03195nam 2200457 450 991056829600332120221129192400.03-030-90513-6(MiAaPQ)EBC6977346(Au-PeEL)EBL6977346(CKB)22046195600041(EXLCZ)992204619560004120221129d2022 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLaw and technology in a global digital society autonomous systems, big data, IT security and legal tech /Georg Borges and Christoph Sorge, editorsCham, Switzerland :Springer,[2022]©20221 online resource (viii, 377 pages)Includes bibliographical references.Part 1: Artificial Intelligence -- Legal Framework for AI -- Moralizing Technology and Criminal Law theory -- Liability for AI -- Machine Learning decision-making: when algorithms can make decisions according to the GDPR -- Algorithmic Suspicion in the Era of Predictive Policing -- Part 2: Data Protection -- The Fundamental Right to Data Protection of Blockchain Users seen through the Applicability of the GDPR -- The insurmountable trade-off: Efficiency vs. Human Rights in the area of AI -- Virtual Personal Assistants and European data Protection Law. GDPR & E-Privacy-Reg -- GDPR compliance for East European non-EU companies -- Part 3: IT Security -- IT Security measures and their impact on data protection -- The Legal Framework for IT Security in the Industry 4.0 -- The Role of Criminal Law in Regulation Cybercrime and IT Security -- Phishing in Online Banking an OverviewInternet of Things and Consumers Privacy in a Brazilian perspective: Cybervulnerability and Dialogue of sources -- Part 4: Legal Tech. LegalTech and computational legal Theory -- Smart Contracts in Civil Law Countries: Legislative Analysis and Perspectives of Regulation -- Crowdsourcing as a Means for Participatory Legislation."This book examines central aspects of the new technologies and the legal questions raised by them from both an international and an inter-disciplinary perspective. The technology revolution and the global networking of IT systems pose enormous challenges for the law. Current areas of discussion relate to autonomous systems, big data and issues surrounding legal tech. Ensuring data protection and IT security as well as the creation of a legal framework for the new technology as a whole can only be achieved through international and inter-disciplinary co-operation"--Publisher's description.Technology and lawPractice of lawTechnological innovationsBig dataTechnology and law.Practice of lawTechnological innovations.Big data.344.095Borges GeorgSorge ChristophMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910568296003321Law and technology in a global digital society2917814UNINA