05101 am 2201309 n 450 9910214953403321201606162-940503-87-72-296-27766-710.4000/books.iheid.5389(CKB)3230000000221093(FrMaCLE)OB-iheid-5389(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/48427(PPN)241289726(EXLCZ)99323000000022109320170707j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGenre et économie : un premier éclairage /Jeanne Bisilliat, Christine VerschuurGenève Graduate Institute Publications20161 online resource (484 p.)2-7475-1908-2 Cet ouvrage a pour objectif d'offrir un premier éclairage de l’ensemble des situations dans lesquelles les femmes sont insérées économiquement mais également les principales notions qui informent structurellement ces situations, comme celles de la division sexuelle du travail, de l’articulation entre les rapports de production domestique et les rapports de production capitalistes. La diversité culturelle et politique à l’œuvre dans les contextes géographiques variés que l’on trouvera dans cet ouvrage démontre l’invariabilité de l’exploitation du travail effectué par les femmes et la « mauvaise volonté » des planificateurs et des donateurs pour faire changer cet état de fait.Genre et économieGenre et économie Genre et economieWomen in economic developmentWomen in developmentmicrofinanceOIT/BIT - Organisation internationale du travailrelations sexuellesdéveloppement ruralhistoire socialemacroéconomierelations hommes-femmesempowermentéconomie socialedéveloppementmouvements alternatifscrédittravailféminismedivision sexuelle du travailcommerce internationaltravailleurs étrangersfemmesdéveloppement économiqueWomen in economic development.Women in development.Abdo Nahla1331252Agarwal Bina148278Alexander Patricia1331253Anderfuhren Marie1296458Aranda Josefina1331254Arizpe Lourdes1061751Baden Sally1331255Banu C1331256Benaría Lourdes1331257Benería Lourdes376982Berlin Margalit1331258Bisilliat Jeanne1233210Blackden C. Mark1365944Catarino Christine1270224Croll Elisabeth J1163743développement) PNUD (Programme des Nations unies pour le1331260de Groot A. W1331261de Ruyter van Steveninck M. A1331262Diarra Marthe1331263Drevet-Dabbous Olivia1331264Evans Alison1331265Flora Cornelia Butler1320483Folbre Nancy140758Galland Colette1331266Gammage Sarah1331267Ghosh Jayati1198216Guerrero Elsa1331268Hiller Carol1331269Kergoat Danièle1268527Lockwood Matthew121809Manier Bénédicte768938Mayoux Linda1309530Mehra Rekha1331270Membreño Roland1331271Michel Andrée375280Moser Caroline O1331272Oso Laura1284567Peemans-Poullet Hedwige1331273Razani Shahra1331274Roberts Penelope A1331275Ryckmans Hélène1331276Salmona Micheline1331277Santos Blas1331278Sen Gita294884Tornqvist Annika1331279Valadez Carmen1331280van Bronkhorst Bernice1331281van der Wel Lisette1331282van Staveren Irene1331283Venou Fabienne1331284Verschuur Christine848969Vouhé Claudy1331285Whitehead Ann146854Bisilliat Jeanne1233210Verschuur Christine848969FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910214953403321Genre et économie : un premier éclairage3388241UNINA04233nam 2201093z- 450 991055734440332120231214133514.0(CKB)5400000000042447(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76808(EXLCZ)99540000000004244720202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAnimal Modeling in CancerBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (273 p.)3-0365-1276-4 3-0365-1277-2 Dear Readers, Understanding the pathological mechanisms involved in human diseases and their possible treatment has been historically based on comparative analysis of diverse animal species that share a similar genetic, physiological and behavioural composition. The ancient Greeks were the first to use animals as models for anatomy and physiology, and this was consequently adopted by other cultures and led to important discoveries. In recent years, there have been many efforts to understand and fight cancer through new revolutionary personalized treatments and wider screenings that help diagnose and treat cancer. A fundamental part of this effort is to develop suitable cancer animal models that simulate the different disease variants and their progression. Ranging from tumor-derived xenografts to genetically engineered models, a wide variety of systems are applied for this purpose, and many technological breakthroughs are changing the way cancer is studied and analyzed. In this Special Issue, we collected a set of research articles and reviews that focus on the generation of cancer animal models that are used for understanding the disease and contribute to designing and testing new drugs for cancer prevention or treatment. Vladimir Korinek Collection EditorResearch & information: generalbicsscBiology, life sciencesbicsscsoyisoflavonesmammary tumor preventionrodent modelschemical carcinogenstransgenic miceZebrafishDrosophilaratsmiceNPM-1FLT3 ITDETO-1IDH1/2neural stem cellsbrain and nervous system cancersneurogenic