05081nam 2201213z- 450 991059507810332120231214133243.0(CKB)5680000000080745(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/92020(EXLCZ)99568000000008074520202209d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierPrecision Medicine in Solid TumorsBaselMDPI Books20221 electronic resource (304 p.)3-0365-4791-6 3-0365-4792-4 In the era of precision medicine, the use of molecularly targeted therapies in selected patients has led to a paradigm change in cancer treatment. Multiple studies have demonstrated the benefits of therapies that are chosen based on the molecular profile of the tumor and also from the liquid biopsy. With genomics' increasing ability, a routine transcriptomics analysis of advanced/metastatic cancers is now feasible in most cancer hospitals, including community cancer centers. This is an unprecedented shift in the management of cancers irrespective of their organ types, which not only improved the outcome but also opened several new avenues in research and practice, such as immune-check-point inhibitors, tumor-TME co-evolution in the development of resistance, longitudinal liquid biopsies, biomarkers screening and the management of electronic medical records.This book brings together these crucial areas of investigation. The research presented here attempts to address the current issues to provoke thoughts for the future. The future of precision medicine will have to embrace a shift from in vitro, in vivo/PDX models for the mechanistic study to a more functional test based on the scientific interrogation of genomic data, in the form of functional precision medicine. We will also have to combat the element of noise in the multitudes of data and impart the regulatory structure to make judicious use of the data. The expectations for functional precision medicine are high. We aspire to witness a tremendous improvement in patient outcomes, from better to best, down the road that will match the clinical guidelines.MedicinebicsscOncologybicsscpediatric tumorstumor mutational burdenTMBwhole-exome sequencinggene panel sequencingimmune checkpoint inhibitorsglioblastoma prognosisoverall survivalextent of resectionrandom forestDecision treepersonalized precision oncologycirculating free DNAliquid biopsyepidermal growth factor receptortyrosine kinase inhibitorosimertinibcomprehensive genomic profilingmolecular genotypingintratumor heterogeneitymultiple biopsiestumor evolutionclonality classificationstrategic therapeutic interventionthymomadriver mutationsequencingmolecular barcodingEGFR mutationEGFR-TKIcfDNANGSdigital enrichmentnext-generation sequencingsolid canceruniversal health-care systemprecision medicinepresumed germline findingsclinical guidelinenon-small cell lung canceroutcomeadjuvant chemotherapyanaplastic lymphoma receptor tyrosine kinaseHNSCCctDNAtDNADDR genesPARP inhibitorsnew drug developmentnext-generation sequencing (NGS)open dataregulatory reformtumor profiling testtriple-negative breast cancer (TNBC)breast cancertargeted therapyTNBC subtypesimmunotherapycancerscreeningsmokingelectronic recordsPD-L1cancer-associated fibroblastsresistancechemotherapyCTCimmunocytochemistryparallel double-detectionlaboratory-friendlyMedicineOncologyDey Nandiniedt1332329De PradipedtDey NandiniothDe PradipothBOOK9910595078103321Precision Medicine in Solid Tumors3040843UNINA