE Analysis of Size Effect on Deformation Behavior of Metal Microtube Considering Surface Roughness in Flaring TestPlane-Strain Compression of a Three Layer Strip Containing Viscoplastic Material with Saturation Stress; Large Deformation of Metallic Hollow Spheres; Keywords Index; Authors IndexThis special issue presents a series of papers written of a group of leading scientists working in the field of the mechanics of plastic deformation. The collection covers a broad spectrum of topics including: pressure-dependent plasticity, elastic-plastic deformation of thin plates, metal-forming analysis and design, constitutive behavior near to frictional interfaces and new developments in the upper-bound method. No reader working in this general field can fail to find something of interest within.Materials science forum ;v. 623.PlasticsDeteriorationPlasticsPlasticsDeterioration.Plastics.620.1923Alexandrov Sergei919052MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910809275903321Deformation processes of rigid plastic materials3991376UNINA04091nam 2200661 450 991082939640332120200903223051.090-04-25823-X10.1163/9789004258235(CKB)2670000000485395(EBL)1579891(OCoLC)866442025(SSID)ssj0001080353(PQKBManifestationID)11697099(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001080353(PQKBWorkID)11069736(PQKB)10802762(MiAaPQ)EBC1579891(nllekb)BRILL9789004258235(Au-PeEL)EBL1579891(CaPaEBR)ebr10819068(CaONFJC)MIL551100(PPN)178898600(EXLCZ)99267000000048539520140103d2014 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAiry nothings imagining the otherworld of faerie from the middle ages to the age of reason : essays in honour of Alasdair A. MacDonald /edited by Karin E. Olsen and Jan R. VeenstraLeiden, Netherlands :Brill,2014.©20141 online resource (275 p.)Brill's Studies in Intellectual History,0920-8607 ;Volume 222Description based upon print version of record.90-04-24551-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Preliminary Material -- Marlowe’s Ghost: The Second Report of Doctor John Faustus /Robert W. Maslen -- Rhetorical Play in Cornelius Agrippa: The Declamation on the Nobility and Preeminence of the Female Sex /John Flood -- Ein Schwert in Frauenhand: Notizen zu einigen volkssprachigen Texten des Mittelalters /Tette Hofstra -- Female Voices from the Otherworld: The Role of Women in the Early Irish Echtrai /Karin E. Olsen -- Morgan le Fay and the Fairy Mound in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight /Richard North -- Cresseid ‘Beyond the Pale’ /David J. Parkinson -- Die Widersacher des allmächtigen Gottes: Teufel und Dämonen in den Concordantiae Caritatis des Ulrich von Lilienfeld /Rudolf Suntrup -- Boundaries of the Fairy Realm in Scotland /Julian Goodare -- ‘Bull-Begger’: An Early Modern Scare-Word /Henk Dragstra -- Shaggie Thighs and Aery Formes: Satyres and Faeries in Ben Jonson’s Oberon /Helen Wilcox -- Paracelsian Spirits in Pope’s Rape of the Lock /Jan R. Veenstra -- Index.Ever since the Middle Ages the Otherworld of Faerie has been the object of serious intellectual scrutiny. What science in the end dismissed as airy nothings was given a local habitation and a name by art. This book presents some of the main chapters from the history and tradition of otherworldly spirits and fairies in the folklore and literature of the British Isles and Northern Europe. In eleven contributions different experts deal with some of the main problems posed by the scholarly and artistic confrontation with the Otherworld, which not only fuelled the imagination, but also led to the ultimate redundancy of learned perceptions of that Otherworld as it was finally obfuscated by the clarity of an enlightened age. Contributors include: Henk Dragstra, John Flood, Julian Goodare, Tette Hofstra, Robert Maslen, Richard North, Karin E. Olsen, David J. Parkinson, Rudolf Suntrup, Jan R. Veenstra, and Helen Wilcox.Brill's studies in intellectual history ;v. 222.Fairies in literatureLiteratureHistory and criticismFolkloreFairies in literature.LiteratureHistory and criticism.Folklore.809/.93375Olsen K. E(Karin E.)1683318Veenstra Jan R.1939-540444MacDonald A. A(Alasdair A.)1598166MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910829396403321Airy nothings4053985UNINA