08209nam 2202089z- 450 991055739380332120231214133026.0(CKB)5400000000041960(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76785(EXLCZ)99540000000004196020202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierUncertain Multi-Criteria Optimization ProblemsBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (86 p.)3-0365-1574-7 3-0365-1573-9 Most real-world search and optimization problems naturally involve multiple criteria as objectives. Generally, symmetry, asymmetry, and anti-symmetry are basic characteristics of binary relationships used when modeling optimization problems. Moreover, the notion of symmetry has appeared in many articles about uncertainty theories that are employed in multi-criteria problems. Different solutions may produce trade-offs (conflicting scenarios) among different objectives. A better solution with respect to one objective may compromise other objectives. There are various factors that need to be considered to address the problems in multidisciplinary research, which is critical for the overall sustainability of human development and activity. In this regard, in recent decades, decision-making theory has been the subject of intense research activities due to its wide applications in different areas. The decision-making theory approach has become an important means to provide real-time solutions to uncertainty problems. Theories such as probability theory, fuzzy set theory, type-2 fuzzy set theory, rough set, and uncertainty theory, available in the existing literature, deal with such uncertainties. Nevertheless, the uncertain multi-criteria characteristics in such problems have not yet been explored in depth, and there is much left to be achieved in this direction. Hence, different mathematical models of real-life multi-criteria optimization problems can be developed in various uncertain frameworks with special emphasis on optimization problems.Information technology industriesbicsscmultiple-criteria decision-makingunderground minesmining methodsexpert knowledgefailure mode and effects analysissolar panel systemsstep-wise weight assessment ratio analysisgrey relational analysisZ-number theoryB2C e-commerce factorswebsiteMCDMFuzzy AHPTOPSIS-GreyChinaIoTplatform selectionmulti criteria decision analysis (MCDA)AHPPROMETHEE-IIIndustry 4.0data envelopment analysisconjoint analysisexperimental designcriteria importanceweight restrictionssubjective and objective teacher efficiencymulti-objective planningreverse supply chainrobust optimizationuncertaintymeta-heuristic algorithmsteel making industryfuzzy PIPRECIAfuzzy EDASrailwaymulti-criteria decision-makingtransport policySix Sigma (6σ)DMAICvehicle fleetoptimizationtext miningMulti-Attribute Decision Making (MADM), criteria selectionweightingProspective MADMLatent Semantic Analysis (LSA)SIMUSdecision treetransport planLaplace’s criterionHurwitz’s criterionq-rung orthopair fuzzy numbersq-rung orthopair fuzzy prioritized weighted average operatorq-rung orthopair fuzzy prioritized weighted geometric operatorgreen supply chain managementfuzzy theorysustainable developmentSCOR modelFAHPPROMETHEE IItextile and garments industrysustainable supplier selectionMCDAefficiencyDEASFAclassificationdimensionality reductionq-ROFNsEinstein operatorsprioritized aggregation operatorsmulti-criteria group decision makinghazardous materialsvehicle route model (VRP)uncertainty theorychance constrained programming modelhybrid intelligent algorithmlinear Diophantine fuzzy setlinear Diophantine fuzzy soft rough setsoft rough linear Diophantine fuzzy setupper reduct and lower reductcore setmulti-criteria decision makingq-Rung orthopair fuzzy setsgeometric aggregation operators based on generalized and group-generalized parameterswater loss managementdecision makingintuitionistic fuzzy setsthe COMET methodservice qualityfuzzy setJensen–Shannon divergenceshapley functionTODIMport-hinterland transportation systembi-objective programmingintermodal transportationcarbon emissionsuncertain demanddistributionally robustchance constraintYangtze River Economic Beltmulti-criteria decision-analysisMCDA benchmarknormalizationentropydecision-making methodsmulti-criteria problemsevolutionary