04670nam 2201081z- 450 991055775900332120231214133244.0(CKB)5400000000045772(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/68282(EXLCZ)99540000000004577220202105d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierNonlinear Photonics DevicesBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (212 p.)3-03943-721-6 3-03943-722-4 The first nonlinear optical effect was observed in the 19th century by John Kerr. Nonlinear optics, however, started to grow up only after the invention of the laser, when intense light sources became easily available. The seminal studies by Peter Franken and Nicolaas Bloembergen, in the 1960s, paved the way for the development of today’s nonlinear photonics, the field of research that encompasses all the studies, designs, and implementations of nonlinear optical devices that can be used for the generation, communication, and processing of information. This field has attracted significant attention, partly due to the great potential of exploiting the optical nonlinearities of new or advanced materials to induce new phenomena and achieve new functions. According to Clarivate Web of Science, almost 200,000 papers were published that refer to the topic “nonlinear optic*”. Over 36,000 papers were published in the last four years (2015–2018) with the same keyword, and over 17,000 used the keyword “nonlinear photonic*”. The present Special Issue of Micromachines aims at reviewing the current state of the art and presenting perspectives of further development. Fundamental and applicative aspects are considered, with special attention paid to hot topics that may lead to technological and scientific breakthroughs.Technology: general issuesbicsscGeSnquantum dotelectric fieldintersubband nonlinear opticsabsorption coefficientsrefractive index changespure statecascaded spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)numerical simulationtransparent conductive oxidecoherent perfect absorptionepsilon-near-zero medialight-with-light modulationrefractive index changenon-linear photonicsoptical fibersthermal polingnumerical analysisextrinsic chiralitysecond harmonic generationGaAs nanowiresplasmonic coatingsecond-harmonic generationwaveguideAlGaAsoptical frequency combsquadratic nonlinearityoptical parametric oscillatormodulation instabilitystimulated raman scatteringfiber opticsamplifierslasersoptical communication systemskerr nonlinearitywhispering gallery modeoptical resonatorsstimulated brillouin scatteringoptomechanical oscillationsnonlinear opticsstimulated Raman scatteringmicrophotonicsnanophotonicsnonlinear waveguideoptical microcavityphotonics crystalsnanocrystalsoptical resonancesharmonic generationfour-wave mixingoptical switchingsub-wavelength gratingsMie scatteringFano resonancesguided-mode resonanceterahertznonlinear optical conversioncomplex optical systemsadaptive imagingsingle-pixel imagingsurface nonlinear photonicsTechnology: general issuesSirleto Luigiedt1319363Righini Giancarlo CedtSirleto LuigiothRighini Giancarlo CothBOOK9910557759003321Nonlinear Photonics Devices3033828UNINA