04105 am 22006493u 450 991016664400332120230621141320.097830340128299783906393773(CKB)3710000001092159(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/32072(EXLCZ)99371000000109215920170313d2015uuuu fy| 0gerurm|#---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierFremde Richter die Rechtsprechung im Fürstentum Liechtenstein unter dem Einfluss schweizerischer und deutsch-österreichischer Richter 1938–1945 /Anna-Carolina PerrezZürichChronos Verlag2015Zürich, Switzerland :Chronos Verlag,2015Schaan, Liechtenstein :Historischer Verein für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein,2015©20151 online resource (404 pages)illustrations; digital, PDF file(s)Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universität Freiburg (Schweiz), 2012.3034012829 Includes bibliographical references.Vorwort --I. Einleitung --II. Das Fürstentum Liechtenstein in den 1930er und 1940er jahren --III. Rechtssystem und richterwahl im Fürstentum Liechtenstein --IV. Die Schweiz und Österreich in den 1930er und 1940er jahren --V. Die Liechtensteinische Gesetzgebung: grundlagen, herkunft, rezeption und NS-Einfluss --VI. Biografien der ausländischen richter in Liechtenstein --VII. Herkunft und vernetzung --VIII. Rechtsprechung --IX. Liechtensteinische gerichte, eine politische bühneder nachbarstaaten? --Schlusswort.Foreign judges The Influence of Swiss and German-Austrian judges upon jurisprudence in the principality of Liechtenstein, 1939-45 The principality of Liechtenstein has been a small country possessing limited resources. In matters of jurisprudence this meant adopting Austrian and Swiss legal codes and, along with local lawyers, electing attorneys from both neighboring countries as judges in Liechtenstein. While this practice worked during times of peace, it became tenuous during the era of National Socialism, and connected to the problem of potential national socialist influence upon the appointment of judges and on the practice of law. The annexation of Austria by the “Third Reich” turned Austrian judges working in Liechtenstein into “German” judges, who dispensed justice according to Nazi law in their home-land, but according to Liechtenstein law within the principality. Can a political influence upon these judges be shown? Did a national socialist spirit pervade Liechtenstein jurisprudence and the laws enacted during that time? What was the stance taken by the judges who were Swiss? The author discusses the peculiarities of justice in Liechtenstein during the Second World War.JudgesLiechtensteinHistoryJudgesLiechtensteinBiographyJustice, Administration ofLiechtensteinHistoryJudges (Germanic law)National socialismLiechtensteinWorld War, 1939-1945Law and legislationLiechtensteinLiechtensteinHistory20th centuryLiechtensteinForeign relationsSwitzerlandLiechtensteinForeign relationsAustriacommemorating the deadnecrologiesdevelopment of bureaucracyLiechtensteinNationalsozialismusRichterSchweizJudgesHistory.JudgesJustice, Administration ofHistory.Judges (Germanic law)National socialismWorld War, 1939-1945Law and legislation943Perrez Anna-Carolina857783UkMaJRU9910166644003321Fremde Richter1915300UNINA06082nam 2201585z- 450 991055742020332120231214133048.0(CKB)5400000000043492(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76858(EXLCZ)99540000000004349220202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSustainable Integrated Clean Environment for Human & NatureBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (358 p.)3-0365-1882-7 3-0365-1881-9 In this book, the articles published in the special issue of the journal Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050), entitled “Sustainable Integrated Clean Environment for Human & Nature” are re-printed. The objective of this book is to answer the following questions regarding technical, economic, and social approaches:1. What is the current state of the environment? Is it clean?2. How can we make our environment clean and suitable for humans as well as nature?3. How can we keep our environment clean through sustainable practices? The re-printed research articles and review papers aim to cover the subjects mentioned below: 1. COVID-19 and the sustainability of a clean environment for humans and nature: visions, challenges, and solutions2. Clean technologies and nature-based approaches, including environmental remediation and resource circulation3. Global sanitation, hygiene, and public health issues4. Economic approaches, including the development of economic models, life cycle assessment, and the circular economy5. Social awareness and effective education on human rights for procuring clean air and water Through including the latest studies in the above-mentioned fields, this book addresses the technicians, economists, social activists, and decision-makers who are concerned about clean environment concepts for sustainable development of the current and next-generation through respectful interactions between humans and nature.Technology: general issuesbicsscresource-oriented sanitationsanitation sustainability indexSDG6sustainability assessmentsustainable development