01118nam0 2200289 450000003159920170726153728.0978-88-7075-919-820170725d2017----km-y0itay50------baitaITy-------001yyCome imparare a riconoscere il falso in reteCarlo BianchiniMilanoEditrice Bibliografica201767 p.ill.15 cmLibrary toolbox192001Library toolbox19Come imparare a riconoscere il falso in rete1473875World Wide Web <sistema di recupero delle informazioni>GuideRecupero dell'informazioneManuali025.52421Attività nelle biblioteche, negli archivi, nei centri d'informazione. Servizi al pubblico. Ricerca e recupero delle informazioniBianchini,Carlo<1967- >233479ITUNIPARTHENOPE20170725RICAUNIMARC000031599025-C/1146665NAVA12017Come imparare a riconoscere il falso in rete1473875UNIPARTHENOPE04862nam 2201069z- 450 991056648220332120231214133413.0(CKB)5680000000037558(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/81082(EXLCZ)99568000000003755820202205d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierHydrology in Water Resources ManagementBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (284 p.)3-0365-3266-8 3-0365-3267-6 This book is a collection of 12 papers describing the role of hydrology in water resources management. The papers can be divided s according to their area of focus as 1) modeling of hydrological processes, 2) use of modern techniques in hydrological analysis, 3) impact of human pressure and climate change on water resources, and 4) hydrometeorological extremes. Belonging to the first area is the presentation of a new Muskingum flood routing model, a new tool to perform frequency analysis of maximum precipitation of a specified duration via the so-named PMAXΤP model (Precipitation MAXimum Time (duration) Probability), modeling of interception processes, and using a rainfall-runoff GR2M model to calculate monthly runoff. For the second area, the groundwater potential was evaluated using a model of multi-influencing factors in which the parameters were optimized by using geoprocessing tools in geographical information system (GIS) in combination with satellite altimeter data and the reanalysis of hydrological data to simulate overflow transport using the Nordic Sea as an example. Presented for the third area are a water balance model for the comparison of water resources with the needs of water users, the idea of adaptive water management, impacts of climate change, and anthropogenic activities on the runoff in catchment located in the western Himalayas of Pakistan. The last area includes spatiotemporal analysis of rainfall variability with regard to drought hazard and use of the copula function to meteorologically analyze drought.Research & information: generalbicsscGR2Minverse distance weightingrainfall-runoff modelsensitivity analysismulti-influencing factors (MIF)vertical electrical sounding (VES)electrical resistivity tomography (ERT)groundwater resource management (GRM)hydro-stratigraphywell logsprecipitationclimate changeSen’s estimatorMann-KendallWadi Cheliff basinupper Minjiang Rivermarginal distributioncopulabivariate joint distributionreturn periodrainfall partitioningdry tropical forestgash modelinterception modellingNordic Seaoverflow fluxbarotropic pressurebaroclinic pressureannual maximum precipitationpeaks-over-threshold methodsstatistical analysismaximum precipitation frequency analysisgammaWeibulllog-gammalog-normalGumbel distributionsnonparametric testsdroughttrendsSPImina basinAlgeriaKunhar River Basinstreamflowtrend analysisSoil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)anthropogenic impactshydrologic flood routingMuskingum flood routing modelmeta-heuristic optimizationself-adaptive vision correction algorithmAdaptive Water Managementstakeholder engagementlegislationsurveyuncertainty in water managementwater requirements of aquatic and water dependent ecosystemswater resources allocationwater balance modelResearch & information: generalWalega Andrzejedt1314117Tokarczyk TamaraedtWalega AndrzejothTokarczyk TamaraothBOOK9910566482203321Hydrology in Water Resources Management3031727UNINA