02555nam 22005055 450 991021495330332120230829004208.02-940503-88-510.4000/books.iheid.5505(CKB)3340000000000700(MH)014181948-0(PPN)241290104(FrMaCLE)OB-iheid-5505(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/48440(PPN)131218239(EXLCZ)99334000000000070020140513d2002 my 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGENRE, MONDIALISATION ET PAUVRETÉ /Dirigé par Christine Verschuur et Fenneke ReysooParis Editions L'Harmattan20021 online resource (256 p.)Dirigé par Christine Verschuur et Fenneke Reysoo2-7475-3416-2 Cet ouvrage interroge le pouvoir structurant de l'économie selon une perspective de genre pour comprendre la nature et les transformations des rapports entre hommes et femmes. Il se penche particulièrement sur l'accélération du mouvement de mondialisation qui va de pair avec l'accroissement de la pauvreté/prospérité et qui accentue l'inégalité des relations de genre et la subordination des femmes. Il ne s'agit pas seulement de chercher à promouvoir des identités de genre, des rapports sociaux entre hommes et femmes plus justes, qui favoriseraient un développement économique, social, politique et culturel différent.mondialisationpauvretétravailfemmesdéveloppement économiqueChristine Verschuur Fenneke Reysoo (dir.)auth1350811Verschuur Christine848969Reysoo Fenneke662321Bordier Delphine1236064Institut universitaire d'études du développement.Espace femmes international (Association)Colloquium on Gender and Economic Globalization(2002 :Geneva, Switzerland)BOOK9910214953303321GENRE, MONDIALISATION ET PAUVRETÉ3090602UNINAThis Record contains information from the Harvard Library Bibliographic Dataset, which is provided by the Harvard Library under its Bibliographic Dataset Use Terms and includes data made available by, among others the Library of Congress02166 am 2200505 n 450 9910131605703321201506192-7535-3195-110.4000/books.pur.21511(CKB)3710000000470219(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-21511(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/43574(PPN)26795493X(EXLCZ)99371000000047021920150907j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLe commerce du Nord Les échanges commerciaux entre la France et l'Europe septentrionale au XVIIIe siècle /Pierrick PourchasseRennes Presses universitaires de Rennes20151 online resource (392 p.) 2-7535-0097-5 Au XVIIIe siècle, la France s'approvisionne abondamment dans les pays du Nord : bois, chanvre et goudron de la Baltique, tonnellerie de Poméranie, pêche de rogue de Norvège, graines de lin de Courlande, barres de fer suédois… Sa balance commerciale est pourtant positive grâce aux sels, aux vins et surtout des nouvelles marchandises coloniales. Or, la plupart des transactions passent par l’incontournable intermédiaire hollandais. Les explications sur l’absence des Français dans le Nord sont restées ce qu’elles étaient au XVIIIe siècle : ce travail essaie d’apporter quelques réponses nouvelles.BusinessHistorycommerce extérieurcolonies françaisesnégoce internationalcommerce extérieurcolonies françaisesnégoce internationalBusinessHistorycommerce extérieurcolonies françaisesnégoce internationalPourchasse Pierrick1303226Bouëdec Gérard Le1282363FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910131605703321Le commerce du Nord3033651UNINA05863nam 2201477z- 450 991055769330332120231214133107.0(CKB)5400000000044598(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/68367(EXLCZ)99540000000004459820202105d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSensor Signal and Information Processing IIIBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (394 p.)3-0365-0012-X 3-0365-0013-8 In the current age of information explosion, newly invented technological sensors and software are now tightly integrated with our everyday lives. Many sensor processing algorithms have incorporated some forms of computational intelligence as part of their core framework in problem-solving. These algorithms have the capacity to generalize and discover knowledge for themselves and to learn new information whenever unseen data are captured. The primary aim of sensor processing is to develop techniques to interpret, understand, and act on information contained in the data. The interest of this book is in developing intelligent signal processing in order to pave the way for smart sensors. This involves the mathematical advancement of nonlinear signal processing theory and its applications that extend far beyond traditional techniques. It bridges the boundary between theory and application, developing novel theoretically inspired methodologies targeting both longstanding and emergent signal processing applications. The topics range from phishing detection to integration of terrestrial laser scanning, and from fault diagnosis to bio-inspired filtering. The book will appeal to established practitioners, along with researchers and students in the emerging field of smart sensor signal processing.History of engineering & technologybicsscgeometric calibrationlong- and short-period errorsequivalent bias anglessparse recoverylinear array push-broom sensordeep learningsignal detectionmodulation classificationthe single shot multibox detector networksthe multi-inputs convolutional neural networksmedical image registrationsimilarity measurenon-rigid transformationcomputational efficiencyregistration accuracysignal denoisingsingular value decompositionAkaike information criterionreaction wheelmicro-vibrationpermutation entropy (PE)weighted-permutation entropy (W-PE)reverse permutation entropy (RPE)reverse dispersion entropy (RDE)time series analysiscomplexitysensor signaltensor principal component pursuitstable recoverytensor SVDADMMkalman filternonlinear autoregressiveneural networknoise filteringmultiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)frequency-hopping codedual-function radar-communicationsinformation embeddingmutual information (mi)waveform optimizationspectroscopycompressed sensinginverse problemsdictionary learningimage registrationlarge deformationweakly supervisedhigh-order cumulantcyclic spectrumdecision tree-support vector machinewind turbinegearbox faultcosine losslong short-term memory networkindoor localizationCSIfingerprintingBayesian trackingimage reconstructioncomputed tomographynonlocal total variationsparse-view CTlow-dose CTproximal splittingrow-actionbrain CT imageaudio signal processingsound event classificationnonnegative matric factorizationblind signal separationsupport vector machinesbrain-computer interfacemotor imagerymachine learninginternet of thingspianistssurface inspectionaluminum ingotmask gradient responseDifference of Gaussianinception-v3EEGsleep stagewavelet packetstate space modelimage captioningthree-dimensional (3D) visionhuman-robot interactionLaplacian scoresdata reductionsensorsInternet of Things (IoT)LoRaWANHistory of engineering & technologyWoo Wai Lokedt1327837Gao BinedtWoo Wai LokothGao BinothBOOK9910557693303321Sensor Signal and Information Processing III3038162UNINA