03889nam 2200853z- 450 991055730760332120231214133636.0(CKB)5400000000042780(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/69419(EXLCZ)99540000000004278020202105d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMathematical Physics IIBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (182 p.)3-03943-495-0 3-03943-496-9 The charm of Mathematical Physics resides in the conceptual difficulty of understanding why the language of Mathematics is so appropriate to formulate the laws of Physics and to make precise predictions. Citing Eugene Wigner, this “unreasonable appropriateness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences” emerged soon at the beginning of the scientific thought and was splendidly depicted by the words of Galileo: “The grand book, the Universe, is written in the language of Mathematics.” In this marriage, what Bertrand Russell called the supreme beauty, cold and austere, of Mathematics complements the supreme beauty, warm and engaging, of Physics. This book, which consists of nine articles, gives a flavor of these beauties and covers an ample range of mathematical subjects that play a relevant role in the study of physics and engineering. This range includes the study of free probability measures associated with p-adic number fields, non-commutative measures of quantum discord, non-linear Schrödinger equation analysis, spectral operators related to holomorphic extensions of series expansions, Gibbs phenomenon, deformed wave equation analysis, and optimization methods in the numerical study of material properties.Research & information: generalbicsscMathematics & sciencebicsscprolongation structuremNLS equationRiemann-Hilbert probleminitial-boundary value problemfree probabilityprimesp-adic number fieldsBanach *-probability spacesweighted-semicircular elementssemicircular elementstruncated linear functionalsFCM fuelthermal–mechanical performancefailure probabilitysilicon carbidequantum discordnon-commutativity measuredynamic modelsGibbs phenomenonquasi-affineshift-invariant systemdual tight frameletsoblique extension principleB-splinescrack growth behaviorparticle modelintersecting flawsuniaxial compressionreinforced concreteretaining walloptimizationbearing capacityparticle swarm optimizationPSOgeneralized Fourier transformdeformed wave equationHuygens’ principlerepresentation of ??(2,ℝ)holomorphic extensionspherical Laplace transformnon-Euclidean Fourier transformFourier–Legendre expansionResearch & information: generalMathematics & scienceDe Micheli Enricoedt1289207De Micheli EnricoothBOOK9910557307603321Mathematical Physics II3021086UNINA