04919nam 2201189z- 450 991057687980332120231214133237.0(CKB)5720000000008377(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/84508(EXLCZ)99572000000000837720202206d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAdvances in Sensors, Big Data and Machine Learning in Intelligent Animal FarmingBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (228 p.)3-0365-4035-0 3-0365-4036-9 Animal production (e.g., milk, meat, and eggs) provides valuable protein production for human beings and animals. However, animal production is facing several challenges worldwide such as environmental impacts and animal welfare/health concerns. In animal farming operations, accurate and efficient monitoring of animal information and behavior can help analyze the health and welfare status of animals and identify sick or abnormal individuals at an early stage to reduce economic losses and protect animal welfare. In recent years, there has been growing interest in animal welfare. At present, sensors, big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are used to improve management efficiency, reduce production costs, and enhance animal welfare. Although these technologies still have challenges and limitations, the application and exploration of these technologies in animal farms will greatly promote the intelligent management of farms. Therefore, this Special Issue will collect original papers with novel contributions based on technologies such as sensors, big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to study animal behavior monitoring and recognition, environmental monitoring, health evaluation, etc., to promote intelligent and accurate animal farm management.Technology: general issuesbicsscHistory of engineering & technologybicsscpig weightbody sizeestimationdeep learningconvolutional neural networkpig identificationmask scoring R-CNNsoft-NMSgroup-housed pigsaudiodairy cowmasticationjaw movementforage managementprecision livestock managementequine behaviorwearable sensorintermodality interactionclass-balanced focal lossabsorbing Markov chaincow behavior analysisprediction of calving timecow identificationEfficientDetYOLACT++cascaded modelinstance segmentationgenerative adversarial networkmachine learningautomated medical image processingdeep neural networkanimal scienceCT scanscomputer visioncowextensive livestocksensorized wearable devicemonitoringparturition predictionradar sensorsradar signal processinganimal farmingcomputational ethologysignal classificationwavelet analysisdairy welfarehierarchical clusteringmutual informationprecision livestock farmingtime budgetsunsupervised machine learningwearables designanimal-centered designanimal telemetrymodularitysmart collardesign contributionsadditive manufacturinglow-frequency trackingcommercial aviarylaying hensfalse registrationstree-based classifieranimal behaviourTechnology: general issuesHistory of engineering & technologyQiao Yongliangedt1324800Chai LilongedtHe DongjianedtSu DaobiligeedtQiao YongliangothChai LilongothHe DongjianothSu DaobiligeothBOOK9910576879803321Advances in Sensors, Big Data and Machine Learning in Intelligent Animal Farming3036320UNINA01123nam0 2200277 i 450 VAN0007016920240806100549.59488-06-13118-420090521d1994 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Lunga storia di Edipo reFreud, Sofocle e il teatro occidentaleGuido PaduanoTorinoEinaudi[1994]VI, 371 p.21 cm.001VAN000155592001 Einaudi paperbacks210 TorinoEinaudi1969-245TorinoVANL000001882.01Dramma e poesia drammatica in greco classico, origini-50021PaduanoGuidoVANV029430156702Einaudi <editore>VANV107903650ITSOL20240906RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALIIT-CE0103VAN07VAN00070169BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALI07CONS Xd Soph 1617 07 4291 20090521 Lunga storia di Edipo re212166UNICAMPANIA