03552nam 2200841z- 450 991055760790332120231214133417.0(CKB)5400000000045323(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/79664(EXLCZ)99540000000004532320202203d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCarnot Cycle and Heat Engine Fundamentals and Applications IIBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (182 p.)3-0365-3260-9 3-0365-3261-7 This second Special Issue connects both the fundamental and application aspects of thermomechanical machines and processes. Among them, engines have the largest place (Diesel, Lenoir, Brayton, Stirling), even if their environmental aspects are questionable for the future. Mechanical and chemical processes as well as quantum processes that could be important in the near future are considered from a thermodynamical point of view as well as for applications and their relevance to quantum thermodynamics. New insights are reported regarding more classical approaches: Finite Time Thermodynamics F.T.T.; Finite Speed thermodynamics F.S.T.; Finite Dimensions Optimal Thermodynamics F.D.O.T. The evolution of the research resulting from this second Special Issue ranges from basic cycles to complex systems and the development of various new branches of thermodynamics.Research & information: generalbicssccombined cycleinverse Brayton cycleregenerative Brayton cyclepower outputthermal efficiencyfinite time thermodynamicsclosed simple Brayton cyclepower densityecological functionmulti-objective optimizationquantum thermodynamicsquantum circuitopen quantum systemisothermal processIBM quantum computerStirling refrigeratorthermodynamic analysisnumerical modelimperfect regenerationirreversible Lenoir cyclecycle powerheat conductance distributionperformance optimizationirreversible Carnot engineoptimizationthermodynamics with finite speedinternal and external irreversibilitiesentropy generation calculationthermodynamics in finite timeirreversible Diesel cycleCarnot cycleCarnot efficiencythermal entropychemical entropymechanical entropythermal exergychemical exergymechanical exergymetabolic reactionsCarnot engineChambadal modelentropy production actionefficiency at maximum powerResearch & information: generalFeidt Micheledt727699Feidt MichelothBOOK9910557607903321Carnot Cycle and Heat Engine Fundamentals and Applications II3038535UNINA