03428nam 2200625z- 450 991055733860332120231214133138.0(CKB)5400000000042492(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76563(EXLCZ)99540000000004249220202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAnalysis of the Harmonic Performance of Power Converters and Electrical DrivesBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (97 p.)3-0365-1502-X 3-0365-1501-1 Power converters have progressively become the most efficient and attractive solution in recent decades in many industrial sectors, ranging from electric mobility, aerospace applications to attain better electric aircraft concepts, vast renewable energy resource integration in the transmission and distribution grid, the design of smart and efficient energy management systems, the usage of energy storage systems, and the achievement of smart grid paradigm development, among others.In order to achieve efficient solutions in this wide energy scenario, over the past few decades, considerable attention has been paid by the academia and industry in order to develop new methods to achieve power systems with maximum harmonic performance aiming for two main targets. On the one hand, the high-performance harmonic performance of power systems would lead to improvements in their power density, size and weight. This becomes critical in applications such as aerospace or electric mobility, where the power converters are on-board systems. On the other hand, current standards are becoming more and more strict in order to reduce the EMI and EMC noise, as well as meeting minimum power quality requirements (i.e., grid code standards for grid-tied power systems).Technology: general issuesbicsscEnergy industries & utilitiesbicsscmultiphase drivespulse width modulationcurrent harmonicseffective voltage regulationgeneralized delayed signal cancellationharmonic distortionpower qualityrepetitive controllerharmonic analysispower converterspulse-width modulation (PWM)frequency-domain modelvoltage-source inverter (VSI)closed-loop controlfull electric aircraft (FEA)cascaded H-bridge (CHB)multi-level inverterpermanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM)total harmonic distortion (THD)pulse-width modulationmetaheuristic search algorithmsTechnology: general issuesEnergy industries & utilitiesMonopoli Vito Giuseppeedt1289217Marquez AbrahamedtMonopoli Vito GiuseppeothMarquez AbrahamothBOOK9910557338603321Analysis of the Harmonic Performance of Power Converters and Electrical Drives3021097UNINA01229oam 2200349z- 450 991068955660332120161209102333.0(CKB)5470000000935017(WsH)cbhnovembercabctab(BIP)008679567(EXLCZ)99547000000093501720211006c2002uuuu -u- -engHepatitis C screening in the VA health care system : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs, and International Relations of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, June 14, 20011 online resource (iii, 74 p.) 0-16-069002-1 Hepatitis C Hepatitis CUnited StatesHepatitis C virusUnited StatesVeteransDiseasesUnited StatesVeteransMedical careUnited StatesHepatitis cVeteransMedicalHepatitis CHepatitis C virusVeteransDiseasesVeteransMedical careBOOK9910689556603321Hepatitis C1038465UNINA