02640oam 2200577I 450 991015512140332120230809233725.01-315-29417-61-315-29416-81-315-29415-X10.4324/9781315294179 (CKB)4340000000023956(MiAaPQ)EBC4767333(OCoLC)965826563(EXLCZ)99434000000002395620180706d2017 uy 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierEnvironment and identity politics in colonial Africa Fulani migrations and land conflict /Emmanuel M. MbahLondon ;New York, N.Y. :Routledge,2017.1 online resource (219 pages) mapsGlobal Africa ;21-138-38972-2 1-138-23955-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction: The environment in colonial Africa -- British Cameroon grasslands of Bamenda : geography and history -- Heterogeneous societies and ethnic identity : Fulani and cattle migrations -- Resource conflicts : farmers, pastoralists, cattle taxes and disputes over grazing and land -- Towards a resolution : the land settlement question -- Transforming British Bamenda : cattle wealth and development -- Semi-autonomy for pastoralists : native authority and court for the Fulani -- Modernizing the minds : introduction Western education to the pastoral Fulani -- Managing development : grazing innovations -- Continuity and change : the limits of colonial modernization.Global Africa ;2.Fula (African people)CameroonBamenda HighlandsFula (African people)Land tenureLand settlement patternsCameroonBamenda HighlandsCattleEnvironmental aspectsCameroonBamenda HighlandsGrazingEnvironmental aspectsCameroonBamenda HighlandsCameroonEthnic relationsGreat BritainColoniesAfricaAdministrationFula (African people)Fula (African people)Land tenure.Land settlement patternsCattleEnvironmental aspectsGrazingEnvironmental aspects967.1100496322Mbah Emmanuel M.886606MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910155121403321Environment and identity politics in colonial Africa1979849UNINA03337nam 2200853z- 450 991059507920332120231214133203.0(CKB)5680000000080733(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/92131(EXLCZ)99568000000008073320202209d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGeo Data Science for TourismBaselMDPI Books20221 electronic resource (188 p.)3-0365-5029-1 3-0365-5030-5 This reprint describes the recent challenges in tourism seen from the point of view of data science. Thanks to the use of the most popular Data Science concepts, you can easily recognise trends and patterns in tourism, detect the impact of tourism on the environment, and predict future trends in tourism. This reprint starts by describing how to analyse data related to the past, then it moves on to detecting behaviours in the present, and, finally, it describes some techniques to predict future trends. By the end of the reprint, you will be able to use data science to help tourism businesses make better use of data and improve their decision making and operations..Research & information: generalbicsscGeographybicsscgreen hotelcorporate social responsibilitygreen hotel certificationChinese regional tourismsocioeconomic and environmental driversspatiotemporal influencing factorsspatiotemporal estimation mappingBayesian STVC modelspatiotemporal nonstationary regressiongeographical data modeling analysissports tourismspatial distributiongeographic detectorinfluencing factorsChinaA-level scenic spotsspatiotemporal evolutiontrend analysisGeodetectortourism economic vulnerabilityobstacle factorstrend predictionmajor tourist citiestourism flowcellular signaling datasocial network analysisnetwork connectionnode centralitycommunitiesrelatedness between attractionsonline tourism reviewsheterogeneous information networkembeddingattraction imagetopic extractionAGNES clusteringtourist attraction clusteringtourist attraction reachability space modelspace-time deductiontour route searchingResearch & information: generalGeographyMarchetti Andreaedt127673Lo Duca AngelicaedtMarchetti AndreaothLo Duca AngelicaothBOOK9910595079203321Geo Data Science for Tourism3035014UNINA