04481nam 2201081z- 450 991055763200332120231214133130.0(CKB)5400000000045094(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/68952(EXLCZ)99540000000004509420202105d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGeoheritage and Geotourism ResourcesBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (362 p.)3-03936-788-9 3-03936-789-7 This Special Issue outlines the role of geoheritage and geotourism as potential touristic resources of a region. The term “geoheritage” refers to a particular type of natural resources represented by sites of special geological significance, rarity or beauty that are representative of a region and of its geological history, events, and processes. These sites are also known as “geosites” and, as well as archaeological, architectonic, and historical sites, can be considered as part of the cultural estate of a country. “Geotourism” is an emerging type of sustainable tourism, which concentrates on geosites, focusing on visitor knowledge, environmental education, and amusement. Geotourism may be very useful for geological sciences divulgation and may provide additional opportunities for the development of rural areas, generally not included among the main touristic attractions. The collected papers focused on these main topics with different methods and approaches and can be grouped as follows: i) papers dealing with geosite promotion and valorization in protected areas; ii) papers dealing with geosite promotion and valorization in non-protected areas; iii) papers dealing with geosite promotion by exhibition, remote sensing analysis, and apps; iv) papers investigating geotourism and geoheritage from tourists’ perspectives.Research & information: generalbicsscEarth sciences, geography, environment, planningbicsscgeotourism resourcescultural tourismarcheologytouristic itineraryvalorizationinner-mountain areasApenninescentral Italyisolated reliefgeological heritagesouthern ApuliaItalygeotourismgeoheritageurban geologygeodiversitySWOT analysisrural regionsgeomorphositesgeositesquantitative assessmentMaltageoresourcesInternetIcelandgeositefaultsfracturesdykesEarth Science communicationgeoparkregional developmentmining siteZarumaEl Sexmotourist minegeology-based tourismcultural heritageweb-GISsmartphoneAlto Moliseprotected areasweekend tourismtourists’ opinionnational parksenvironmental educationCilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni GeoparkMiddle Bussento Karst SystemSesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geoparkfieldtripsvirtual toursmultidisciplinary approachItalian NW Alpsgeoparksgeological knowledgegeoarcheologygeomorphositegeoitinerarygeological science divulgationResearch & information: generalEarth sciences, geography, environment, planningSantangelo Nicolettaedt273064Valente EttoreedtSantangelo NicolettaothValente EttoreothBOOK9910557632003321Geoheritage and Geotourism Resources3011630UNINA