05793nam 2201465z- 450 991057687680332120231214132854.0(CKB)5720000000008407(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/84600(EXLCZ)99572000000000840720202206d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDesign and Application of Electrical MachinesMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (352 p.)3-0365-4323-6 3-0365-4324-4 Electrical machines are one of the most important components of the industrial world. They are at the heart of the new industrial revolution, brought forth by the development of electromobility and renewable energy systems. Electric motors must meet the most stringent requirements of reliability, availability, and high efficiency in order, among other things, to match the useful lifetime of power electronics in complex system applications and compete in the market under ever-increasing pressure to deliver the highest performance criteria. Today, thanks to the application of highly efficient numerical algorithms running on high-performance computers, it is possible to design electric machines and very complex drive systems faster and at a lower cost. At the same time, progress in the field of material science and technology enables the development of increasingly complex motor designs and topologies. The purpose of this Special Issue is to contribute to this development of electric machines. The publication of this collection of scientific articles, dedicated to the topic of electric machine design and application, contributes to the dissemination of the above information among professionals dealing with electrical machines.Technology: general issuesbicsscHistory of engineering & technologybicsscelectric AWD tractorSOC levelsimulation modelload measurement systemdriving testbrushless direct current motor with permanent magnet (BLDCM)winding configurationsstardeltastar-deltafault statesopen circuit (OC)FFTneutral-point voltageelectrical machinehydro generatorfaulty synchronizationfinite element methodfield-circuit modelingpermanent magnet machineshybrid excitationelectric vehicleswind power generatorfinite element methodsvariable speed machinessynchronous generatorpermanent magnetsdemagnetizationmotor controlswitched reluctance motorMATLABsimulationwheel hub motorelectric drivepermanent magnet synchronous motorelectrical machinesthermal modelingpreformed coilsinsulation systemspre-shaped conductorsystem modelstructural dynamicsmultibody simulationtransient electrical machine modelpermanent magnet synchronous machineinduction machinedynamic gear forcesplanetary gearsynchronous condenserdifferent materialsmagnetic flux leakage in the endeddy current lossfluid-solid couplingfinite element analysis (FEA)interior PM synchronous motorsurface PM synchronous motortraction applicationsfinite element analysisflux switching machineflux bridgemagnetic flux leakagevariable flux machineaxial flux generatorspatial harmonic interactionharmonic balance methodturbo-generatoreddy current lossesdata drivensupport vector regressionmulti-layer perceptronvane pumpelectric motorintegrated motor-pump assembly (IMPA)balanced vane pumpfluid power drivesbrushless DC electric motorpermanent magnet machinemeasurementshigh-speed motorelectromagnetic analysismechanical analysisthermal analysiselectromechanical convertordrive system componentelectromagnetic calculationMR fluidsMR multi-disc clutchclutch designelectric trainhybrid excited linear flux switching machinerope-less elevatorTechnology: general issuesHistory of engineering & technologyPalka Ryszardedt1293866Wardach MarcinedtPalka RyszardothWardach MarcinothBOOK9910576876803321Design and Application of Electrical Machines3024204UNINA