04025nam 2200997z- 450 991055761200332120231214132939.0(CKB)5400000000045282(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/79590(EXLCZ)99540000000004528220202203d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEnvironmental OdourBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (200 p.)3-0365-2363-4 3-0365-2364-2 Environmental odour is perceived as a major nuisance by rural as well as urban populations. The sources of odourous substances are manifold. In urban areas, these include restaurants, small manufacturing trades, and other sources, which might cause complaints. In the suburbs, wastewater treatment plants, landfill sites, and other infrastructures are the expected major odour sources. These problems are often caused be the accelerated growth of cities. In rural sites, livestock farming and the spreading of manure on the fields is blamed for severe odour annoyance. In fact, environmental odours are considered to be a common cause of public complaints by residents to local authorities, regional, or national environmental agencies. This Special Issue of Atmosphere will address the entire chain, from the quantification of odour sources, abatement methods, the dilution in the atmosphere, and the assessment of odour exposure for the assessment of annoyance. In particular, this Special Issue aims to encourage contributions dealing with field trials and dispersion modeling to assess the degree of annoyance and the quantitative success of abatement measures.Technology: general issuesbicsscHistory of engineering & technologybicsscenvironmental odouremissionannoyanceseparation distancedispersion modelsempirical equationsodourdispersion modellingwastewater treatmentodour impact criteriaseparation distancesodour legislationair qualityair pollutionodorsmellodour unitsagricultureenvironmental regulationspolicyVOCGC-QTOF-MSGC-IMSwastewater treatment plantair dispersion modeldose-response relationshipodor impact criterion (OIC)perception-related odor exposurewastewater treatment plant (WWTP)OdorsOdor PatrolOdor Profile Methodmonitoring Odorsfield inspectionodour impactodour modellingolfactometryproficiency testbench loopn-butanolsampling uncertaintiesodorantsSOAVOTVlivestockodour dispersion modellingclimate changestability classificationTechnology: general issuesHistory of engineering & technologySchauberger Gùˆntheredt1314873Piringer MartinedtWu ChuandongedtKoziel JacekedtSchauberger GùˆntherothPiringer MartinothWu ChuandongothKoziel JacekothBOOK9910557612003321Environmental Odour3032076UNINA