02135nam 2200313z- 450 991048558230332120231214133537.0(CKB)5590000000501167(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/70795(EXLCZ)99559000000050116720202102d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCinema's DoppelgängersBrooklyn, NYpunctum books20211 electronic resource (386 p.)1-953035-62-0 "Cinema’s Doppelgängers is a counterfactual history of the cinema – or, perhaps, a work of speculative fiction in the guise of a scholarly history of film and movie guide. That is, it’s a history of the movies written from an alternative unfolding of historical time – a world in which neither the Bolsheviks nor the Nazis came to power, and thus a world in which Sergei Eisenstein never made movies and German filmmakers like Fritz Lang never fled to Hollywood, a world in which the talkies were invented in 1936 rather than 1927, in which the French New Wave critics didn’t become filmmakers, and in which Hitchcock never came to Hollywood.
The book attempts, on the one hand, to explore and expand upon the intrinsically creative nature of all historical writing; like all works of fiction, its ultimate goal is to be a work of art in and of itself. But it also aims, on the other hand, to be a legitimate examination of the relationship between the economic and political organization of nations and film industries and the resulting aesthetics of film and thus of the dominant ideas and values of film scholarship and criticism."Film theory & criticismbicsscaternative realism, cinema, film history, film studies, historiography, speculative fictionFilm theory & criticismDibbern Dougauth1324144BOOK9910485582303321Cinema's Doppelgängers3035946UNINA07918nam 2202533z- 450 991059507660332120231214133334.0(CKB)5680000000080760(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/92061(EXLCZ)99568000000008076020202209d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Potential of Dietary AntioxidantsBaselMDPI Books20221 electronic resource (552 p.)3-0365-4952-8 3-0365-4951-X Oxidative stress causes chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer, chronic obstructive pulmonary, and neurodegenerative pathologies. Antioxidant systems defend human cells from free radicals. They act by stopping free radicals, decreasing their development, and quenching the formed ROS and RNS. The antioxidant molecules are classified into primary and secondary defense molecules. The primary antioxidant molecules (i.e., vitamins C and E, ubiquinone, and glutathione) reduce oxidation effects by moving a proton to the free radical species or electron donors, or by terminating the chain reactions The secondary antioxidants (i.e., N-acetyl cysteine and lipoic acid) act as cofactors for some enzyme systems or neutralize the production of free radicals by transition metals. This work comprises original research papers and reviews on antioxidant molecules in food, the agricultural practices that maximize their levels in plants, the potential preventive effects of selected classes of antioxidant molecules, their potential use in functional foods, and the pharmaceutical delivery systems that maximize their potential activity when used as supplements.Research & information: generalbicsscBiology, life sciencesbicsscFood & societybicsscTrichoderma spp.EVOOolive pomaceolive vegetation waterOlea europea var LeccinoHRMS-Orbitrapphenolic identificationantioxidant activitygrape seed oil fatty acidnovel extractiontocopherolsupercritical fluidmicrowave assistedultrasound assistedSoxhletolive mill wastewaterolive oilOlive PâtéantioxidantsnutraceuticalQ Exactive Orbitrap LC-MS/MSClery strawberryfood processingPolyphenolsmulti-methodological evaluationHS-GC/MS analysisPCAantioxidantHepG2 cellsEVOO extractIOC methodsLDLRPCSK9tomatoesNMR spectroscopyFT-ICR mass spectrometryripening stagephenolicsmetabolomicsphytochemicalscardoonmultipurpose plantchlorogenic acidfatty acidsherbal treatmentorganic zinclambHaemonchus contortusantioxidant enzymeslipid peroxidationmineral statusparaxanthinecaffeineCYP1A2 phenotypinghuman salivadifferential pulse voltammetryeggflavonoidsinductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)metallomequercetinwalnutby-productsantitussiveROSNOxIL-6CXC-R1histopathological analysissustainable agricultureonion skintraditional varietiesflavonolsdietary antioxidants,Helichrysummedicinal plantsinfusionsphenolic