nichesradiotherapysparing of neurogenic regionscarcinomaconsensus molecular subtypesintestineoncogenessignaling cascadestumor suppressorstumorigenesisMPN (myeloproliferative neoplasms)zebrafishiPSCsJAK2MPLCALRthrombosisubiquitin–proteasome systemcancermouse modelgene inactivationcolorectal cancermouse modelsmicrobiotaantitumor immunitymelanomamutationgeneticsanimal modelswineMeLiMprogressionspontaneous regressiondevitalizationmetaplasiaCdxanimal modelsepigeneticsxenotransplantationdrug screenpre-clinical cancer modelnon-mouse modelsgene editingstem cellssolid tumorshematologic malignanciesResearch & information: generalBiology, life sciencesKorinek Vladimiredt1313323Korinek VladimirothBOOK9910557344403321Animal Modeling in Cancer3031286UNINA04818 am 2200661 n 450 991049569910332120240104030437.09782753557154ebook2-7535-5715-2ebook9782753529267print10.4000/books.pur.54741(CKB)4100000007992638(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-54741(PPN)267956991(EXLCZ)99410000000799263820190417j|||||||| ||| 0freurcn#||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierCocteau journalistePierre-Marie Héron, Marie-Ève ThérentyRennesPresses universitaires de Rennes2018Rennes :Presses universitaires de Rennes,[2014]1 online resource (258 pages, 12 unnumbered pages of plates) illustrations (some colour)Collection "Interférences"Print edition 2-7535-2926-4 9782753529267 Includes bibliographical referencesCocteau journaliste: pièce en trois actes / Pierre-Marie Héron et Marie-Ève Thérenty -- Pt. 1. Images et stratégies médiatiques -- Les débuts de Cocteau dans Comœdia et Comœdia illustré (1909-1912) / Olivier Bara -- Les "articles de clan" dans Carte blanche / Pierre-Marie Héron -- Jean Cocteau attaché de presse / Jean Touzot -- Jean Cocteau dans Les Lettres françaises / David Guillentops -- Pt. 2. Le réel et ses questions -- Le journalisme patriotique depuis le toit : Le Mot de Paul Iribe et Jean Cocteau (1914-1915) / Èléonore Antzenberger et Yoan Vérilhac -- Le cinéma dans les séries de presse de Jean Cocteau : les années trente / François Amy de la Bretèque -- Mémoriaux en éclats (sur Portraits-souvenir) / Serge Liinarès -- La séquence asiatique de Mon premier voyage : croisière vers le peu de réalité / Michel Collomb -- Haine du journalisme / Guy Ducrey -- Pt. 3. Questions de genre -- Le Coq et les revues Dada / Patrick Suter -- Cocteau publiciste / Myriam Boucharenc -- De l'éternité pliée: Pratiques : postures et poétique du grand reportage chez Jean Cocteau / Marie-Ève Thérenty -- Fugues et figures : Le Foyer des artistes, ou Cocteau portraitiste au quotidien / Adeline Wrona -- Le Foyer des artistes, un livre de Jean Cocteau de 1947 / Philippe Baudorre.Tenté par le journalisme comme la grande majorité des écrivains de son temps, Cocteau l'a pratiqué en poète à qui aucun art d'écrire n'est étranger, affirmant que « le poète ne peut employer un seul langage, ou plutôt un seul degré de cuisson ». Cette attraction connaît des étapes et inflexions diverses, dont les contributions réunies dans cet ouvrage envisagent les principaux aspects. D'abord partagé entre la revue d'art et le dessin de presse, dont « l'hebdomadaire illustré » Le Mot réalise durant la guerre de 1914 une heureuse synthèse, le poète est gagné au début des années vingt par les vertus stratégiques et publicitaires du média : dopé par le sentiment d'être un persécuté des Lettres, un publiciste prend alors la suite du journaliste pour travailler à la promotion de sa figure d'artiste. Vers le milieu des années trente, Cocteau revient à l'esprit du journalisme professionnel, pratiquant le reportage, l'écriture en série, la chronique. L'idylle prend fin au début des années cinquante : les collaborations continuent, mais le poète n'a plus de « programme de journalisme » et, dans le secret du Passé défini (1951-1963), les sorties contre la presse s'exagèrent jusqu'au divorce.Interférences (Unnumbered)Journalism and literatureFranceHistory20th centuryFrench periodicalsHistory20th centuryJournalism and literatureHistoryFrench periodicalsHistory840Antzenberger Éléonore1303202Bara Olivier1292053Baudorre Philippe481675Boucharenc Myriam734693Bretèque François Amy de la1300287Collomb Michel223099Ducrey Guy1278383Gullentops David176313Héron Pierre-Marie1299397Linarès Serge1316616Suter Patrick1329656Thérenty Marie-Ève423274Touzot Jean176308Vérilhac Yoan1321096Wrona Adeline1283379Héron Pierre-Marie1299397Thérenty Marie-Ève423274FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495699103321Cocteau journaliste3656642UNINA01929oam 2200457 450 991082527180332120170523091608.01-281-82717-797866118271751-59339-225-7(OCoLC)288960551(MiFhGG)GVRL4WWR(EXLCZ)99100000000057708520070904d2008 uy 0engurun|---uuuuatxtccrThe Britannica guide to modern China a comprehensive introduction to the world's new economic giantLondon