04109nam 2200505z- 450 991055785110332120230221133011.0(CKB)5400000000048302(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/80403(EXLCZ)99540000000004830220202204d2020 |y 0slvurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierTerenski snežni priročnikPriročnik za izvedbo prereza in preizkusa stabilnosti snežne odejeLjubljanaZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC20201 electronic resource (50 p.)961-05-0264-4 961-05-0265-2 Avalanches cause the highest number of fatalities in the Alps, threatening many areas and facilities, as well as transport and communications infrastructure. An integral part of avalanche protection is risk communication and warning, which is within the domain of the avalanche service of the Slovenian Environmental Agency. As part of the ‘Crossrisk Project’, the ZRC SAZU Anton Melik Geographical Institute has prepared a ‘Snow Field Manual’ which will allow for the standardised collection of field data on snow, snow cover and avalanches. This data forms the basis for determining the current avalanche hazard level. The ‘Snow Card’ supplement, which is an integral part of the manual, contains a condensed view of the most important contents and also includes two forms (there are a total of 14 forms in the manual) for entering the snow cover cross-section data. It also includes instructions for preparing and performing cross-sections of snow cover and avalanche tests. All information is provided along with a clear explanation key. Finally, a description of typical avalanche problems and types of avalanche hazards follows. The full applicability of the Snow Field Manual and the Snow Card is achieved by entering the digital data of the cross-section and the avalanche test into the appropriate web application.Snežni plazovi so naravna nesreča, ki v Alpah povzroči največ smrtnih žrtev, ogroža pa tudi številne površine in objekte ter prometno in komunikacijsko infrastrukturo. Sestavni del varstva in zaščite pred snežnimi plazovi je tudi obveščanje in opozarjanje, ki je v domeni lavinske službe, v Sloveniji Agencije Republike Slovenije za okolje. Na Geografskem inštitutu Antona Melika ZRC SAZU smo v okviru projekta Crossrisk pripravili priročnik bo omogočil standardizirano zbiranje terenskih podatkov o snegu, snežni odeji in plazovih, ki so temelj za določitev stopnje nevarnosti proženja snežnih plazov. V priročniku, katerega sestavni del je tudi snežna kartica - na njej sta poleg zgoščenega prikaza najnujnejših vsebin tudi dva obrazca (v priročniku 14) za vnos podatkov o prerezu - so navodila za pripravo in izvedbo prereza snežne odeje ter preizkusa plazovitosti. Pri vseh podatkih je naveden ključ za njihov vnos. Na koncu sledi opis značilnih plazovnih problemov oziroma tipov plazovne nevarnosti. Polno uporabnost snežnega priročnika in kartice dosežemo z e vpisom podatkov o prerezu in preizkusu plazovitosti na ustrezen spletni naslov, na katerem so obrazci v digitalni obliki.Terenski snežni priročnik Terenski snežni priroÄnik MountainsbicsscHydrology & the hydrospherebicsscavalanche hazard testssnow avalanchessnow cover profilemanualspreizkus plazovitostiprerez snežne odejepriročnikisnežni plazoviMountainsHydrology & the hydrosphereVolk Bahun Mancaedt1305906Pavšek MihaedtVolk Bahun MancaothPavšek MihaothBOOK9910557851103321Terenski snežni priročnik3028001UNINA06274nam 2201705z- 450 991058594470332120231214133501.0(CKB)5600000000483031(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/91182(EXLCZ)99560000000048303120202208d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLow Back Pain (LBP)BaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (318 p.)3-0365-4455-0 3-0365-4456-9 Low back pain (LBP) is a major public health problem, being the most commonly reported musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) and the leading cause of compromised quality of life and work absenteeism. Indeed, LBP is the leading worldwide cause of years lost to disability, and its burden is growing alongside the increasing and aging population. The etiology, pathogenesis, and occupational risk factors of LBP are still not fully understood. It is crucial to give a stronger focus to reducing the consequences of LBP, as well as preventing its onset. Primary prevention at the occupational level remains important for highly exposed groups. Therefore, it is essential to identify which treatment options and workplace-based intervention strategies are effective in increasing participation at work and encouraging early return-to-work to reduce the consequences of LBP. The present Special Issue offers a unique opportunity to update many of the recent advances and perspectives of this health problem. A number of topics will be covered in order to attract high-quality research papers, including the following major areas: prevalence and epidemiological data, etiology, prevention, assessment and treatment approaches, and health promotion strategies for LBP. We have received a wide range of submissions, including research on the physical, psychosocial, environmental, and occupational perspectives, also focused on workplace interventions.Low Back Pain Technology: general issuesbicsscEnvironmental science, engineering & technologybicssclow back pain (LBP)standing positionmusculoskeletal painsedentary behaviourback painGoogle TrendsinfodemiologyseasonalityWikipediaback