compoundsantioxidative potentialpolyphenolsflavonidsendogenous antioxidant enzymesreduced glutathioneoxidized glutathionecatalasesuperoxide dismutaseinterleukin 6tumor necrosis factorendurance sportsFicus caricaoxidative stress protectionstress hormonesepidermal skin barriernutricosmeticsbrown ricefermentationgerminationstressbioactive compoundsuntargeted metabolomicsfunctional foodhealth benefitslovageelicitationphenolic acidspotential anti-inflammatory potentialanticancer propertiesantioxidative activitybioactive peptidespeptidomicsmass spectrometrysoybeanplant-based foodsLDLCVDlipid oxidationdietary fibercholesterolhyperlipidemiamicroalgaespirulinainflammationlipopolysaccharidedairy cowsfattening bullsleukocytesspicescondimentsextra-virgin olive oilantiviral propertiesantioxidant propertiesnutricosmeticgrape seedpomacepolyunsaturated fatty acidspolyphenolresveratrolrutinHPLCGCcoumarinsgreen synthesisDFTred algaeantioxidant and antimicrobial abilitylipoperoxidationsalmonanticancermarigoldsagebearberryeucalyptusyarrowapplespomegranatemitochondrial DNADNA damageapoptosisoral cancerarbutinmelaninpigmentmelasmaskin lighteningcosmetichyperpigmentationtyrosinasenuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2)Brassicaceaelight wavelengthreactive oxygen species (ROS)oxidative stressantioxidant proteinsMoringa leaf extractnanoencapsulationrabbitphysiologyreproductionResearch & information: generalBiology, life sciencesFood & societyDini Ireneedt1324804Montesano DomenicoedtDini IreneothMontesano DomenicoothBOOK9910595076603321The Potential of Dietary Antioxidants3036327UNINA03487nam 2200481 450 991082589200332120220530081254.03-96456-650-010.31819/9783964566508(CKB)4100000008168180(DE-B1597)516063(OCoLC)1100433927(DE-B1597)9783964566508(MiAaPQ)EBC6786331(Au-PeEL)EBL6786331(MiAaPQ)EBC6829881(Au-PeEL)EBL6829881(EXLCZ)99410000000816818020220530d2015 uy 0spaur||#||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAmicitia fecunda estudios en homenaje a Claudia Parodi /Jimena Rodríguez, Manuel Pérez (editores)Madrid ;Frankfurt am Main :Iberoamericana :Vervuert,[2015]©20151 online resource (268 p.)Includes bibliographical references.Front matter --Índice --A Manera De Prologo --I. Literatura, Semántica Y Culturas Coloniales --Sor Juana, de Nepantla a San Jerónimo /Poot Herrera, Sara --Grandezas mexicanas. El "Canto intitulado Mercurio", de Arias de Villalobos /Kohut, Karl --Luis Felipe Fabre y la poesía nefanda /Sefamí, Jacobo --Violencia y fronteras coloniales en la Historia de la nueva México de Gaspar de Villagrá /Martín Rodríguez, Manuel M. --Apología del dominio marítimo español en el Neptuno alegórico de Sor Juana /Pérez, Manuel --Una descripción criolla de los animales de Indias a la luz de la semántica cultural /Lamar Prieto, Covadonga --"Reconociendo los brutos la generosidad de sus amos": el vestido en el auto general de la fe de 1659 /Rodríguez, Jimena --Reinterpreting the conquest of México for an enlightenment audience in Vivaldi's opera Motezuma (1733) /Alejandro Olivas, Aaron --Identidad mestiza y la formulación de un sujeto colonial de superior devoción en el Perú colonial del siglo xvi /Rúan, Felipe E. --II. Lengua Y Lingüística --Un vocabulario matlatzinca del siglo xvi /Lastra, Yolanda --Estrategias semánticas durante el contacto del Nuevo y Viejo Mundo: el caso del vino /Helmer, Angela / Luna, Kenneth V. --Dialectos, identidades y tratamientos en el discurso cotidiano: un argumento concreto a favor de los métodos mixtos en las investigaciones dialectológicas y sociolingüísticas /Wesley Raymond, Chase --Variabilidad en la pronunciación de /r/ en el español de Puerto Rico /Luna, Kenneth V. --Bibliografia De Claudia Parodi --Sobre Los AutoresCompilación de estudios en homenaje a Claudia Parodi divididos en dos grandes secciones: literatura, semántica y cultura de la América colonial, y lengua y lingüística. Autores como Karl Kohut, Sara Poot Herrera o Yolanda Lastra, entre otros, analizan desde la obra de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz o Arias de Villalobos, a cuestiones de lingüística colonial o contemporánea.Spanish American literatureHistory and criticismSpanish American literatureHistory and criticism.860.998Rodríguez JimenaPérez Manuel1969-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910825892003321Amicitia fecunda4120354UNINA