goalssustainable sanitationurban geomorphologysustainable environmentsuitability model-GISenvironmental analytical hierarchical process (EAHP)Failaka IslanddisinfectionCOVID-19sterility assurance levelmedical masksinactivationUV irradiationclimate indicatorsair qualityenvironmentpandemiccoronavirussustainabilityindustry 4.0sustainable investmentcorporate social responsibilitysustainable standardssustainable reportingsmart manufacturingrenewable energycleaner productioncattle farmingCOVID-19 pandemiceconomic point of viewfood safetyHOMERhybrid systemsmallholderthin-film coatingBasic Brown 16adsorptiondurian shellmechanismtechno-economic analysissecondhand smoketime activitysmoke-freeexposure assessmentlockdownsocial distancingmobilitySEMsustainable development strategiescommunity development planssmall island developing statesgovernancesanitationwater supplyhygieneWASHcensus resultstop-down versus bottom-upgender and ageuniversity educationacademic policyeducational systemeducational sustainabilityartificial intelligence and higher educationair pollutionwind energycoronavirus diseaseSARS-CoV-2sustainable developmentsustainable technologiessubsidyautomotive industryprognosisenvironmental impactlife-cycle analysisPM2.5biomass burninglong-range transport of PM2.5source of PM2.5immobilizationmixed cultureMetanil Yellowresponse surface methodologybioremediationdye decolorizationmetanil yellowecological corridorscultural corridorsprotection prioritizationMCR modelintegrated networkcapitalizationcapital return rate deficiencyexpected valuecarbon storageestate fertilitycarbon rentblue infrastructurespatial planningurban planningecosystem servicesTechnology: general issuesHashemi Shervinedt1319388Hashemi ShervinothBOOK9910557420203321Sustainable Integrated Clean Environment for Human & Nature3033862UNINA05322nam 2201369z- 450 991055749310332120231214132851.0(CKB)5400000000042900(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/69066(EXLCZ)99540000000004290020202105d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierArchaeology and Ancient Israelite ReligionBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (260 p.)3-03936-808-7 3-03936-809-5 Israelite religions have always fascinated scholars. Initial studies used the Bible as their main source of information and attempted to read it critically in order to learn about the religion of ancient Israel. With the advent of modern research in the Near East, more and more information on other Ancient Near Eastern religions was accumulated and initially used to illuminate Israelite religious practices as described in the Bible, but gradually led to challenging some of the accepted truisms. The new information was collected mainly through archaeological excavations, and archaeology had gradually become a major player in the study of ancient Israelite religion(s) and religious practices. The massive amount of information on the various subthemes related to Israelite religions, the shifting trends in scholarship, the multiplicity of approaches, and the interdisciplinary nature of the field means that no single scholar can master all the data today. Indeed, there is currently no comprehensive and updated book that covers all or even most aspects pertaining to Israelite religion(s). This volume is a partial attempt to fill some of this lacuna. The volume includes a number of broad, summarizing studies, presenting readers with the up-to-date state of the research on a number of important issues, from Solomon’s temple to broader studies of the loci of cultic activity in ancient Israel through to analysis of the difference between the “official” and “popular” expression of religion, the place of women in Israelite cult(s), similarities and differences between the religious practices in Israel and Judah and those of other Iron Age religions, and the religion of some of Israel’s neighbors to the role of zooarchaeology in the study of religion, ancient Israelite festivals, and more.Biography & True StoriesbicsscArchaeologybicsscPhilistinesIron AgeAegean-styletemplesshrineshouseholdfigurinesIsraelite religionancient Israelcultic buildingssanctuariesbiblical archaeologyegalitarian ethosreligionwomenIsraelJudahdomestic religionfamily religionritualsworshipJerusalem Templefeminist studiesarchaeologyHebrew BibleOld TestamentYahwehAsherahTell el-Far‛ah Northshrine modelmoonrainwombmercyhousehold religioncult sitesTransjordanDeir AllaPellaDamiyahAtaruzMudayna ThamadWT-200BusayrahAmmonsons of AmmonAmmonitegodsMilkomiconographyJordanSolomon’s TempleKhirbet QeiyafaMotzaKuntillet ʿAjrudtheomachytheophanyblessingsHebrew inscriptionsscribal curriculumzooarchaeologysacrificeofferingYahwistic worshipsacred feastingfaunal remainsanimal bonescultritualTel DanLate Bronze AgeCanaanEgyptIsraelite festivalsSabbathcalendarspilgrimage festivalsfull-moon celebrationsharvest celebrationsfirstborn ritualsfirst produce ritualsfolk religionBibleNear Eastern archaeologyarchaeology and religionBiography & True StoriesArchaeologyFaust Avrahamedt612268Faust AvrahamothBOOK9910557493103321Archaeology and Ancient Israelite Religion3022941UNINA