04421nam 2200649Ia 450 991045378260332120200520144314.01-61374-743-8(CKB)2550000001132679(EBL)3015208(SSID)ssj0000756642(PQKBManifestationID)11428115(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000756642(PQKBWorkID)10753059(PQKB)11344184(MiAaPQ)EBC3015208(Au-PeEL)EBL3015208(CaPaEBR)ebr10613700(CaONFJC)MIL532388(OCoLC)861480670(EXLCZ)99255000000113267919860909d1987 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrPrecolonial Black Africa[electronic resource] a comparative study of the political and social systems of Europe and Black Africa, from antiquity to the formation of modern states /Cheikh Anta Diop ; translated from the French by Harold J. SalemsonWestport, Conn. L. Hillc19871 online resource (255 p.)Translation of: L'Afrique noire pré-coloniale.0-88208-187-X 1-306-01137-X Includes bibliographical references.""Cover""; ""Copyright""; ""Dedication""; ""Contents""; ""PREFACE""; ""I: ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEPT OF CASTE""; ""Major Divisions Within the Caste System""; ""Conditions of the Slaves""; ""The Bâ-dolo""; ""Genesis of the Caste System""; ""Caste in Egypt""; ""Genesis of the Caste System in India""; ""II: SOCIO-POLITICAL EVOLUTION OF THE ANCIENT CITY""; ""Social Classes""; ""Eupatridae""; ""The Plebs""; ""Priest-Kings""; ""The City-State""; ""Individualism""; ""Aristocratic Revolution""; ""Social Revolution""; ""Movements of Ideas""; ""The Influence of Egypt""; ""The Roman Empire""""III: FORMATION OF THE MODERN EUROPEAN STATES""""The Political and Social Middle Ages""; ""The Intellectual Middle Ages""; ""IV: POLITICAL ORGANIZATION IN BLACK AFRICA""; ""The Mossi Constitution""; ""The Constitution of Cayor""; ""Matrilinear Succession: Ghana, Mali""; ""Songhai, the Oriental Influence""; ""Precedence in Songhai""; ""The Case of Cayor""; ""Significance of Royalty""; ""The Vitalist Concept""; ""Obligations of the King""; ""Separation of Secular and Religious""; ""The Lebou ""Republic""""; ""Monarchic and Tribal Africa""; ""Origin of the Constitutional Regime""""Crowning of the King and Court Life""""Songhai""; ""Cayor""; ""Ghana""; ""Mali""; ""V: POLITICAL ORGANIZATION""; ""Power of the African Empires""; ""Strength and Extent of the Empires""; ""Ghana""; ""Mali""; ""Songhai""; ""Administrative Organization""; ""Resources of the Royalty and Nobility""; ""Taxes""; ""Customs""; ""Gold Mines""; ""Royal Treasury""; ""Booty""; ""Fees Connected with Assuming Administrative Functions""; ""Government and Administration""; ""Hostages""; ""Songhai""; ""Various Ministries""; ""Administrative Unity""; ""Military Organization""; ""Structure""; ""Knights""""Metaphysical Reasons""""Power of Religious Beliefs""; ""Mystical Underpinning of Nationalism""; ""Renunciation of the Pre-Islamic Past""; """"Sherifism""""; ""VIII: INTELLECTUAL LEVEL: TEACHING AND EDUCATION""; ""The University""; ""Teaching Method""; ""The Program""; ""Awarding of Diplomas""; ""Intellectual Development""; ""Importance of the Sherif""; ""Survival of the Black Tradition in Education""; ""Historical Reminder: The Moroccan Invasion""; ""IX: TECHNICAL LEVEL""; ""Architecture in Nilotic Sudan""; ""Architecture in Zimbabwe""; ""Architecture in Ghana and the Niger Bend""""Metallurgy""Social structureAfrica, Sub-SaharanHistorySocial structureEuropeHistoryAfrica, Sub-SaharanPolitics and governmentAfricaHistoryTo 1498EuropePolitics and governmentEuropeHistoryElectronic books.Social structureHistory.Social structureHistory.967Diop Cheikh Anta243289MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910453782603321Precolonial Black Africa1924330UNINA03113nam 2200745z- 450 991055778180332120231214133131.0(CKB)5400000000045571(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76989(EXLCZ)99540000000004557120202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierControl and AutomationBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (136 p.)3-0365-2446-0 3-0365-2447-9 Control and automation systems are at the heart of our every day lives. This book is a collection of novel ideas and findings in these fields, published as part of the Special Issue on Control and Automation. The core focus of this issue was original ideas and potential contributions for both theory and practice. It received a total number of 21 submissions, out of which 7 were accepted. These published manuscripts tackle some novel approaches in control, including fractional order control systems, with applications in robotics, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, vibratory systems, and wastewater treatment plants. This Special Issue has gathered a selection of novel research results regarding control systems in several distinct research areas. We hope that these papers will evoke new ideas, concepts, and further developments in the field.Technology: general issuesbicsscfractional calculusfractional-order controlexperimental tuningsmart beamvibration suppressionindustrial internet of thingsprediction strategyproactive historianwater industrylithium-ion batteriesfast chargingbattery ageingsample and holdhierarchical clusteringmultidimensional scalingdistancesmoving horizon estimationKalman filterparameter estimationtumor growth estimationvibrationcontrollinear quadratic regulator (LQR)algebraic Riccati equationiterationstate observerviscoelasticitymechatronic system6DOF platformco-simulation platformrobust controlfractional order PID controllinear parameter varying systemTechnology: general issuesMuresan Cristina Iedt1309878Dulf Eva HedtMuresan Cristina IothDulf Eva HothBOOK9910557781803321Control and Automation3029692UNINA