05155nam 2201093z- 450 991055736500332120231214133318.0(CKB)5400000000042242(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76939(EXLCZ)99540000000004224220202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierNovel Technologies to Enhance Energy Performance and Indoor Environmental Quality of BuildingsBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (246 p.)3-0365-2339-1 3-0365-2340-5 This Special Issue aims at reporting current investigations on emerging materials and devices taking up the challenge of pursuing a significant improvement in the energy performance of buildings and indoor comfort. What is the contribution of innovative technologies in the epochal transition to low environmental impact buildings? This is the question addressed in this Special Issue, in order to offer a wide and heterogeneous amount of data to readers, along with results of high scientific impact concerning the application of innovative technologies in construction. The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change following the COP 21 Conference on Climate Change, organized by United Nations, required the States to reduce carbon emissions in the building stock. In the European Union, almost 50% of final energy consumption is used for heating and cooling; out of this huge amount, 80% is used in buildings. It makes sense, then, that the Union’s goals are inherently linked to the real effort to renovate the building stock. To do this, in the EU and worldwide, the priority is to enhance energy efficiency, by deploying low-cost renewable energies and innovative technologies, especially those derived from recent achievements in the field of nanomaterials research, with special reference to building integration of novel technologies, spanning from chromogenics to semitransparent photovoltaics, super-insulating materials, and phase change materials. Articles here proposed deal with every construction or plant component of the building organism, taking advantage of novel technologies to improve their performance, from the envelope to structures, HVAC, and other technical systems, as well as indoor climate analyses in buildings and indoor environmental quality (IEQ), as well as visual comfort indoors.Technology: general issuesbicsscwindow framegranular aerogelenergy savingIEQbioaerosolsairborne bacteriaairborne fungiozoneportable air purifierozone generationbiomimeticsbuilding skinmultifunctionalityarchitectural designbuilding envelopeadaptabilitydesign frameworkbuilding performance simulationrenewable energyperovskite solar cellsBIPVsemi-transparentchallengesindoor air quality (IAQ)CO2 production rateCO2 concentrationoccupancy estimationdemand controlled ventilation (DCV)energy efficiencyCu-Zn-Alshape memorySMAseismicausformingtransformation temperaturessuper elasticitymicrostructureventilated facadesecond-skin materials3D printed materialsadditive manufacturingTRNSYSfull-scale facilityretrofit actiondeep reinforcement learningoptimal controloptimizationHYBUILDthermal energy storageresidential buildingsnoise pollutionenvironmental factorsproperty pricesgenetic algorithmresidential marketphase change materialshybrid ventilated school buildingindoor thermal comfortthermal managementenergy conservationTechnology: general issuesCannavale Alessandroedt1323408Martellotta FrancescoedtFiorito FrancescoedtCannavale AlessandroothMartellotta FrancescoothFiorito FrancescoothBOOK9910557365003321Novel Technologies to Enhance Energy Performance and Indoor Environmental Quality of Buildings3035516UNINA05145nam 22006131 450 991079061100332120230803022153.01-58347-388-2(CKB)2550000001138716(EBL)1507337(OCoLC)868976998(SSID)ssj0001155690(PQKBManifestationID)11651535(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001155690(PQKBWorkID)11188616(PQKB)11557196(MiAaPQ)EBC1507337(Au-PeEL)EBL1507337(CaPaEBR)ebr10796499(CaONFJC)MIL538386(EXLCZ)99255000000113871620131205h20132013 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrDB2 11 database for big data and analytics /Cristian Molaro [and three others]Boise :MC Press,[2013]©20131 online resource (129 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-58347-385-8 1-306-07135-6 Includes bibliographical references.Front Cover ; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; About the Authors; Introduction by Surekha Parekh; DB2 11 for z/OS: Unmatched Efficiency for Big Data and Analytics by Julian Stuhler, Triton Consulting; DB2 11 for z/OS: The Database for Big Data and Analytics; Efficiency; CPU Reductions; zEC12 Exploitation; Application Compatibility; Transparent Archiving; Temporal Data Enhancements; Global Variables; Variable Arrays; Java Stored Procedure Enhancements; pureXML Enhancements; Optimizer and Query Performance Improvements; Data Sharing Performance Enhancements; Utility EnhancementsOther Efficiency Enhancements Resilience; Extended Log Record Addressing: Current Issues; Extended Log Record Addressing: DB2 11 Enhancements; Enhanced Dynamic Schema Change; BIND/REBIND Enhancements; Security Enhancements; Other Resilience Enhancements; Business Analytics; SQL Aggregation Improvements; IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Enhancements; Hadoop and Big Data Support; QMF 11; Other Enhancements for Analytics