05147nam 2201381z- 450 991055778040332120231214133645.0(CKB)5400000000045585(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/69252(EXLCZ)99540000000004558520202105d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierWater Supply and Water ScarcityBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (290 p.)3-03943-306-7 3-03943-307-5 This Book includes selected papers that has been published in the Water journal Special Issue (SI) on Water Supply and Water Scarcity. Moreover, an overview of the SI is included. The papers selected for publication in the SI include review and research papers on water history, on water management issues under water scarcity regimes, on rainwater harvesting, on water quality and degradation, and on climatic variability impacts on water resources. Overall, the issue identify and highlight the main challenges in water sector, and particularly in management and protection of water resources and in use of alternative (non-conventional) water resources, especially in areas with demographic change and climate vulnerability in order to achieve sustainable and secure water supply. Furthermore, general guidelines and possible solutions for an improved and sophisticated water management system are proposed and discussed, such as the adoption of advanced technological solutions and practices that improve water-use efficiency and the use of alternative water resources, to address the growing environmental and health issues and to reduce the emerging conflicts among water users.Research & information: generalbicsscEnvironmental economicsbicsscdroughtearly warningwater scarcitywater supplyroutine monitoringhydrologic modelingremote sensingGISalternative water sourcerainwater harvestingarid and semi-arid areashydraulicsdividing flow manifoldshowerheadsspraysdissolved oxygenclimate changewater budgetgeneral circulation modelmodelingstream flow changessoil waterRCPAculeo LagoonChilewater demandswater managementrainwater harvesting systemmulti-storey residential buildingend-useseconomic feasibilitysatisfaction surveyecological water demandreservoir ecological operationMIKE 11 modelPHABSIM modelwatershed managementwater qualityconventional farmingorganic farmingnitrateresidual sodium carbonatesodium adsorption ratiototal dissolved solidsirrigation practicesAztecsbronze ageByzantine timesChinese dynastiesEgyptiansHarappansHellenic civilizationsIncasmedieval timesMayasMesopotamiaMinoansmodern timesOttoman timesRomanswater resources managementwater reuseclimate variabilitycircular economysustainabilitylong-termregional water supply planningalternative water supplyprojectsexpendituresinvestmentsconservationintermittent water supplypressure monitoringunreliable water supplypipe breakswater distribution systemwater system operationwater scarcity regimewater use efficiencyrain harvestingdesalinationResearch & information: generalEnvironmental economicsTzanakakis Vasileiosedt1278700Paranychianakis NikosedtAngelakis AndreasedtTzanakakis VasileiosothParanychianakis NikosothAngelakis AndreasothBOOK9910557780403321Water Supply and Water Scarcity3013750UNINA