02435 am 22005653u 450 991056317370332120230621135657.0(CKB)3710000000470337(SSID)ssj0001579741(PQKBManifestationID)16255261(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001579741(PQKBWorkID)14799493(PQKB)10418323(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/29628(EXLCZ)99371000000047033720160829d2015 uy |gerurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierKarl Kraus und Peter Altenberg eine Typologie moderner Haltungen /Simon GanahlKonstanzKonstanz University Press2015Germany :Konstanz University Press,20151 online resource (236 pages) digital, PDF file(s)Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph3-86253-059-0 Includes bibliographical references.The book explores the modern attitudes that are articulated in the texts "Third Walpurgis Night" (1933) by Karl Kraus and "Prodromos" (1905) by Peter Altenberg. Following Foucault's discourse analytical approach and his concept of self practice, it asks with what types of subject and truth the two literary works break open the structures of enunciation in which they are historically embedded. The result is not a biographical or philological comparison, but a report on the experience of a performative reading that makes an archaeological section of the writings and reconstructs their genealogical line.German literatureHistory and criticismGermanic LiteratureHILCCLanguages & LiteraturesHILCCKarl KrausPeter AltenbergThird Walpurgis NightProdromosTypologyDritte WalpurgisnachtTypologieNationalsozialismusGerman literatureHistory and criticismGermanic LiteratureLanguages & LiteraturesGanahl Simon1222366PQKBUkMaJRUBOOK9910563173703321Karl Kraus und Peter Altenberg2837050UNINA