05211nam 2201273z- 450 991055738480332120231214132817.0(CKB)5400000000042051(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/68433(EXLCZ)99540000000004205120202105d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierIntelligent Sensors for Positioning, Tracking, Monitoring, Navigation and Smart Sensing in Smart CitiesBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (266 p.)3-0365-0122-3 3-0365-0123-1 The rapid development of advanced, arguably, intelligent sensors and their massive deployment provide a foundation for new paradigms to combat the challenges that arise in significant tasks such as positioning, tracking, navigation, and smart sensing in various environments. Relevant advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are also finding rapid adoption by industry and fan the fire. Consequently, research on intelligent sensing systems and technologies has attracted considerable attention during the past decade, leading to a variety of effective applications related to intelligent transportation, autonomous vehicles, wearable computing, wireless sensor networks (WSN), and the internet of things (IoT). In particular, the sensors community has a great interest in novel, intelligent information fusion, and data mining methods coupling AI and ML for substantial performance enhancement, especially for the challenging scenarios that make traditional approaches inappropriate. This reprint book has collected 14 excellent papers that represent state-of-the-art achievements in the relevant topics and provides cutting-edge coverage of recent advances in sensor signal and data mining techniques, algorithms, and approaches, particularly applied for positioning, tracking, navigation, and smart sensing.History of engineering & technologybicsscclusteringdata fusiontarget detectionGrey Wolf OptimizerFireworks Algorithmhybrid algorithmexploitation and explorationGNSSMIMUodometerstate constraintssimultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)range-only SLAMsum of Gaussian (SoG) filtercooperative approachautomatic fare collection systempassenger flow forecastingtime series decompositionsingular spectrum analysisensemble learningextreme learning machinewheeled mobile robotpath panninglaser simulatorfuzzy logiclaser range finderWi-Fi camerasensor fusionlocal mapodometrydeep learningsoftmaxdecision-makingclassificationsensor dataInternet of Thingsextended target trackinggamma-Gaussian-inverse WishartPoisson multi-Bernoulli mixture5G IoTindoor positioningtrackinglocalizationnavigationpositioning accuracysingle access point positioningfuzzy inferencecalibrationcar-followingTakagi–SugenoKalman filtermicroscopic traffic modelcontinuous-time modelLoRapositioningLoRaWANTDoAmap matchingcompassautomotive LFMCW radarradial velocitylateral velocityDoppler-frequency estimationwaveformsignal modeltensor modelingsmart community systempower efficiencyobject-detection coprocessorhistogram of oriented gradientsupport vector machineblock-level once sliding detection windowmulti-shape detection-windowHistory of engineering & technologyLi Tianchengedt1312120Yan JunkunedtCao YueedtBajo JavieredtLi TianchengothYan JunkunothCao YueothBajo JavierothBOOK9910557384803321Intelligent Sensors for Positioning, Tracking, Monitoring, Navigation and Smart Sensing in Smart Cities3030713UNINA