algorithmsmachine learningfuzzy logicuncertain dataconsistency weightsfuzzy preference relation (FPR)hesitant fuzzy preference relation (HFPR)Łukasiewicz consistencynormal hesitant fuzzy preference relation (NHFPR)multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM)outsourcing providerDEMATELCRITICTOPSIScomparison measurerepresentationdisjointmultiplicative preference relation (MPR)group decision-making (GDM)incomplete fuzzy preference relation (IFPR)TL-consistencycubic m-polar fuzzy setDombi’s operationscubic m-polar fuzzy aggregation operators with P-order (R-order)SIR techniquecomplex networkssocial networksviral marketinginformation propagationcrisp probabilityinterval probabilityinfluence diagramscircuit breakersgranular computinginterval-valuedintuitionistic fuzzy setmultiple granulationordered information systemInformation technology industriesPamučar Draganedt1295532Pamučar DraganothBOOK9910557393803321Uncertain Multi-Criteria Optimization Problems3023585UNINA04365nam 2200793 450 991082842620332120200917021826.03-11-045703-23-11-045736-910.1515/9783110457360(CKB)3850000000001120(EBL)4691396(DE-B1597)460692(OCoLC)959150073(OCoLC)960014041(DE-B1597)9783110457360(Au-PeEL)EBL4691396(CaPaEBR)ebr11268027(CaONFJC)MIL956096(MiAaPQ)EBC4691396(PPN)202111970(EXLCZ)99385000000000112020160928h20162016 uy 0gerur|n|---|||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierHesiods Erga Aspekte ihrer geistigen physiognomie /Korbinian GollaBerlin, [Germany] ;Boston, [Massachusetts] :De Gruyter,2016.©20161 online resource (316 p.)Beiträge zur Altertumskunde,1616-0452 ;Band 351Description based upon print version of record.3-11-045305-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Frontmatter -- Vorwort -- Inhalt -- I. Prolegomena ad Hesiodi Erga -- 1. Captatio lectoris benevolentiae -- 2. Hinführung -- 3. Vorüberlegungen - Rahmenbedingungen hesiodischen Dichtens -- II. Intellektuelle Grundlagen -- 1. Das Erga-Proömium - Dichtung und Wahrheit -- 2. Seelisch-Geistiges und Condicio humana -- III. Analysen zentraler Sinneinheiten: ,Weltaltermythos' und ,Bauernkalender' -- 1. ,Weltaltermythos' (op. 106-201) -- 2. ,Bauernkalender' (op. 383-617/694) -- IV. Schlussbetrachtung -- V. VerzeichnisseIm frühgriechischen Denken nimmt die Idee der Abhängigkeit menschlichen Lebens von ihn übersteigenden Mächten eine zentrale Stellung ein; der Mensch wird als weitgehend passiv verstanden. Anders Hesiod: Hinter seinen Erga steht das Bild eines aktiven, gestaltenden Menschen, der die Möglichkeit besitzt, sich für ein bestimmtes Handeln - gut wie schlecht - zu entscheiden. Die Entscheidung trifft sein nous (Verstand), der "das eigentliche Selbst des Menschen" (Arbogast Schmitt) darstellt. Soll Handeln erfolgreich sein, muss es sich innerhalb der auf klaren Regeln beruhenden dike-Ordnung (Recht, Gerechtigkeit) bewegen; so kann der Mensch seine Zukunft weitgehend selbst gestalten und seine Ziele (ökonomisch, sozial) verwirklichen. Weil er erkennen kann, was schlecht ist, existiert auch kein scheinbar irrational waltendes Schicksal: Er ist nicht mehr nur Verantwortlicher (wie im homerischen Epos), er ist schuldig (aitios) an dem durch ihn in Gang gesetzten Geschehen. Vorliegende Untersuchung geht nicht nur dieser neuartigen Sichtweise nach, sondern zeigt auch, dass dem nous die Schlüsselfunktion für die adäquate Rezeption der Erga zukommt, die als Vereinigung unterschiedlicher Gattungen Hesiods bereits in der Theogonie erhobenen Anspruch, neuartige Dichtung zu schaffen, einlöst.Beiträge zur Altertumskunde ;Band 351.Didactic poetry, ClassicalHistory and criticismFate and fatalism in literatureMind and body in literature(DE-601)105187739(DE-588)4198574-6SchicksalMotivgnd(DE-601)870418319(DE-588)1116431548VerstandMotivgndLITERARY CRITICISM / Ancient & ClassicalbisacshCriticism, interpretation, etc.fastFarmer's almanac.Hesiod.anthropology.destiny.nous.poetics.responsibility.Didactic poetry, ClassicalHistory and criticism.Fate and fatalism in literature.Mind and body in literature.SchicksalVerstandLITERARY CRITICISM / Ancient & Classical.881.01FH 20162rvkGolla Korbinian1189131MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910828426203321Hesiods Erga2754098UNINA