02036nam 2200385 450 991057219340332120230516122317.0(CKB)5860000000046932(NjHacI)995860000000046932(EXLCZ)99586000000004693220230516d2007 uy 0itaur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCittà e territori da vivere oggi e domani Il contributo scientifico delle tesi di laurea /Carlo Natali, Daniela PoliFirenze :Firenze University Press,2007.1 online resource (248 pages)Territori88-927-3945-X Town planning entails the complex task of studying the habitat in its variegated aspects, with the objective of introducing functional transformations in response to the demands of the community. Since it is an experimental discipline, however, methods of approach and elaboration can be very different. This book represents the synthesis of the degree theses produced in the Department of Town and Territorial Planning of the University of Florence between 2000 and 2004, selected with a view to achieving a significant overview of the various issues and disciplinary areas. The volume thus addresses topical questions such as the protection of the historic identity, the rethinking of the modern city, obsolete areas and urban gaps, relational processes and spaces, sustainable development and planning, and the settlements of developing countries.Collana Territori.Città e territori da vivere oggi e domani Territories and possessionsTerritories and possessions.341.42Natali Carlo24269Poli DanielaNjHacINjHaclBOOK9910572193403321Città e territori da vivere oggi e domani3363371UNINA