Workloads; Upgrading to DB2 11; DB2 Version Prerequisites; Other Prerequisites; Upgrade Timing; Upgrade Process and Impact; DB2 11 Customer Case Studies; BMW GroupStadtwerke Bielefeld GmbHJN Data; Improved Query Performance in DB2 11 for z/OS by Terry Purcell; Predicate Indexability; Duplicate Removal; Hash Join and Sparse Index; Page Range Screening and Indexing for Partitioned Table Spaces; RUNSTATS Enhancements; Additional Performance Improvements; Summary; IBM DB2 Utilities and Tools with DB2 11 for z/OS by Haakon Roberts; How DB2 for z/OS Can Help Reduce Total Cost of Ownership by Cristian Molaro; Business Needs and DB2 TCO; DB2 and TCO; Reducing TCO Through Synergy with System z; DB2 Synergy with System z; Reducing TCO Through CPU SavingsDB2 10 CPU Savings and Performance Improvements DB2 10 Performance Expectations; DB2 11 CPU Savings and Performance Improvements; DB2 11 Performance Expectations; Specialty Engines; DB2 10 and Specialty Engines; DB2 11 and Specialty Engines; Estimating zIIP Savings; Special Considerations for High zIIP Utilization; DB2 and zAAP on zIIP; Reducing TCO with Better Performance; Identifying Better Performance Opportunities; Getting Better Performance with REBIND; DB2 Plan Management; DB2 11 APREUSE(WARN) Enhancement; DB2 11 RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) OptimizationDB2 11 Application Compatibility and APPLCOMPAT Case Study: Performance Benefits of REBIND; DB2 EXPLAIN At a Glance; DB2 10 High-Performance DBATs; Reducing TCO Through Storage Savings; DB2 Data Compression; DB2 Managed Disk Space Allocation; Case Study: Combined Effects of Data Compression and DB2 Managed Disk Space Allocation; Index Compression; Reducing TCO with Faster Analytics; IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerators; Leverage Legacy QMF Objects; Reducing TCO with Improved Scalability; DB2 10 Throughput Enhancements; DB2 Storage and Scalability; Data Sharing Member Consolidations; Conclusion<P style=""MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; tab-stops: 246.0pt"" class=MsoNormal>The landscape of today's business is shaped by the mountains of data being produced, with rapid growth in the volume, variety, and velocity of data due to the explosion of smart devices, mobile applications, cloud computing, and social media. Much of this growth has been in unstructured data; however, by 2020, internet business transactions-business-to-business and business-to-consumer-are predicted to reach 450 billion per day. Smart organizations are seeking innovative ways to turn this explosion of data, called big data, iDatabase managementRelational databasesDatabase management.Relational databases.650.02855369Molaro Cristian1494232MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910790611003321DB2 113717642UNINA03350nam 22006495 450 991074329490332120250212130052.09783839468845383946884110.1515/9783839468845(CKB)27997100700041(DE-B1597)653353(DE-B1597)9783839468845(MiAaPQ)EBC7281639(Au-PeEL)EBL7281639(OCoLC)1399424860(EXLCZ)992799710070004120231201h20232023 fg gerur||#||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSchulmusik für alle? Zur Legitimation des Unterrichtsfachs Musik /Markus Cslovjecsek1st ed.Bielefeld :transcript Verlag,[2023]©20231 online resource (316 p.)Pädagogik9783837668841 Frontmatter --Inhaltsverzeichnis --Dank --1. Einleitung --THEORETISCHER TEIL --2. Begründung und Legitimation von schulischem Unterricht: Eine theoretische Klärung --3. Metatheoretische Überlegungen, Fragestellung und Studiendesign --4. (Musik‑)Pädagogische Grundannahmen --5. Theoretische Klärung der Kernfragen --EMPIRISCHER TEIL --6. Empirische Klärung der Forschungsfrage --6.1 Design der Studie --6.2 Vorstudie 1: Exemplarische Exploration bei Schüler:innen und Lehramtsstudierenden Musik Sekundarstufe I beim Studieneinstieg --6.3 Vorstudie 2: Interviewstudie mit Studierenden für Musik Lehramt Sekundarstufe I --6.4 Hauptstudie: Fragebogenstudie mit Lehrpersonen --KONKLUSIONEN --7. Diskussion und Einordnung --8. LiteraturMusikunterricht wird oft als »nice-to-have« betrachtet und im Rahmen knapper Ressourcen infrage gestellt. Der Begründungsdruck führt dazu, dass der Musik Wirkungen zugesprochen werden, die wissenschaftlich nicht haltbar sind. Ist das Schulfach Musik tatsächlich zu begründen? Wie soll es ausgerichtet sein? Markus Cslovjecsek zeigt: Gelingender Unterricht ist nicht nur von Lehrplan und Qualifikation der Lehrpersonen abhängig, ebenso spielen die Haltungen und Überzeugungen von Lehrenden und Lernenden eine entscheidende Rolle. Damit richtet er sich an alle, die an schulischem (Musik-)Unterricht und seiner Begründung interessiert sind - ein »must-have« für alle Bildungsverantwortlichen.Pädagogik SeriesMUSIC / History & CriticismbisacshClassroom Practices.Cultural Education.Curriculum.Education.Educational Research.Music Education.Music Lessons.Music School.Musicology.School Music.School.Teacher.MUSIC / History & Criticism.784.94LR 56900rvkCslovjecsek Markusauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut0Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)fndhttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/fndDE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910743294903321Schulmusik für alle3656491UNINA