03722nam 2200829z- 450 991055741360332120231214133433.0(CKB)5400000000043559(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76319(EXLCZ)99540000000004355920202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAchieving the Circular EconomyExploring the Role of Local Governments, Business and Civic Society in an Urban ContextBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (192 p.)3-0365-0118-5 3-0365-0119-3 Urbanisation and climate change are pushing cities to find novel pathways leading to a sustainable future. The urban context may be viewed as a new experimentation space to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. Urban symbiosis and the circular economy are emerging concepts attracting more and more attention within the urban context. Moreover, new business models are emerging around sharing and peer-to-peer practices, which are challenging existing roles of actors in society. These developments are having an important impact on the flows of resources and the use of the city infrastructure, and each research area has taken a different perspective in the analysis of such impacts. This Special Issue aims to explore what a “circular city” could constitute and how and why cities engage in circularity. This Special Issue includes seven high-quality papers on the theories and practices of circular cities. Actors, concepts, methods, tools, the barriers to and enablers of circular cities are discussed and a solid base and inspiration for the future development of circular cities are provided.Achieving the Circular EconomyResearch & information: generalbicsscTechnology: general issuesbicssccircular economybusiness ecosystemglocalitymobile phone repairthe NetherlandsChinaPolandsharing economysharing citiessustainable urban governancesharing business modelssustainable business modelstextile industryenergy footprintdecouplinglogarithmic mean Divisia indexShaoxingdesignindustrial ecologyinfrastructureparticipatory action researchsocio-ecological-technical systemscooperationgame theorymulti-criteria decision analysisscenario analysisurbanization and climate changemultilevel logistic regressioncitizensextra mitigation behaviorEU member statesprofitability analysismunicipal solid waste processingincinerationwaste recyclingtorrefactionCOVID-19Research & information: generalTechnology: general issuesPalm Jennyedt1287937Bocken NancyedtPalm JennyothBocken NancyothBOOK9910557413603321Achieving the Circular Economy3020583UNINA01095nam0 22002773i 450 VAN0012421620240806100815.752978-88-7075-947-120191011d2017 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||AteismoGiovanni FiloramoMilanoEditrice bibliografica2017108 p.17 cm.001VAN001232682001 ˆI ‰movimenti e le ideecollana diretta da Alberto Cadioli210 MilanoBibliografica.14AteismoVANC035182ARMilanoVANL000284FiloramoGiovanniVANV007485136210Bibliografica <editore>VANV108606650ITSOL20240906RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALEIT-CE0107VAN01VAN00124216BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE01PREST IEb74(14) 01 53185 20191011 Ateismo1505291UNICAMPANIA