04561nam 2201369z- 450 991055747490332120231214133219.0(CKB)5400000000043049(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/69235(EXLCZ)99540000000004304920202105d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMathematics and EngineeringBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (306 p.)3-03943-256-7 3-03943-257-5 This book is a compilation of works covering applied mathematical methods and their applications in complex engineering problems. The methods covered in this book include modeling and simulation, computation, analysis, control, optimization, data science, and machine learning. The engineering application topics include but are not limited to environmental engineering, cybersecurity, transportation, agriculture, smart grid, and next-generation manufacturing.History of engineering & technologybicsscPhoronomicsmechanicskineticskinematicsdirection cosinesEuler anglesspace dynamicsdigital computationcontrol systemscontrol engineeringindustrial cyber-physical systemscyber-attacksneural networkmodel predictive controlnonlinear chemical processesnetwork classificationnetwork evolutionnetwork symmetriesGreen’s symmetry problemnetwork invariantsnetwork internal dynamicssymmetry ensemblespropensitiesenergyopening capabilitysecuritysmart gridgroup signatureanonymous signatureautonomous vehicletarget detectionmulti-sensorsfusionYOLOlinear response eigenvalue problemblock methodsweighted Golub-Kahan-Lanczos algorithmconvergence analysisthick restartmining vibrating screentheoretical rigid body modelspring failures diagnosisamplitudes changereal-time optimizationnonlinear processesprocess controlchemical reactor controldistillation column controlenergy-based controlpayload swing attenuationlinear matrix inequalitiesquadrotorlarger Lipschitz constantscomparative advantagetransaction costspecialized productioninfra-marginal modelagricultural division of laborvelocity-sliptemperature-jumphomotopy analysis methodnanofluidspower-law fluidsstate estimationparameter estimationmoving horizon estimationextended kalman filterensemble kalman filterrichards equationagro-hydrological systemseconomic model predictive controlchemical processesresponsive controlartificial intelligenceinterpretabilitycontroller verificationseashore soft soilcementsulfuric acid erosionstress–strain behaviormathematical modelMicro Gridoptimization theoryoptimizationMATLAB simulationHistory of engineering & technologyLi Minghengedt1285490Sun HuiedtLi MinghengothSun HuiothBOOK9910557474903321Mathematics and Engineering3019600UNINA03929nam 22005053 450 991015482950332120230808200805.097808348404090834840405(CKB)3710000000972204(MiAaPQ)EBC6054079(Au-PeEL)EBL6054079(OCoLC)966883615(Exl-AI)6054079(EXLCZ)99371000000097220420210901d2016 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Art of Vinyasa Awakening Body and Mind Through the Practice of Ashtanga YogaBoston :Shambhala,2016.©2016.1 online resource (238 pages)9781611802795 1611802792 Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Publisher’s Note -- Introduction -- Part One: Foundation: The Roots and Depth of Yoga -- 1. Natural Alignment: The Internal Forms of the Practice -- 2. Aligning Intention and Action: Where the Rubber Meets the Road -- 3. Fluid Movement: Alignment, Form, and Imagination -- 4. Mechanics: Essential Anatomical Perspectives -- Part Two: Āsana: Movements and Poses Strung Together Like Jewels on the Thread of the Breath -- 5. Building Sūrya Namaskāra -- 6. Standing Poses -- 7. Forward Bends -- 8. Backbends -- 9. Twists -- 10. Balancing Poses -- 11. Finishing Poses -- Acknowledgments -- Appendix 1. Ancient Wisdom, Contemporary Circumstances -- Appendix 2. Invocation -- Appendix 3. Sequencing -- Appendix 4. Illustrations of Mūlabandha, Kidney Wings, and Cobra Hood -- Appendix 5. Sūrya Namaskāra A and B -- Index -- About the Authors -- E-mail Sign-UpGenerated by AI."A radical presentation of the most rigorous form of contemporary yoga as meditation in motion. The Art of Vinyasa takes a unique look at Ashtanga yoga as meditation in motion that produces profound inner change. Two of the most well-respected teachers of the Ashtanga style of yoga, Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor, explore this rigorous practice not as a gymnastic feat, but as a meditative form. They reveal that doing the practice--and particularly the vinyasa, or the breath-synchonized movements--in such a deep and focused way allows practitioners to experience a profound awakening of the body and mind. It also develops an adaptable, flexible practice that can last a lifetime. Freeman and Taylor give an in-depth explanation of form, alignment, and anatomy, and how they work together in the practice. They also present a holistic approach to asana practice that includes an awareness of the subtle breath, and seamlessly merges yoga philosophy with practical technique. Unlike other books on Ashtanga, The Art of Vinyasa does not follow the linear pattern of the sequences of postures that are the hallmark of Ashtanga yoga. Instead, it interlinks the eight limbs--yama and niyama (ethical practices); asana (postures); pranayama (breathing); pratyahara (nongrasping of the senses); dharana (concentration); dhyana (meditation); and samadhi (harmony, insight)--and shows how to establish an internally rooted yoga practice. The book will be fully illustrated with fifty halftones by esteemed photographer and cinematographer Robert Muratore, along with thirty illustrations"--Provided by publisher.Aṣṭāṅga yogaGenerated by AIYogaGenerated by AIAṣṭāṅga yoga.Yoga.613.7046613.7046HEA025000PHI033000bisacshFreeman Richard1035991Taylor Mary655915MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910154829503321The Art of Vinyasa2591170UNINA