05615nam 2201489z- 450 991055733760332120231214133438.0(CKB)5400000000042502(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76839(EXLCZ)99540000000004250220202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierPlasma BiologyBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (363 p.)3-0365-1568-2 3-0365-1567-4 Irving Langmuir coined the name “plasma” to describe an ionized gas back in 1927. Just over 90 years later, plasma technology is becoming increasingly important in our daily life. For example, in the medical field and dentistry, plasma is used as a method of disinfection and sterilization. Moreover, additional potential novel applications of this technology in different forms of therapy have been proposed. In the agricultural sector, plasma technology could contribute to higher crop yields by enhancing seed germination and the growth of plants, as well as the preservation of foods by disinfection. Plasma technology could also be utilized in environmental applications, including water treatment and remediation, as well as treatment of exhaust gases. Although recent extensive studies have uncovered the broad potential of plasma technology, its mechanisms of action remain unclear. Therefore, further studies aimed at elucidating the molecular mechanisms of plasma technology are required. This book is composed of original articles and reviews investigating the molecular mechanisms of plasma biology. Relevant areas of study include applications in plasma medicine, plasma agriculture, as well as plasma chemistry. Studies on potential therapeutic approaches using plasma itself and plasma-treated solutions are also included.Technology: general issuesbicssccold jet atmospheric pressure plasmareactive oxygen and nitrogen speciesbackbone cleavagehydroxylationcarbonyl formationcold atmospheric plasmaautophagysilymarin nanoemulsionPI3K/mTOR pathwaywound healingoncologyregenerative medicineplasmaatmospheric pressure plasma jetslarge-scale imagingmachine learningcancer treatmentcellular imagingreactive oxygen speciesmesoporous silica nanoparticlesbiomaterialsbone regenerationcytotoxicityproliferationosteogenic differentiationplasma-activated mediumTRAILDR5apoptosisROS/RNSatmospheric-pressure plasmatitaniumaminemesenchymal stem cellsantibiotic resistant bacteriaantibiotic resistance genedisinfectionE. coliinactivationsterilizationcell migrationendothelial cells VEGFgynaecological oncologyvulva cancerrisk factorsplasma tissue interactionpremalignant lesionscancer developmentpatient stratificationindividualised profilingpredictive preventive personalised medicine (PPPM/3PM)treatmentCandida albicanscold plasma treatmentgenomehydrolytic enzyme activitycarbon assimilationdrug susceptibilitymalignant melanomaacidificationnitriteacidified nitritenitrationmembrane damageCAPcancercold atmospheric pressure plasmahydrogen peroxidehypochlorous acidmoDCsperoxynitriteRNSROSnon-thermal plasmabiological activitybreast cancersolution plasma processaqueous solutionschitinchitosandegradationdeacetylationnon-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmaPectobacteriaceaeDickeya spp.Pectobacterium spp.antibacterialplant protectionagricultureselective cancer treatmentreaction networkmathematical modelingMdm2-p53plasma treatmentmolecular dynamic (MD) simulationsTechnology: general issuesSakudo Akikazuedt1302978Yagyu YoshihitoedtSakudo AkikazuothYagyu YoshihitoothBOOK9910557337603321Plasma Biology3026796UNINA04176nam 2200601 450 991077481680332120231031164535.03-11-079593-010.1515/9783110795936(CKB)5690000000033065(NjHacI)995690000000033065(DE-B1597)626119(DE-B1597)9783110795936(MiAaPQ)EBC7113757(Au-PeEL)EBL7113757(OCoLC)1346260551(MiAaPQ)EBC30386331(Au-PeEL)EBL30386331(EXLCZ)99569000000003306520221124d2022 uy 0spaur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAlgunos "animales feroces" en el teatro venezolano Teatralidad de la violencia en la dramaturgia de los 70 en Venezuela /Carlos Dimeo-Álvarez1st ed.Berlin :De Gruyter,2022.©20221 online resource (vii, 333 pages) illustrationsMimesis ;Volume 983-11-079591-4 Frontmatter --Dedicatoria --Índice de contenidos --1 Prefacio: Breve nota para Isaac Chocrón --2 Introducción: sobre la investigación del teatro venezolano --Primera parte: Deconstrucciones teórico-críticas para un estudio del teatro venezolano --3 Marcos y estructuras teóricas --4 Excursus: «La revolución como mención en el teatro venezolano» --Segunda parte: Desarrollo y transformación de un teatro --5 Primera y segunda modernidad del teatro en Venezuela --Tercera parte: Dramaturgia de los setenta en Venezuela --6 Epistemes políticas o de denuncia social --7 Excursus: Teatro(s) sin revolución / Revolución sin teatros --8 Orden cerrado: a manera de conclusión --Bibliografía --Índice de nombresEsta monografía investiga el desarrollo del teatro venezolano en los años 70. La década se caracterizó por llevar la experimentación teatral a extremos que culminaron en un período de crisis y su quiebre total en los ochenta. Esta trayectoria se puede explicar por el uso indiscriminado de la violencia – ya sea psicológica, física, o verbal – como recurso para la acción teatral. La violencia marcó a todos los ámbitos de la vida social, política y cultural venezolana de entonces: el teatro la adoptó como metodología de trabajo, con consecuencias de diversa índole. El presente estudio elabora una taxonomía inédita de las obras teatrales de este periodo, que crea entre ellas un sistema de relaciones y las pone de relieve. El método de trabajo es mixto. Primeramente, se elabora una genealogía que toma como principio la teoría de Michel Foucault y permite agrupar a los autores por movimientos estéticos y epistemes. En segundo lugar, se utiliza un método crítico-dramático, crítico-escénico y crítico-literario a partir del cual se desarrolla un estudio general de la dramaturgia venezolana de los setenta. Del mismo modo, el libro expone y define las primeras fuentes a la teoría de los fractales en el teatro.This monograph studies the development of Venezuelan theater in the 70s, characterized by psychological, physical as well as verbal violence and cruelty. Throughout the decade, violence pervaded not only drama, but every sphere of social, political and cultural life in Venezuela. While these dramaturgies of violence disrupted the aesthetic field in many ways, they also interpreted the development of Venezuelan society.Mimesis ;Volume 98.Algunos «animales feroces» en el teatro venezolanoLiteratureDramaTheatre of Cruelty.Venezuela.dramaturgy.violence.Literature.Drama.809Dimeo-Álvarez Carlos1265195NjHacINjHaclBOOK9910774816803321Algunos "animales feroces" en el teatro venezolano2967072UNINA