01925 am 2200601 n 450 991056220130332120211025979-1-03-000708-410.4000/books.pub.48845(CKB)4100000012874629(FrMaCLE)OB-pub-48845(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/86080(PPN)262738562(EXLCZ)99410000001287462920220427j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierL’imaginaire de la communication III /Claude Gilbert DuboisPessac Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux20211 online resource (188 p.) Eidôlon2-903440-49-2 undefinedCommunication in literaturesymbolediscours public et discours mythiquepersuasion.Communication in literature.809/.9338Benoit Eric350589Briosi Sandro132854Coss-Humbert Elisabeth1322991Debaisieux Renée-Paule1283642Detcherry-Vercaemer Chantal1305422Dosmond Simone1293024Dubois Claude-GilbertDubois GenevièveDuclos Michèle1213663Dureau Guy1281314Gachet Delphine1282884Garrette Robert1310572Hausser Michel443202Puel Bernard1310574Vercaemer Philippe1298582Dubois Claude Gilbert152605FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910562201303321L’imaginaire de la communication III3039630UNINA04011nam 2200805z- 450 991055738260332120231214132943.0(CKB)5400000000042073(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/69448(EXLCZ)99540000000004207320202105d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDesign of Heat Exchangers for Heat Pump ApplicationsBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (172 p.)3-03943-513-2 3-03943-514-0 Heat pumps (HPs) allow for providing heat without direct combustion, in both civil and industrial applications. They are very efficient systems that, by exploiting electrical energy, greatly reduce local environmental pollution and CO2 global emissions. The fact that electricity is a partially renewable resource and because the coefficient of performance (COP) can be as high as four or more, means that HPs can be nearly carbon neutral for a full sustainable future. The proper selection of the heat source and the correct design of the heat exchangers is crucial for attaining high HP efficiencies. Heat exchangers (also in terms of HP control strategies) are hence one of the main elements of HPs, and improving their performance enhances the effectiveness of the whole system. Both the heat transfer and pressure drop have to be taken into account for the correct sizing, especially in the case of mini- and micro-geometries, for which traditional models and correlations can not be applied. New models and measurements are required for best HPs system design, including optimization strategies for energy exploitation, temperature control, and mechanical reliability. Thus, a multidisciplinary approach of the analysis is requested and become the future challenge.History of engineering & technologybicsscadsorptioncooling technologychillerheat exchangerwaste heat utilizationCFDheat pumpsEnergyPlusbuildingsexergy transfer performancenanofluidsmarine seawater sourceheat pumpgraphene nanoparticlesground-to-air heat exchangersGAHEexperimental resultspreheating and precooling for HVACenergy saving for HVACmodels for calculating the thermal efficiency of ground-to-air heat exchangersshallow geothermal systemdual source heat pumpphase change materialsnumerical simulationstube heat exchanger with plate-finsair-side Nusselt numbervarious heat transfer equations in each tube rowCFD modellingempirical heat transfer equationground coupled heat pumpsborehole heat exchangersdistributed temperature response testgrouting materialhydration heat releaseground heat exchangerwhole-building energy simulationground source heat pumpg-FunctionHistory of engineering & technologyFossa Marcoedt1295455Priarone AntonellaedtFossa MarcoothPriarone AntonellaothBOOK9910557382603321Design of Heat Exchangers for Heat Pump Applications3023464UNINA