03952 am 2200817 n 450 9910629397403321202209222-84867-947-610.4000/books.pufc.47234(CKB)5590000001000983(FrMaCLE)OB-pufc-47234(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/95124(PPN)266362966(EXLCZ)99559000000100098320221117j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLes mathématiques comme habitude de pensée Les idées scientifiques de Pavel Florenski /Renato BettiBesançon Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté20221 online resource (174 p.)Sciences : concepts et problèmes2-84867-942-5 Mathématicien russe, prêtre orthodoxe, déporté et mort au goulag au début du vingtième siècle, Paul Florenski conçoit les mathématiques comme une science de l’être humain. Sa synthèse philosophico-mathématique s’inspire notamment des idées de théorie des ensembles pour non seulement comprendre le monde, mais plus radicalement façonner les phénomènes et fonder la culture spirituelle pour les générations futures. Cette démarche l’amène à relire les intuitions mathématiques comme une forme de spiritualité qui rend capable de comprendre la finitude du monde. Russian mathematician, Orthodox priest, deported to the Gulag and dead at the beginning of the XXth century, Paul Florenski conceives mathematics as a human science. His philosophical and mathematical synthesis is grounded on the set theory not only in order to understand the world, but more deeply to even shape phenomena and pin the future spiritual culture for next generation. This approach involves understanding mathematical intuitions as a spiritual form, which enable to perceive directly world in its finitude. Matématico ruso, sacerdote ortodoxo, deportado y murto en los campos del gulag al principio del siglo XX, Paul Florenski concibe las mathematicas como una ciencia humana. Sua filosófico-mathematica síntesis se funde primordialmente sobre la teoría de los conjuntos no solo para comprender el mundo, pero también para más radicalemente moldear los fenómenos y fundar une cultura espiritual para las generaciones futuras. Esta atención a las intuiciones mathematicas lleva a considerar geometría y algebra como una forma de espiritualidad, que hace capaz de entender la finitud del mundo.History & Philosophy Of SciencemathématiquesRussiespiritualitécosmologiesymbolemathematicsRussiaspiritualitycosmologysymbolmatemáticasRusiaespiritualidadcosmologíasímbolomathematicsRussiaspiritualitycosmologysymbolHistory & Philosophy Of SciencemathématiquesRussiespiritualitécosmologiesymbolemathematicsRussiaspiritualitycosmologysymbolmatemáticasRusiaespiritualidadcosmologíasímboloBetti Renato623578Mazliak Laurent62216Schmid Anne-Françoise1347971FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910629397403321Les mathématiques comme habitude de pensée3084989UNINA04285nam 2201129z- 450 991055761130332120231214133009.0(CKB)5400000000045289(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/79572(EXLCZ)99540000000004528920202203d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAdvanced Research on Glucosinolates in Food ProductsBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (238 p.)3-0365-2977-2 3-0365-2976-4 Glucosinolate-containing foods, such as vegetables from the plant order Brassicales and its derivative products, are valued for their health-beneficial properties. The latter are linked to glucosinolate hydrolysis products, such as isothiocyanates.The book “Advanced Research on Glucosinolates in Food Products” collects the latest research on the impact of the whole food supply chain, including production, as well as domestic food preparation, on glucosinolates and the formation and chemistry of their breakdown products in vegetables and further foods. In this context, the consequences for human health are important, too. The book contains articles that cover research on the effect of pre-harvest factors on glucosinolates, their hydrolyzing enzymes, and the formation of volatile hydrolysis products. Further topics include the linkage between glucosinolates and sensory aspects, and the effects of food preparation and follow-up reactivity. Finally, research on the bioavailability and functional effects of isothiocyanates for human health is included.Research & information: generalbicsscBiology, life sciencesbicsscFood & societybicsscpickled vegetablesyellowing salted radish rootglucosinolate-myrosinase systemtryptophan biosynthesisisothiocyanatesglucosinolatecabbageisothiocyanateepithionitrilenitrileBrassicaseasonal variationfood retailerglucosinolatesturnipbitter tasteBrassicaceaevegetablerucolaarugulaDiplotaxisErucaflavourpostharvestvolatile compoundsodorants'salad' rocketwasabihorseradishwatercressbenzyl isothiocyanateprotein conjugatesfunctional foodsnasturtiumgarden cressthioureaplant growthprotected horticultureenvironmental conditionscruciferous vegetablesgluconasturtiinanti-inflammatorypro-inflammatoryphysiological-based modelsulforaphaneglucoraphanincompartmental modelbroccolibioavailabilitymyrosinaseparameter estimationBrassica oleraceagrowing conditionmyrosinase activityglucosinolate hydrolysis productsnitrilesepithionitrilesmyrosinase stability: glucosinolatessteamingmicrowavingstir-fryingResearch & information: generalBiology, life sciencesFood & societyHanschen Franziska Sedt1304466Rohn SaschaedtHanschen Franziska SothRohn SaschaothBOOK9910557611303321Advanced Research on Glucosinolates in Food Products3027448UNINA