02673oam 22006014a 450 991078035050332120231212230826.01-280-82983-497866108298350-85199-772-4(CKB)111087028074706(EBL)294760(OCoLC)476061306(SSID)ssj0000103644(PQKBManifestationID)11113665(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000103644(PQKBWorkID)10071411(PQKB)10850669(MiAaPQ)EBC294760(Au-PeEL)EBL294760(CaPaEBR)ebr10060484(CaONFJC)MIL82983(EXLCZ)9911108702807470620020126h20022002 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAnimal domestication and behavior /Edward O. PriceWallingford, Oxon, UK ;New York :CABI Pub.,2002.©20021 online resource (x, 297 pages) illustrations0-85199-597-7 Includes bibliographical references (p. 230-282) and indexes.Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1 Why Study Domestication?; Chapter 2 Domestication Defined; Chapter 3 Approaches to the Study of Domestication; Chapter 4 Pre-adaptations for Domestication; Chapter 5 Inbreeding; Chapter 6 Genetic Drift; Chapter 7 Artificial Selection; Chapter 8 Natural Selection in Captivity; Chapter 9 Relaxation of Natural Selection; Chapter 10 Genetic Variability and Behavior; Chapter 11 Morphological and Physiological Traits; Chapter 12 Feeding and Drinking; Chapter 13 Predation, Infectious Diseases and Parasites; Chapter 14 Interactions with HumansChapter 15 Social Environment; Chapter 16 Climate and Shelter; Chapter 17 Use of Space; Chapter 18 Behavioral Development in Captive Animals; Chapter 19 Reintroductions and Feralization; Chapter 20 Welfare and Ethics; References; Subject Index; Species IndexSynthesizes the knowledge of the process of domestication and how it has affected the behaviour of captive wild and domesticated animals.DomesticationAnimal behaviorDomestic animalsDomestication.Animal behavior.Domestic animals.636.08/2Price Edward O313006MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910780350503321Animal domestication and behavior3765275UNINA04527nam 22006735 450 991058658980332120230810175630.09783031093340(electronic bk.)978303109333310.1007/978-3-031-09334-0(MiAaPQ)EBC7072671(Au-PeEL)EBL7072671(CKB)24368778700041(DE-He213)978-3-031-09334-0(EXLCZ)992436877870004120220810d2022 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierContinental Philosophy of Psychiatry The Lure of Madness /by Alastair Morgan1st ed. 2022.Cham :Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,2022.1 online resource (416 pages)Print version: Morgan, Alastair Continental Philosophy of Psychiatry Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,c2022 9783031093333 Chapter 1: Introduction -- Part I: Three Inclusive Exclusions -- Chapter 2: “A subtle, pervasive and strangely uncertain light”: Jaspers on understanding madness -- Chapter 3: “As strange to me as the birds in the garden”: Bleuler, Jung and the creation of schizophrenia -- Chapter 4: A distance from all that is human: Freud and Psychosis -- Part II: Through a glass darkly -- Chapter 5: Vital Contact -- Chapter 6: Ipseity -- Chapter 7: The Body -- Chapter 8: Being-in-the-world -- Part III: It’s a Mad world -- Chapter 9: “The world cannot acknowledge its own madness”: alienation and the destruction of experience -- Chapter 10: Reification and Schizophrenia – a socio-pathological parallelism -- Chapter 11: Beware, Marcuse! -- Chapter 12: “O my body. . .”: Fanon and the pathologies of recognition -- Part IV: “A certain madness must watch over thinking” -- Chapter 13: “In the distance of madness”: Foucault and the History of Madness -- Chapter 14: The lure of madness -- Chapter 15: Lacan: the shadow of madness -- Chapter 16: The ineffable and limit-experience -- Part V: Anti -Psychiatry and madness -- Chapter 17: Capitalism and schizophrenia -- Chapter 18: A germinal anti-psychiatry: R.D. Laing’s wild empathy -- Chapter 19: “It all began with a ‘no’”: The Institution negated -- Chapter 20: Epilogue – The end of madness?. .This book explores how the continental philosophical tradition in the 20th century attempted to understand madness as madness. It traces the paradoxical endeavour of reason attempting to understand madness without dissolving the inherent strangeness and otherness of madness. It provides a comprehensive overview of the contributions of phenomenology, critical theory, psychoanalysis, post-structuralism and anti-psychiatry to continental philosophy and psychiatry. The book outlines an intellectual tradition of psychiatry that is both fascinated by and withdraws from madness. Madness is a lure for philosophy in two senses; as both trap and provocation. It is a trap because this philosophical tradition constructs an otherness of madness so profound, that it condemns madness to silence. However, the idea of madness as another world is also a fertile provocation because it respects the non-identity of madness to reason. The book concludes with some critical reflections on the role of madness in contemporary philosophical thought. Alastair Morgan is a Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester, UK.MedicinePhilosophyContinental philosophyPhilosophy of mindSelfEthicsPsychiatryPhilosophy of MedicineContinental PhilosophyPhilosophy of the SelfMoral PsychologyPsychiatryMedicinePhilosophy.Continental philosophy.Philosophy of mind.Self.Ethics.Psychiatry.Philosophy of Medicine.Continental Philosophy.Philosophy of the Self.Moral Psychology.Psychiatry.190616.89001Morgan Alastair1252972MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQ9910586589803321Continental Philosophy of Psychiatry2904904UNINA