04038nam 2200829z- 450 991056646990332120231214133349.0(CKB)5680000000037681(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/80953(EXLCZ)99568000000003768120202205d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierFlood Early Warning and Risk ModellingBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (120 p.)3-0365-3778-3 3-0365-3777-5 Extreme hydrological phenomena are one of the most common causes of human life loss and material damage as a result of the manifestation of natural hazards around human communities. Climatic changes have directly impacted the temporal distribution of previously known flood events, inducing significantly increased frequency rates as well as manifestation intensities. Understanding the occurrence and manifestation behavior of flood risk as well as identifying the most common time intervals during which there is a greater probability of flood occurrence should be a subject of social priority, given the potential casualties and damage involved. However, considering the numerous flood analysis models that have been currently developed, this phenomenon has not yet been fully comprehended due to the numerous technical challenges that have arisen. These challenges can range from lack of measured field data to difficulties in integrating spatial layers of different scales as well as other potential digital restrictions.The aim of the current book is to promote publications that address flood analysis and apply some of the most novel inundation prediction models, as well as various hydrological risk simulations related to floods, that will enhance the current state of knowledge in the field as well as lead toward a better understanding of flood risk modeling. Furthermore, in the current book, the temporal aspect of flood propagation, including alert times, warning systems, flood time distribution cartographic material, and the numerous parameters involved in flood risk modeling, are discussed.Technology: general issuesbicsscHistory of engineering & technologybicsscEnvironmental science, engineering & technologybicsscflood mapsflood risk managementHAND modelWebAssemblyflood risk mappingweb systemsfloodsurban floodingflood analysisdesign floodsHEC-HMSHEC-RASdam breakunsteadyflood mappingKesemflood riskpoorly gauged watershedsregional flood frequencyflood modelingGPU-parallel numerical schemebridgesstory mapsdisaster risk reductionslideGARI toolrisk communicationclimate changeflood early warningforecastinghydrological extremesmachine learningAndesNilwala river basincoupled flood modellingiRICTechnology: general issuesHistory of engineering & technologyEnvironmental science, engineering & technologyIosub Marinaedt1328533Enea AndreiedtIosub MarinaothEnea AndreiothBOOK9910566469903321Flood Early Warning and Risk Modelling3038656UNINA