01932nam 2200457z- 450 991055775800332120230221131056.0(CKB)5400000000045782(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/72342(EXLCZ)99540000000004578220202110d2018 |y 0spaurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierFrutos, semillas y plántulas de Costa RicaHerediaEditorial Universidad Nacional (EUNA)20189977-65-493-X This work is comprised of 4 volumes that seek to help the reader identify by name the innumerable species of plants that inhabit the Costa Rican territory. People know plants by their stems and leaves, but they are mostly unaware of the type of fruit, the shape of the seeds, as well as the plant at sprouting. The information offered by Fruits, seeds and seedlings of Costa Rica, can be used as reference material because it is very useful to understand and complement the studies of dispersal and plant demography.Trees, wildflowers & plantsbicsscBotany & plant sciencesbicsscFruitSeedSeedlingsCosta RicaPlantsSpeciesPlant TaxonomyTrees, wildflowers & plantsBotany & plant sciencesVargas Rojas Gustavoauth1296653Núñez Hidalgo StephanieauthVillegas Espinoza Juan PabloauthArias Campos Luis DiegoauthMarín Matarrita NataliaauthMesén Montano IsaacauthBOOK9910557758003321Frutos, semillas y plántulas de Costa Rica3039714UNINA03295nam 2200589 450 991078640650332120200520144314.00-7391-9241-8(CKB)3710000000121094(EBL)1699229(SSID)ssj0001223845(PQKBManifestationID)12457376(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001223845(PQKBWorkID)11260176(PQKB)11507410(MiAaPQ)EBC1699229(Au-PeEL)EBL1699229(CaPaEBR)ebr10878897(CaONFJC)MIL617191(OCoLC)880878083(EXLCZ)99371000000012109420140615h20142014 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe anthropology of Eastern religions ideas, organizations, and constituencies /Murray J. LeafLanham, Maryland :Lexington Books,2014.©20141 online resource (191 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-7391-9490-9 0-7391-9240-X Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents; List of Illustrations; Preface; Acknowledgments; Chapter One: Introduction; Related Approaches; "Higher" Traditions in General; The Theory; Using the Theory; Common Themes; The Order of Description; Further Reading; Notes; Chapter Two: Vedas and Vedanta; Indus Valley Ideas; South Asian Texts and Sects; Translation Issues; The Vedas; The Upanishads; Organizations, Personnel, and Constituency of Vedanta; Conclusion; Further Reading; Notes; Chapter Three: Jain and Buddhist Traditions; The Jain Tradition; The Buddhist Tradition; Buddhist Ethics: The Middle Way; ConclusionFurther ReadingNotes; Chapter Four: Hindu Traditions; Hinduism, Hindu Society, and Caste; Sikhism: Living Bhakti; Conclusion; Further Reading; Notes; Chapter Five: China's Main Religions; Taoism; Confucianism; Legalism; Buddhism in China; Conclusion; Further Reading; Notes; Chapter Six: Japan's Religious Traditions; Background; Shinto; Japanese Buddhist Sects; Zen; Bushido; Conclusion; Further Reading; Notes; Chapter Seven: Conclusion; Religion and Social Development; Religion and Ethics; Final Thought; Bibliography; Index; About the AuthorAnthropology of Eastern Religions: Ideas, Organizations, and Constituencies is a comparative survey of the world's major religious traditions as professional enterprises and, often, as social movements. Documenting the principle ideas behind Eastern religious traditions from an anthropological perspective, Murray J. Leaf demonstrates how these ideas have been used in building internal organizations that mobilize or fail to mobilize external support. Anthropology of religionAsiaReligion and sociologyAsiaAsiaReligionAnthropology of religionReligion and sociology306.6095Leaf Murray J.911509MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910786406503321The anthropology of Eastern religions3701953UNINA