03335nam 2200793z- 450 991058021300332120231214133457.0(CKB)5690000000011958(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/87418(EXLCZ)99569000000001195820202207d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBringing Governance Back Home - Lessons for Local Government regarding Rapid Climate ActionBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (192 p.)3-0365-4267-1 3-0365-4268-X There is a growing recognition that rapid action in response to climate change is urgently necessary, and that many of the responsibilities for this action (e.g., relating to transport, land-use planning and economic development) rest at the local level. This is attested to by the growing number of local authorities that have declared climate emergencies across the globe. Responding to this emergency will require significant changes in the assumptions, expectations, priorities and procedures of locally elected representatives and government officials. This Special Issue will explore the responses of local government, as a key locus of sustainability governance, to the need for rapid climate action, drawing on examples from diverse locations (UK, western Europe, Chile and South Africa) and at various scales (from the smallest local areas, to city regions, counties and provinces).Research & information: generalbicsscclimate changelocal governmentclimate governanceurban transportpoliticslocal climate actionclimate emergencyphronesispractical wisdomcrisisUKParis Agreementcarbon budgetstransportgovernancecarbon accountingscalartop-downbottom-uplocal governmentscritical infrastructure investmentcapacitiespolitical leadership attributesmunicipal organizational robustnessChilepop-up consultancy centrelocal authoritieshome renovationdecentralised approachhome-owner renovation journeybusiness modelsmulti-level governanceinformal settlementssanitation servicesinstitutional remakingResearch & information: generalTyfield Davidedt1308063Willis RebeccaedtYuille AndyedtTyfield DavidothWillis RebeccaothYuille AndyothBOOK9910580213003321Bringing Governance Back Home — Lessons for Local Government regarding Rapid Climate Action3029092UNINA