problemsLow Back Pain Scalemaximum voluntary isometric contractionpostural stabilityunexpected external postural perturbationsdisabilityinsurancelow back painlumbar decompressionlumbar fusionmusculoskeletal disordersoccupational healthpainreturn to worksatisfactionmanual therapykinesiophobiafear of painAustralian methodNeuracchronicunderservedAfrican AmericanLatinoolder adultsworkloadwearable assistive deviceoccupational back-support exoskeletonEMGhandling tasklumbalgiaphysical activitypreventionpublic healthoccupational safety and healthrisk assessmentoccupational disorderknowledgerehabilitation nursespatient careunemploymentgender differencepopulation attributable fractioncross-sectional studiesorthopaedicsartificial intelligencecomputer visiondigital image processingdeep learningdecision support systemscomputer aided diagnosissub-threshold lumbar instabilitynon-radiological lumbar instabilitylumbar instabilityradiographylumbar translationlumbar rotationscreening toolX-raysensitivityspecificityworkplace interventionsworkerswork abilitysystematic reviewmeta-analysiscognitive behavioral therapymindfulness-based stress reductiondepressionfear-avoidance beliefsabsenteeismepidemiologyworkplaceepidural steroid injectionslumbosacral radicular paindisk herniationcanal stenosisreviewpelvic incidencehip–knee lineanthropometryROC curvereliabilityMRICTbone metastasisbone cancerlung cancerprostate cancermachine learningradiomicssignaturespinal loadcore stabilityergonomicslow-back painlower extremityTechnology: general issuesEnvironmental science, engineering & technologyDenaro Vincenzoedt1293868Iavicoli SergioedtRusso FabrizioedtVadalà GianlucaedtDenaro VincenzoothIavicoli SergioothRusso FabrizioothVadalà GianlucaothBOOK9910585944703321Low Back Pain (LBP)3022801UNINA02526 am 2200481 n 450 991049584170332120240104030733.02-251-91408-010.4000/books.lesbelleslettres.4617(CKB)5590000000468054(FrMaCLE)OB-lesbelleslettres-4617(PPN)255906226(EXLCZ)99559000000046805420210503j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||Le convive et le savantSophistes, rhéteurs, grammairiens et philosophes au banquet de Platon à AthénéeYannick ScolanParisLes Belles Lettres20211 online resource (392 p.) 2-251-44702-4 Pourquoi Platon, Xénophon, Plutarque, Lucien et Athénée ont-ils choisi de placer leurs savants personnages dans des banquets ? Aucun d’entre eux ne semble pouvoir se comporter à table et dans le vin comme il le ferait dans le cercle, moins agité, d’une école. Il en va jusqu’à Socrate qui, loin de refuser les plaisirs de la chère, s’en sert pour conduire ses compagnons de boisson vers la philosophie. Car le banquet ne constitue pas le simple cadre formel de discussions plus déliées qu’ailleurs : il en devient le sujet même et permet, à partir d’une incongruité ou d’une plaisante obscurité, d’ébranler l’opinion première des convives et de créer les conditions d’une recherche partagée. Mauvais savant serait celui qui, dans de pareilles circonstances, revendiquerait un savoir établi et définitif pour refuser le plaisir symposiaque d’une conversation volontiers facétieuse à laquelle chacun, loin de toute érudition de mauvais aloi, doit, au contraire, apporter son écot. La table et le vin révèlent l’homme tel qu’il est, philosophe ou ignorant, non seulement dans ses paroles mais aussi dans ses actes : bon convive est le vrai savant.ClassicsPhilosophygrammaireAthènessophistiqueantiquitéLe BanquetphilosophieClassicsPhilosophygrammaireAthènessophistiqueantiquitéLe BanquetphilosophieScolan Yannick1459450FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495841703321Le convive et le savant3658714UNINA02444nam 22005293 450 991086106540332120240510181306.09781789147223(ebook)1-78914-722-0(CKB)5720000000193801(MiAaPQ)EBC30591411(Au-PeEL)EBL30591411(BIP)093131187(EXLCZ)99572000000019380120230613h20232023 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAlle thyng hath tyme time and medieval life /Gillian Adler and Paul StrohmLondon :Reaktion Books, Limited,2023.©20231 online resource (248 pages) illustrationsMedieval lives series1-78914-679-8 9781789146790 Includes bibliographical references and index.Varieties of time -- Measuring time -- Time and the planets -- Lives in time -- Timescapes: narrative shapes of time -- Allegories of time -- Ages of humankind -- The end of time.An insightful account of how medieval people experienced time.Alle Thyng Hath Tyme recreates medieval people's experience of time as continuous, discontinuous, linear, and cyclical--from creation through judgment and into eternity. Medieval people measured time by natural phenomena such as sunrise and sunset, the motion of the stars, or the progress of the seasons, even as the late-medieval invention of the mechanical clock made time-reckoning more precise. Negotiating these mixed and competing systems, Gillian Adler and Paul Strohm show how medieval people gained a nuanced and expansive sense of time that rewards attention today.Medieval lives (Reaktion Books (Firm))TimePsychological aspectsHistoryTo 1500Time perceptionHistoryTo 1500Civilization, MedievalEuropesocial life and customsTo 1500TimePsychological aspectsHistoryTime perceptionHistoryCivilization, Medieval.Adler Gillian1645632Strohm Paul1938-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910861065403321Alle thyng hath tyme4167132UNINA