04247oam 2200985 c 450 991056309870332120220517055423.0978383098497938309849799783830984979(CKB)3710000000897494(Waxmann)9783830984979(ScCtBLL)ba178cfb-071c-4d8b-87af-237f5bd82891(EXLCZ)99371000000089749420220221d2016 uy 0gerurnnunnnannuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLanguage and Nation Crossroads and Connections /Guri Ellen Barstad, Arnstein Hjelde, Sigmund Kvam, Anastasia Parianou, John Todd1st, New ed.MünsterWaxmann20161 online resource (320 p.)9783830934974 3830934971 Studies on the relation between language, identity and nation (building) represent a long tradition in linguistic, cultural and political research. In this interdisciplinary anthology, we focus on different aspects of how language is used to shape a nation; by retaining a national identity in the context of emigration, by measures taken to change an existing nation into a new one, by introducing a discourse designed to re-establish a putatively lost nation. Finally, we discuss how nation and identity are shaped in a modern multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-cultural society. The anthology contains articles in English, French and German from political science, history, linguistics, literature and translatology and is written by researchers based in Finland, Greece, Norway and the United Kingdom.Overall, I found the volume very interesting for various reasons. First, each contribution gives access to a complex context, being accessible without being simplistic. This facilitates international comparisons among the contexts described by contributors, as between these and readers' research context background. Second, through its international scope, Language and Nation. Crossroads and Connections covers the various dimensions of how language may be linked to nation. Third, the detailed historical and national backgrounds enable to situate contemporary national identity issues. Fourth, the written attention to readers makes this volume accessible to a wide audience, from undergraduate students to senior scholars, and including the experts interesting in understanding nation and identity building in the concerned contexts. --Review: Stéphanie Cassilde in: Language, Discourse & Society, 2(8)/2016LanguagenationmigrationliteratureEuropeinterdisciplinaryScandinaviaGDRFront NationalCanadaBrexitEloy AlfaroEurolectNorwaySpracheLinguistikDDRfremdEuropatranslationGermanistikVergleichende und interkulturelle SprachwissenschaftKultursoziologieLanguagenationmigrationliteratureEuropeinterdisciplinaryScandinaviaGDRFront NationalCanadaBrexitEloy AlfaroEurolectNorwaySpracheLinguistikDDRfremdEuropatranslationGermanistikVergleichende und interkulturelle SprachwissenschaftKultursoziologieBarstad Guri EllenedtHjelde ArnsteinedtKvam SigmundedtParianou AnastasiaedtTodd JohnedtWaxmannWaxmannBOOK9910563098703321Language and Nation2837303UNINA