Robinsonc2008Philadelphia :Running Press,2008.1 online resource (xx, 378 pages) illustrations, maps, portraitsThe Britannica GuidesDescription based on print version record.First published in the UK by Robinson/Britannica, London, 2008.Includes index.1-84529-801-2 Contents; List of Illustrations and Maps; Introduction; Part 1 Context; Part 2 History; Part 3 The Nation Today; Part 4 Culture; Part 5 Places; IndexModern China is part of the Britannica Guide Series that offers a comprehensive introduction to the world's new economic giant. The Britannica Guides series offers an essential introduction to many of the key issues of our time. Clear, accurate, and meticulously researched, the series gives both background and analysis for when you need to know for sure what is really happening in the world, whether you are an expert, student, or traveler.Britannica guide series.ChinaChinaCivilization951951.05MiFhGGMiFhGGBOOK9910825271803321The Britannica guide to modern China3997180UNINA04662nam 22006015 450 991052380520332120230729131240.03-030-87132-010.1007/978-3-030-87132-1(MiAaPQ)EBC6819771(Au-PeEL)EBL6819771(CKB)19968779800041(OCoLC)1287132689(DE-He213)978-3-030-87132-1(PPN)258842474(EXLCZ)991996877980004120211130d2022 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAdvances in Assistive Technologies Selected Papers in Honour of Professor Nikolaos G. Bourbakis – Vol. 3 /edited by George A. Tsihrintzis, Maria Virvou, Anna Esposito, Lakhmi C. Jain1st ed. 2022.Cham :Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer,2022.1 online resource (317 pages)Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems,2662-3455 ;28Print version: Tsihrintzis, George A. Advances in Assistive Technologies Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,c2022 9783030871314 Includes bibliographical references.Chapter 1: Introduction To Advances In Assistive Technologies -- Chapter 2: Applications of AI in Healthcare and Assistive Technologies -- Chapter 3: Machine Learning and Finite Element Methods in Modeling of COVID-19 spread -- Chapter 4: Learning Paradigms for Neural Networks for Automated Medical Diagnosis -- Chapter 5: Human Fall Detection in Depth-Videos using Temporal Templates and Convolutional Neural Networks. .This book aims at exposing its readers to some of the most significant advances in assistive technologies. Assistive technologies develop devices to assist vulnerable people, including elderly people, people with cognitive disabilities such as memory problems or dementia, and people with functional disabilities such as those needing support in toileting, moving around, eating, bathing, dressing, grooming, and taking personal care. The ever-increasing life expectancy and world population, along with the emergence of new diseases and the regrettable continuation of armed conflicts, press for development and availability of assistive technologies that offer people in need the opportunity to live secure and controlled lives with more active participation in society and at a reduced assistive cost. This task can be accomplished only with more advanced devices than traditional-powered wheelchairs or eating/drinking devices, including prosthetics, exoskeletons, visual and hearing aids, cognitive aids, and devices enhanced with artificial intelligence. The book consists of an editorial note and an additional twelve (12) chapters, all of which have been written by authors who work on the corresponding chapter theme and are recognized for their significant research contributions. In more detail, the chapters in the book are organized into four parts, namely (i) Advances in Assistive Technologies in Healthcare, (ii) Advances in Assistive Technologies in Medical Diagnosis, (iii) Advances in Assistive Technologies in Mobility and Navigation, and (iv) Advances in Privacy and Explainability in Assistive Technologies. This research book is directed towards professors, researchers, scientists, engineers, and students in assistive technologies. It is also directed towards readers who come from other disciplines and is interested in becoming versed in some of the most recent assistive technologies. An extensive list of bibliographic references at the end of each chapter guides its readers to probe further into the application areas of interest to them.Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems,2662-3455 ;28Computational intelligenceBiomedical engineeringArtificial intelligenceComputational IntelligenceBiomedical Engineering and BioengineeringArtificial IntelligenceComputational intelligence.Biomedical engineering.Artificial intelligence.Computational Intelligence.Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering.Artificial Intelligence.681.761Tsihrintzis George A.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910523805203321Advances in assistive technologies2907386UNINA